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Treatment & Prognosis of Hemiballismus
NEJM 295:1348, Klawans,H.L.,et al, 1976

Serotonin Syndrome
BMJ 348:g1626, Buckley, N.A.,et al, 2014

Migraine in Pregnancy
Neurol 53:S26-S28, Aube,M., 1999

Effectiveness of Anticholinergics and Neuroleptic Dose Reduction on Neuroleptic-Induced Pleurothotonus (the Pisa Syndrome)
J Clin Psychopharmacol 19:277-280, Suzuki,T.,et al, 1999

Emergency Treatment of Headache
Neurol 42 (Suppl 2) :43-44992., Rapoport,A.M.&Silberstein,S.D., 1992

Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome
Arch Neurol 37:462-463, Morris,H.H.,et al, 1980

Disorders of Neuromuscular Transmission Caused by Drugs
NEJM 301:409-413, Argov,Z.,et al, 1979

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