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Moyamoya Disease and Moyamoya Syndrome
NEJM 360:1226-1237, Scott,R.M. &Smith,E.R., 2009

Clinical Features, Pathogenesis, and Computed Tomographic Characteristics of Internal Watershed Infarction
Stroke 24:1925-1932, Bladin,C.F.&Chambers,B.R., 1993

Diagnostic Performance of Carotid Ring Sign on CT-Angiography in Internal Carotid True Occlusion
Stroke 55:1025-1031, Yi,T.,et al, 2024

Carotid Computed Tomography Crescent Sign
Stroke 54:e235-e236, Zedde,M.,et al, 2023

Endarterectomy, Stenting, or Medical Treatment for Symptomatic Carotid Near-Occlusion: Results from CAOS, a Multicenter Registry Study
AJNR 43:1304-1310, Garcia-Pastor, A.,et al, 2022

Patient with Severe Moyamoya Disease Who Presents with Acute Cortical Blindness
Stroke 48:e126-e129, Sajja, A.,et al, 2017

Retropharyngeal Abscess Jan, Kahn, J.H. & Shlamovitz, G.Z., 2017

Randomized Trial of Stent Versus Surgery for Asymptomatic Carotid Stenosis
NEJM 374:DOI: 10.1056/NEJMoa1515706,, Rosenfield, K.,et al, 2016

Long-Term Results of Stenting Versus Endarterectomy for Carotid-Artery Stenosis
NEJM 374:DOI: 10.1056/NEJMoa1505215,, Brott, T.G.,et al, 2016

National Characteristics and Predictors of Neurology 30-day Readmissions
Neurol 86:669-675, Guterman, E.L.,et al, 2016

Histologic Analysis of Retrieved Clots in Acute Ischemic Stroke: Correlation with Stroke Etiology and Gradient-Echo MRI
AJNR 36:1756-1762, Kim, S.K.,et al, 2016

Recurrent Stroke in Childhood Cancer Survivors
Neurol 85:1056-1064, Fullerton, H.J.,et al, 2015

The Safety of Aeroplane Travel in Patients with Symptomatic Carotid Occlusion
JNNP 85:435-437, Reynolds, M.R.,et al, 2014

Doctors should Listen to the Whole Patient: Dont Forget the Stethoscope in Neurological Examination
BMJ 347:f4625, Burd, C.M., 2013

Clinicopathologic Conference, Villaret Syndrome (Ipsilateral Cranial Nerves and Cervical Sympathetic Fibers) due to a Carotid-Artery Dissection and an Associated Aneurysm
NEJM 366:2306-2313, Case 18-2012, 2012

Cervical Carotid Artery Disease in Sickle Cell Anemia: Clinical and Radiological Features
Blood 118:6192-6199, Telfer, P.T.,et al, 2011

Watershed Infarcts in Transient Ischemic Attack/Minor Stroke With =50% Carotid Stenosis: Hemodynamic or Embolic?
Stroke 41:1410-1416, Moustafa,R.R., et al, 2010

Long-Term Results of Carotid Stenting Versus Endarterectomy in High-Risk Patients
NEJM 358:1572-1579, Gurm,H.S.,et al, 2008

A 70-Year-Old Man With a Transient Ischemic Attack: Review of Internal Carotid Artery Stenosis
JAMA 300:81-89, Caplan,L.R., 2008

Emergent Combined Intracranial Thrombolysis and Carotid Stenting in the Hyperacute Management of Stroke Patients with Severe Cervical Carotid Stenosis
AJNR 28:1162-1166, Wang,H.,et al, 2007

Diagnosing Carotid Stenosis Near-Occlusion by Using CT Angiography
AJNR 27:632-637, Bartlett,E.S.,et al, 2006

Ocular Ischaemic Syndrome: A Medical Emergency
Lancet 367:1370, Chuah,J.L.,et al, 2006

Spontaneous Bilateral Internal Carotid Artery Dissection with Acute Stroke in Young Patients
Eur Neurol 56:230-234, Wu,H.-C.,et al, 2006

The Pathophysiology of Watershed Infarction in Internal Carotid Artery Disease
Stroke 36:567-577, Momjian-Mayor, I. & Baron, J-C., 2005

Identification, Prognosis, and Management of Patients with Carotid Artery Near Occlusion
AJNR 26:2086-2094, Fox,A.J.,et al, 2005

Clinical Outcome in Patients with High-Grade Internal Carotid Artery Stenosis After Irradiation
Neurol 65:959-961, Marcel,M.,et al, 2005

Late-Developing Cerebral Arteropathy After Pyogenic Meningitis
Arch Neurol 60:431-433, Palacio,S.,et al, 2003

Left Internal Carotid Artery Dissection Presenting with Headache, Collet-Sicard Syndrome and Sustained Hypertension
Eur J Neurol 10:731-732, Walker, S.,et al, 2003

Risk of Stroke, Transient Ischemic Attack, and Vessel Occlusion Before Endarterectomy in Patients With Symptomatic Severe Carotid Stenosis
Stroke 33:1057-1062, Blaser,T.,et al, 2002

Carotid Stenting for Radiation-Induced Stenoses
Stroke 32:118-121, Houdart,E.,et al, 2001

Significance of Hyperintense Vessels on FLAIR MRI in Acute Stroke
Neurol 55:265-269, Kamran,S. et al, 2000

Mechanisms and Clinical Features of Posterior Border-Zone Infarcts
Neurol 53:1312-1318, Belden,J.R.,et al, 1999

Stroke Patterns of Internal Carotid Artery Dissection in 40 Patients
Stroke 29:2646-2648, Lucas,C.,et al, 1998

Cerebral Hemispheric Low-Flow Infarcts in Arterial Occlusive Disease:Lesion Patterns and Angiomorphological Conditions
Stroke 28:118-123, Mull,M.,et al, 1997

Carotid Occlusive Disease and Stroke Risk in Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Surgery
Neurol 49:678-686, Dashe,J.F.,et al, 1997

The Risks and Benefits of Carotid Endarterectomy in Patients with Near Occlusion of the Carotid Artery
Neurol 48:911-915, Morgenstern,L.B.,et al, 1997

Recurrent Right Hemiplegia Associated with Progressive Ipsilateral Carotid Artery Stenosis
Stroke 27:753-755, Chollet,F.,et al, 1996

Association Between Plasma Homocysteine Concentrations and Extracranial Carotid-Artery Stenosis
NEJM 332:286-291, 3281995., Selhub,J.,et al, 1995

The Anatomy of the Posterior Communicating Artery as a Risk Factor for Ischemic Cerebral Infarction
NEJM 330:1565-1570, Schomer,D.F.,et al, 1994

MRI of Carotid Angiopathy after Therapeutic Radiation
J Comput Assist Tomogr 18:533-538, Chung,T.S.,et al, 1994

Frequency and Pathogenesis of Hemodynamic Stroke
Stroke 25:2179-2182, Bladin,C.F.&Chambers,B.R., 1994

The Management of Acute Visual Failure
JNNP 56:234-240, Wray,S.H., 1993

Early Clinical Differentiation of Cerebral Infarction from Severe Atherosclerotic Stenosis and Cardioembolism
Stroke 23:486-491, Timsit,S.G.,et al, 1992

Spontaneous Rupture of the Common Carotid Artery:A Case Report
Head & Neck 14:496-501992., Kim,K.H.,et al, 1992

Cardiac Sources of Embolism and Cerebral Infarction:The Lausanne Stroke Registry
Neurol 41:855-859, Bogousslavsky,J.,et al, 1991

Double Infarction in One Cerebral Hemisphere
Ann Neurol 30:12-18, Bogousslavsky,J., 1991

Implications of the Angiographic String Sign in Carotid Atherosclerosis
Stroke 21:476-479, Federicks,R.K.,et al, 1990

Ipsilateral Leg Weakness Associated with Carotid Stenosis
Stroke 21:1362-1364, Chimowitz,M.I.,et al, 1990

Management of Carotid Artery Occlusion
Stroke 20:123-126, Cote,R.&Caron,J., 1989

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