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Slater Revisited:6 Year Follow Up Study of Pts with Medically Unexplained Motor Symptoms
BMJ 316:582-586, 5641998., Crimlisk,H.L.,et al, 1998

Electrophysiological Aids in Distinguishing Organic from Psychogenic Tremor
neurol 50:1882-1884, McAuley,J.H.,et al, 1998

Psychogenic Parkinsonism
Arch Neurol 52:802-810, Lang,A.E.,et al, 1995

Psychogenic Movement Disorders:Frequency, Clinical Profile and Characteristics
JNNP 59:406-412, Factor,S.A.,et al, 1995

Post-Traumatic Movement Disorders:Central and Peripheral Mechanisms
Neurol 44:2006-2014, Jankovic,J., 1994

Psychogenic Tremors
Neurol 39:1094-1099, Koller,W.,et al, 1989

Clinicopath Conf
Adenocarcinoma of Lung, with Metastasis to Meninges of Brain, Spinal Cord & Optic Nerves, Case Recor, 14-1EJM 318:903-915,1988., 1988

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