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Neurologic Aspects of Inflammatory Bowel Disease
Neurol 45:416-421, Lossos,A.,et al, 1995

Behcets Syndrome
NEJM 390:640-651, Saadoun,D.,et al, 2024

Cashew Nut Sign:A Concave Parenchymal Hemorrhage Caused by Cerebral Venous Thrombosis
Stroke 54:e38-e39, Schlechter,M.,et al, 2023

A 25-Year-Old Woman With Eye Swelling and HEadache
Neurol 100:879-883, Hehir,A.,et al, 2023

Consensus Practice Guidelines on Postdural Puncture Headache from a Multisociety, International Working Group
JAMA Network Open 6:e2325387, Uppal,V.,et al, 2023

A 14-Year-Old Girl with Headache, Seizures, and Confusion
Neurol 92:e161-e167, Xiao, L.,et al, 2019

Behcet Disease Dec, Davey-Ranasinghe, N. & Diamond, H.S., 2018

Neuropsychiatric Involvement of Behcets Disease Dec, Soyak, M., 2017

Report of a Recurrent Cerebral Venous Thrombosis in a Young Athlete
BMC Neurology 14:182-185, Richard, S.,et al, 2014

Cogan Syndrome An Analysis of Reported Neurological Manifestations
The Neurologist 18:55-63, Antonios,N. and Silliman,S., 2012

A Language Barrier, Abdominal Pain, and Double Vision
Lancet 357:2022, Basnyat,B.,et al, 2001

Facial Palsy in Cerebral Venous Thrombosis
Stroke 31:1766-1769, Straub,J. et al, 2000

Dural Sinus Thrombosis Complicating Subclavian Vein Catheterization:Treatment with Local Thrombolysis
Pediatrics 95:138-140, Gebara,B.M.,et al, 1995

Septic Thrombosis of the Cavernous Sinuses
Arch Neurol 45:567-572, DiNubile,M.J., 1988

Cerebral Venous Thrombosis-A Review of 38 Cases
Stroke 16:199-213, Bousser,M.,et al, 1985

Spreading Cortical Venous Thrombosis Due to Infusion of Hyperosmolar Solution Into the Internal Jugular Vein
BMJ 285:935-936, Souter,R.G.,et al, 1982

Cerebral Venous Sinus Thrombosis Due to Indwelling Transvenous Pacemaker Catheter
Arch Neurol 37:113-114, Girard,D.E.,et al, 1980

Case Records of MGH
NEJM 290:1130, 1974. Tuberculous Meningencephalitis with Vasculitis & Cerebral Infarcts., , 1974

Malignant External Otitis & Facial Paralysis
Otolaryng Clin North Am 7:375, Chandler,J.R., 1974

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