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Stroke Following Central Venous Cannulation
Lancet 349:921, Mainland,P-A.,et al, 1997

Venous Transcranial Doppler Ultrasound Monitoring in Acute Dural Sinus Thrombosis:Report of Two Cases
Stroke 26:1196-1199, Valdueza,J.M.,et al, 1995

Guideline on the Management of Patients with Extracranial Carotid and Vertebral Artery Disease
Stroke 42:e420-e463, Brott, T.G.,et al, 2011

Yield of Systematic Transcranial Doppler in Patients With Transient Ischemic Attack
Ann Neurol 68:9-17, 1, Mesequer,E., et al, 2010

Sonothrombolysis in Acute Ischemic Stroke for Patients Ineligible for rt-PA
Neurol 64:1052-1054, Eggers,J., et al, 2005

Transcranial Low-Frequency Ultrasound-Mediated Thrombolysis in Brain Ischemia
Stroke 36:1441-1446, Daffertshofer,M.,et al, 2005

Cost-Effectiveness of Diagnostic Strategies Prior to Carotid Endarterectomy
Ann Neurol 58:506-515, U-King-Im,J.M.,et al, 2005

Discontinuing Prophylactic Transfusions Used to Preven Stroke in Sickle Cell Disease
NEJM 353:2769-2778,2743, The Optimizing Primary Stroke Prevention in Sickle Cell Anemia (STOP 2) Trial Investigators, 2005

Fibromuscular Dysplasia
NEJM 350:1862-1871, Slovut,D.P. &Olin,J.W., 2004

Evaluation of Carotid Stenosis Using CT Angiography in the Initial Evaluation of Stroke and TIA
Neurol 63:457-460,412, Josephson,S.A.,et al, 2004

Higher Risk of Further Vascular Events Among Tran sient Ischemic Attack Patients with Diffusion-Weighted Imaging Acute Ischemic Lesions
Stroke 35:2313-2319, Purroy,F.,et al, 2004

Ultrasound-Enhanced Systemic Thrombolysis for Acute Ischemic Stroke
NEJM 351:2170-2178, Alexandrov,A.V.,et al, 2004

Silent Infarcts in Children With Sickle Cell Anemia and Abnormal Cerebral Artery Velocity
Arch Neurol 58:2017-2021, Pegelow,C.H.,et al, 2001

Transcranial Doppler Ultrasound Criteria for Recanalization After Thrombolysis for Middle Cerebral Artery Stroke
Stroke 31:1128-1132, Burgin,W.S.,et al, 2000

Cerebrovascular Monitoring During Carotid Endarterectomy
Stroke 31:1799-1801, Babikian,V.L. & Cantelmo,N.L., 2000

CT Angiography and Doppler Sonography for Emergency Assessment in Acute Basilar Artery Ischemia
Stroke 30:606-612, Brandt,T.,et al, 1999

Prevent of a 1st Stroke by Transfusions in Children/Sickle Cell Anemia & Abnorm Results on Transcr Doppler Ultrasonog
NEJM 339:5-11, Adams,R.J.,et al, 1998

Asymptomatic Internal Carotid Artery Stenosis Defined by Ultrasound and the Risk of Subsequent Stroke in the Elderly,The Cardiovascular Health Study
Stroke 29:2371-2376, Longstreth,W.T.,et al, 1998

Transcranial Doppler Monitoring and Causes of Stroke from Carotid Endarterectomy
Stroke 28:685-691, Spencer,M.P., 1997

Extracranial and Intracranial Vertebrobasilar Dissections:Diagnosis and Prognosis
JNNP 63:46-51, deBray,J.M.,et al, 1997

Duplex and Color Doppler Flow Sonography of Occlusion and Near Occlusion of the Carotid Artery
AJNR 17:1267-1274, Lee,D.H.,et al, 1996

Prevalence and Outcome of Symptomatic Carotid Lesions in Young Adults
BMJ 310:1363-1366, Carolei,A.,et al, 1995

Perioperative Imaging Strategies for Carotid Endarterectomy:Analysis of Morbidity & Cost-Effectiveness in Symptomatic Patients
JAMA 274:888-893, Kent,K.C.,et al, 1995

Doppler Emboli Signals Vary According to Stroke Subtype
Stroke 25:382-384, Grosset,D.G.,et al, 1994

Paradoxical Embolism as a Cause of Ischemic Stroke of Uncertain Etiology:A Transcranial Doppler Sonographic Study
Stroke 25:771-775, Itoh,T.,et al, 1994

Transesophageal Echocardiography & Contrast-TCD in the Detection of a Patent Foramen Ovale:Experiences with 111 Pts
Neurol 44:1603-1606, Klotzsch,C.,et al, 1994

Carotid Stenosis in Patients with Atrial Fibrillation:Prevalence, Risk Factors, & Relationship to Stroke
Arch Int Med 154:1372-1377, Kanter,M.C.,et al, 1994

Impact of Microembolism and Hemodynamic Changes in the Brain During Carotid Endarterectomy
Stroke 25:992-997, Jansen,C.,et al, 1994

Embolic Stroke by Compression Maneuver During Transcranial Doppler Sonography
Stroke 25:1056-1057, Khaffaf,N.,et al, 1994

Carotid Endarterectomy without Arteriography:The Preeminent Role of the Vascular Laboratory
Ann Vasc Surg 8:221-224, Horn,M.,et al, 1994

Transcranial Doppler Correlation with Angiography in Detection of Intracranial Stenosis
Stroke 25:1931-1934, Rorick,M.B.,et al, 1994

Carotid Angioplasty:Detection of Embolic Signals During and After the Procedure
Stroke 25:2403-2406, Markus,H.S.,et al, 1994

Carotid Endarterectomy:Preop Eval of Candidates with Combined Doppler Sonography & MR Angiogr
Radiology 186:333-338, 3251993., Polak,J.F.,et al, 1993

Comparison of Diagnostic Techniques for the Detection of a Patent Foramen Ovale in Stroke Patients
Stroke 24:1020-1024, DiTullio,M.,et al, 1993

Carotid Endarterectomy with Transcranial Doppler and Electroencephalographic Monitoring in 130 Operations
Stroke 24:665-669, Jansen,C.,et al, 1993

Magnetic Resonance Angiography in Vertebrobasilar Ischemia
Stroke 24:1310-1315, Rother,J.,et al, 1993

Microscopic Air Embolism During Cerebral Angiography and Strategies for Its Avoidance
Lancet 341:784-787, Markus,H.,et al, 1993

Cerebral Infarction Due to Painless Thoracic Aortic and Common Carotid Artery Dissections
Stroke 24:2111-2113, Veyssier-Belot,C.,et al, 1993

Transhemispheric Passage of Microemboli in Patients with Unilateral Internal Carotid Artery Occlusion
Stroke 24:1664-1666, Georgiadis,D.,et al, 1993

Silent Cerebral Microemboli Occurring During Carotid Angiography:Frequency as Determined with Doppler Sonography
AJR 161:1037-1040, Dagirmanjian,A.,et al, 1993

Complications of Cerebral Angiography in Patients with Sympt Carotid Territory Ischaemia Screened by Carotid Ultrasound
JNNP 56:967-972, Davies,K.N.,et al, 1993

The Use of Transcranial Ultrasonography to Predict Stroke in Sickle Cell Disease
NEJM 326:605-610, 6371992., Adams,R.,et al, 1992

The Transcranial Doppler Appearance of Acute Carotid Artery Occlusion
Ann Neurol 31:101-103, Giller,G.A.,et al, 1992

Transcranial Doppler Correlation with Cerebral Angiogaphy in Sickle Cell Disease
Stroke 23:1073-1077, Adams,R.J.,et al, 1992

Detection of Intracranial Emboli in Patients with Symptomatic Extracranial Carotid Artery Disease
Stroke 23:1652-1654, Siebler,M.,et al, 1992

Transcranial Doppler in Acute Hemispheric Brain Infarction
Neurol 41:109-113, Kushner,M.J.,et al, 1991

Colour Doppler Flow Imaging of the Carotid Arteries
Neuroradiology 33:114-117, Kessler,C.,et al, 1991

Changes in Middle Cerebral Artery Blood Velocity in Uremic Patients after Hemodialysis
Stroke 22:1508-1511, Postiglione,A.,et al, 1991

Dissection of the Cervical Internal Carotid Artery. The Role of Doppler/Duplex Studies & Conservative Management
JNNP 53:379-383, Eljamel,M.S.M.,et al, 1990

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