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Carotid Computed Tomography Crescent Sign
Stroke 54:e235-e236, Zedde,M.,et al, 2023

Endovascular Therapy for Ischemic Stroke with Perfusion-Imaging Selection
NEJM 372:1009-1018, Campbell, B.C.V.,et al, 2015

Randomized Assessment of Rapid Endovascular Treatment of Ischemic Stroke
NEJM 372:1019-1030, Goyal, M.,et al, 2015

A Strangled Wife
Lancet 353:1324, Malek,A.M.,et al, 1999

Helical CT for the Follow-up of Cervical Internal Carotid Artery Dissections
AJNR 19:831-837, 9921998., LeClerc,X.,et al, 1998

Common Carotid Artery Bifurcation:Prelim Results of CT Angio & Color-Coded Duplex Sonogr Compared with DSA
AJR 168:361-365, Link,J.,et al, 1997

CT & MRI of Intracavernous Carotid Art Aneurysm with Occlusion of Cervical Internal Carotid Art
J Comput Assist Tomogr 19:1006-1007, Holemans,J.A.&Cox,T.C., 1995

Fibromuscular Dysplasia of Arteries of the Head & Neck:Imaging Findings
AJR 164:1205-1209, Furie,D.M.&Tien,R.D., 1994

Central Retinal Artery Occlusion from Carotid Dissection Diagnosed by Cervical Computed Tomography
Stroke 25:1271-1272, Rao,T.H.,et al, 1994

Imaging of Closed Head Injury
Radiology 191:1-17, Gentry,L.R., 1994

Fulminant Brain Necrosis from Atrial Myxoma Showers
Stroke 24:1090-1092, Browne,W.T.,et al, 1993

Non-Invasive Diagnosis of Internal Carotid Artery Dissections
JNNP 55:98-104, Mullges,W.,et al, 1992

Clinicopath Conf
Left Middle Cerebral Art Territory Infarct, Athero Stenosis of Cavernous Int Carotid Art, Case 26-19, 2, M 326:1762-1769,1992., 1992

Caudate Hemorrhage with Moyamoya-Like Vasculopathy from Atherosclerotic Disease
Stroke 23:1360-1363, Steinke,W.,et al, 1992

Spontaneous Rupture of the Common Carotid Artery:A Case Report
Head & Neck 14:496-501992., Kim,K.H.,et al, 1992

Stroke from Other Etiologies Masquerading as Migraine-Stroke
Stroke 22:1068-1074, Shuaib,A., 1991

Subdural Hematoma in the Setting of Internal Carotid Artery Occlusion:CT Studies
Pascuzzi. R. M. , et al, J Comput Assist Tomogr 13:899-902., , 1989

Eagle Syndrome
Stat Pearls NBK 430789, Bokhari,M.R.,et al, 2024

Noncontrast Computed Tomography vs Computed Tomography Perfusion or Magnetic Resonance Imaging Selection in Late Presentation of Stroke with Large-Vessel Occlusion
JAMA Neurol 79:22-31, Nguyen, T.N.,et al, 2022

Stroke Mimics in the Acute Setting: Role of Multimodal CT Protocol
AJNR 43:216-222, Prodi, E.,et al, 2022

How Do You Manage Patients with a "Hot Carotid"?
Neurol:Clin Pract 8:527-536, Ganesh,A.,et al, 2018

Neuroimaging in Intracerebral Hemorrhage
Stroke 45:903-908, Macellari, F.,et al, 2014

Yield of Cather Angiography after Computed Tomography Negative, Lumbar Puncture Positive Subarachnoid Hemorrhage
Stroke 44:1729-1731, Wallace, A.,et al, 2013

Differentiation of Transverse Sinus Thrombosis From Congenitally Atretic Cerebral Transverse Sinus with CT
Stroke 43:1968-1970, Chik, Y.,et al, 2012

Clinical Applications of the Computed Tomography Angiography Spot Sign in Acute Intracerebral Hemorrhage
Stroke 43:3427-3432, Brouwers, H.,et al, 2012

Diagnosing Cerebral Aneuryms by Computed Tomographic Angiography: Meta-Analysis
Ann Neurol 69:646-654, Menke, J.,et al, 2011

Reperfusion Phenomenon Masking Acute and Subacute Infarcts at Dynamic Perfusion CT: Confirmation by Fusion of CT and Diffusion-Weighted MR Images
AJR 193:1629-1638, Nagar,V.A.,et al, 2009

Thunderclap Headache With Normal CT and Lumbar Puncture: Further Investigations Are Unnecessary: For
Stroke 39:1392-1393,1396, Savitz,S.I. &Edlow,J., 2008

Thunderclap Headache With Normal CT and Lumbar Puncture: Further Investigations Are Unnecessary: Against
Stroke 39:1394-1395,1396, Moussouttas,M. &Mayer,S.A., 2008

High-Resolution CT Imaging of Carotid Artery Atherosclerotic Plaques
AJNR 29:875-882, Wintermark,M.,et al, 2008

Identifying Vulnerable Carotid Plaques by Noninvasive Imaging
Neurol 70:2401-2409, Kwee,R.M.,et al, 2008

Management of Stroke in Infants and Children: A Scientific Statement From a Special Writing Group of the American Heart Association Stroke Council and the Council on Cardiovascular Disease in the Young
Stroke 39:2644-2691, Roach,E.S.,et al., 2008

Investigating Severe Interscapular Pain
BMJ 337:a688, Haydar, A.A.,et al, 2008

Contrast Extravasatioin on CT Angiography Predicts Hematoma Expansion in Intracerebral Hemorrhage
Neurol 68:889-894, Goldstein,J.N.,et al, 2007

Investigating Suspected Cerebral Venous Thrombosis
BMJ 334:794-795, Smit,R. &Hourihan,M.D., 2007

MRI-Based and CT-Based Thrombolytic Therapy in Acute Stroke Within and Beyond Established Time Windows
Stroke 38:2640-2645, Schellinger,P.D.,et al, 2007

Quantification of Carotid Stenosis on CT Angiography
AJNR 27:13-19, Bartlett,E.S.,et al, 2006

CT and MR Imaging Findings in Methanol Intoxication
AJNR 27:452-454, Blanco,M.,et al, 2006

Clearing of Red Blood Cells in Lumbar Puncture Does Not Rule Out Ruptured Aneurysm in Patients with Suspected Subarachnoid Hemorrhage but Negative Head CT Findings
AJNR 26:820-824, Heasley,D.C.,et al, 2005

Intracerebral Hemorrhage
The Neurologist 11:311-324, Badjatia,N. &Rosand,J., 2005

Yield of Screening for New Aneurysms After Treatment for Subarachnoid Hemorrhage
Neurol 62:369-375,354, Wermer,M.J.H.,et al, 2004

Multisection CT Angiography Compared with Catheter Angiography in Diagnosing Vertebral Artery Dissection
AJNR 25:769-774, Chen,C.-J., et al, 2004

Systemic Review of Computed Tomographic Angiography for Assessment of Carotid Artery Disease
Stroke 35:2306-2312, Koelemay,M.J.W.,et al, 2004

Computed Tomography Angiography for the Evaluation of Carotid Atherosclerotic Plaque
Stroke 33:977-981, Walker,L.J.,et al, 2002

Practice Paramenter: Neuroimaging of the Neonate
Neurol 58:1726-1738, Ment,L.R.,et al, 2002

Sudden Coma From Acute Bilateral Internal Carotid Artery Territory Infarction
Neurol 58:1846-1849, Kwon,S.U.,et al, 2002

Polycythemia Mimicking Venous Sinus Thrombosis
AJNR 23:1402-1403, Healy,J.F.&Nichols,C., 2002

Clinicopath Conf., Takayasu's Arteritis
NEJM 347:2057-2065, Case 39-2002, 2002

Risk Factors for Sever Hemorrhagic Transformation in Ischemic Stroke Patients Treated with Recombinant Tissue Plasminogen Activator
Stroke 32:438-441, Larrue,V.,et al, 2001

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