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Monkeypox-Associated Central Nervous System Disease:A Case Series and Review
Ann Neurol 93:893-905, Money,K.M.,et al, 2023

Unpacking the CNS Manifestations of Epstein-Barr Virus:An Imaging Perspective
AJNR 44:1002-1008, Soni,N.,et al, 2023

Clinicopathologic Conference, Powassan Virus Encephalitis
NEJM 380:380-387, Case 3-2019, 2019

Brain Imaging in Cases with Positive Serology for Dengue with Neurologic Symtoms: A Clinicoradiologic Correlation
AJNR 39:699-703, Vanjare, H.A.,et al, 2018

Emerging Cases of Powassan Virus Encephalitis in New England:Clinical Presentation, Imaging, and Review of the Literature
CID 62:707-713, Piantadosi,A.,et al, 2016

Viral Infections of the Nervous System, Chronic Meningitis, and Prior Diseases, Acute Cerebellitis (Acute Ataxia of Childhood)
Adams & Victors Principles of Neurology, Chp 33, pg 754, Ropper, A.H.,et al, 2014

Clinicopathologic Conference, Acute Infectious Mononucleosis due to Epstein-Barr Virus Infection, Complicated by Acute Otitis Media and Postinfectious Cerebellitis
NEJM 369:1253-1261, Case 30-2013, 2013

Imaging Findings in Tick-Borne Encephalitis with Differential Diagnostic Considerations
AJR 199:420-427, Horger, M.,et al, 2012

Epstein-Barr Virus Infections of the Nervous System, Nov, Amlie-Lefond,C., 2011

JC Virus Infection of the Brain
AJNR 31:1564-1576, Bag,A.K.,et al, 2010

Clinical and Radiological Features of Rotavirus Cerebellitis
AJNR 31:1591-1595, Takanashi,J.,et al, 2010

Herpes Simplex Type 1 Encephalitis Restricted to the Brainstem in a Pediatric Patient
Case Reports in Medicine doi:10.1155/2010/606584, Arita, J.H., et al, 2010

Fatal Case of Deer Tick Virus Encephalitis
NEJM 360:2099-2107, Tavakoli,N.P.,et al, 2009

JC Viral Infection-Related Cerebellar Degeneration as the First Manifestation of AIDS
Eur Neurol 59:205-207, Shin,H.-W.,et al, 2008

West Nile Virus Neuroinvasive Disease
Ann Neurol 60:286-300, Davis,L.E.,et al, 2006

West Nile Virus Infection: MR Imaging Findings in the Nervous System
AJNR 26:289-297, Ali,M., et al, 2005

JC Virus Granule Cell Neuronopathy: A Novel Clinical Syndrome Distinct from Progressive Multifocal Leukoencephalopathy
Ann Neurol 57:576-580, Koralnik,I.J.,et al, 2005

Clinicopath Conf., West Nile Virus Meningoencephalitis
NEJM 348:2239-2247, Case17-2003, 2003

Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Brain in Congenital Rubella Virus and Cytomegalovirus Infections
Neuroradiology 33:239-242, Sugita,K.,et al, 1991

Isolated Facial Numbness
Ann Int Med 80:49, Horowitz,S., 1974

Powassan Virus Encephalitis: A Tertiary Center Experience
Clin Inf Dis 78:80-89, Mendoza,M.A.,et al, 2024

Three Territory Sign in COVID-19
Acta Neurol Belg doi.10.1007/s13760-021-01842-8, Bhatele, P.,et al, 2022

An 8-Year-Old with Acute Onset Ataxia
Neurol 99:305-310, McLaren, J.R.,et al, 2022

Neuroimaging Findings in Parechovirus Encephalitis: A Case Series of Pediatric Patients
Pediatr Neurol 130:41-45, Tierradentro-Garcia, L.O.,et al, 2022

Mild Encephalitis/Encephalopathy with a Reversible Splenial Lesion Associated with Systemic Mycoplasma Pneumoniae Infection in North America: A Case Report
J Med Case Reports doi:10.1186/s13256-022-03299-6, Talukder,N.T.,et al, 2022

Acute Flaccid Myelitis: Cause, Diagnosis, and Management
Lancet 394:334-397, Murphy, O.C.,et al, 2021

Progressive Multifocal Leukoencephalopathy in a Patient with Progressive Multiple Sclerosis Treated With Ocrelizumab Monotherapy
JAMA Neurol 78:736-740, Patel,A.,et al, 2021

Infection Risks Among Patients with Multiple Sclerosis Treated with Fingolimod, Natalizumab, Rituximab, and Injectable Therapies
JAMA Neurol 77:184-191, Luna, G.,et al, 2020

Sudden and Complete Olfactory Loss Function as a Possible Symptom of COVID-19
JAMA Otolaryngology Head Neck Surg doi:10.1001/JAMAOTO.2020.0832, Elieyer, M.,et al, 2020

Neurologic Features in Severe SARS-CoV-2 Infection
NEJM 382:2268-2270, e110, , 2020

Coagulopathy and Antiphospholipid Antibodies in Patients with Covid-19
NEJM 382:e38, Zhang, Y.,et al, 2020

Early Evidence of Pronounced Brain Involvement in Fatal COVID-19 outcomes
Lancet 395:e109, von Weyhern, C.H.,et al, 2020

COVID-19: A Global Threat to the Nervous System
Ann Neurol 88:1-11, Koralnik, I.J. & Tyler, K.L., 2020

CT Scanning in Suspected Stroke or Head Trauma: Is It Worth Going the Extra Mile and Including the Chest to Screen for COVID-19 Infection?
AJNR 41:1165-1169, Kwee, R.M.,et al, 2020

Surprise Diagnosis of COVID-19 following Neuroimaging Evaluation for Unrelated Reasons during the Pandemic in Hot Spots
AJNR 41:1177-1178, Jain, R.,et al, 2020

COVID-19 Presenting with Ophthalmoparesis from Cranial Nerve Palsy
Neurol 95:221-223, Dinkin, M.,et al, 2020

Magnetic Resonance Imaging Alteration of the Brain in a Patient with Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) and Anosmia
JAMA Neurol 77:1028-1029, Politi, L.S.,et al, 2020

Atypical Deep Cerebral Vein Thrombosis with Hemorrhagic Venous Infarction in a Patient Positive for COVID-19
AJNR 41:1377-1379, Chougar, L.,et al, 2020

Clinicopathologic Conference, Cerebrovascular Accident Probably Related to SARS-CoV2 Infection
NEJM 383:764-773, Case 26-2020, 2020

Facial Nerve Palsy in COVID-19 Infection
Neurol 95:364-367, Goh, Y.,et al, 2020

Bilateral Globus Pallidus Lesions in a Patients with COVID-19
Neurol 95:454-457, Kulick-Soper, C.V.,et al, 2020

Bilateral Basal Ganglia Hemorrhage in a Patient with Confirmed COVID-19
AJNR 41:1797-1799, Daci, R.,et al, 2020

Clinical and Neuroimaging Correlation in Patients with COVID-19
AJNR 41:1791-1796, Yoon, B.C., 2020

COVID-19-Associated PRES-like Encephalopathy with Perivascular Gadolinium Enhancement
AJNR 41:2206-2208, Conte, G.,et al, 2020

Clinical and Radiologic Findings of Acute Necrotizing Encephalopathy in Young Adults
AJNR 41:2250-2254, Vanjare, H.A.,et al, 2020

Fat Embolism Syndrome in Sickle Cell Disease
J Clin Med 9:1-12, Tsitsikas, D.A.,et al, 2020

Acute Encephalitis in Immunocompetent Adults
Lancet 393:702-716, Venkatesan, A.,et al, 2019

Clinicopathologic Conference, Adenovirus Meningoencephalitis
NEJM 381:1459-1470, Case 31-2019, 2019

Teaching NeuroImages: Acute Necrotizing Encephalopathy of Childhood
Neurol 90:e177-e178, Biswas, A.,et al, 2018

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