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Filter Applied: atlanto-axial subluxation (Click to remove)

Symptomatic Atlantoaxial Dislocation in Down's Syndrome
Ann Neurol 21:606-609, Chaudhry,V.,et al, 1987

The Noncerebrovascular Complications of Chiropractic Manipulation
Neurol 34:684-685, Schmidley,J.W.,et al, 1984

Atlanto-Axial Instability in Children with Down Syndrome
Pediat Radiol 10:129-132, Pueschel,S.M.,et al, 1981

The Cervical Myelopathy Associated with Rheumatoid Arthritis:Analysis of 32 Patients, with Two Post-mortem Cases
Ann Neurol 3:144, Nakano,K.K.,et al, 1978

Paraparesis Secondary to Sodium Urate Deposits in the Ligamentum Flavum
Arch Neurol 33:795, Reynolds,A.F.,et al, 1976

Atlanto-Axial Subluxation in Rheumatoid Arthritis
Bone & Joint Surg 55B:458973., Rana,N.S., 1973

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