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Cerebral Lateralization, Biological Mechanisms, Associations, & Pathology:II
Arch Neurol 42:521-552, Geschwind,N.&Galaburda,A.M., 1985

Developmental Learning Disabilities of the Right Hemisphere
Arch Neurol 40:463-468, Weintraub,S.,et al, 1983

Mirror Writing (Book)
Psyche Miniatures Med. Series1928., Critchley,M., 1928

Bells Palsy: Aetiology, Clinical Features and Multidisciplinary Care
JNNP 86:1356-1361, Eviston, T.J.,et al, 2015

Quantitative Assessment of Mirror Movements after Stroke
Stroke 29:1182-1187, Nelles,G.,et al, 1998

Brief Report:Intragenic Deletion of the Kalig-1 Gene in Kallmann's Syndrome
NEJM 326:1752-1755, 17751992., Bick,D.,et al, 1992

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