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Three Territory Sign
Neurol Clin Pract 9:124-128, Nouh, A.M.,et al, 2019

DWI Lesion Patterns in Cancer-Related Stroke-Specifying the Phenotype
Cerebrovasc Dis Extra 5:139-145, Schwarzbach, C.J.,et al, 2015

Stroke Syndrome Secondary to Hypercoagulability of Lung Cancer
Commun Oncol 5:595-596, Lim, B. & Henry, D.H., 2008

Stroke as the First Manifestation of Concealed Cancer
J Neurol Sci 258:80-83, Kwon, H.M.,et al, 2007

Stroke as the First Manifestation of a Concealed Pancreatic Neoplasia
Rev Neurol 38:332-335, Perez-Lazaro,C.,et al, 2004

Trousseaus Syndrome Related to Adenocarcinoma of the Colon and Cholangiocarcinoma
Eur J Neurol 11:493-496, Tasi,S.-H.,et al, 2004

Clinicopath Conf., Adenocarcinoma with Metastasis to Liver, with Hypercoagulable State Resulting in Thrombophlebitis & Nonbacterial Thrombotic Endocarditis, with Multiple Embolic Infarcts (Trousseau's
NEJM 347:1187-1194, Case 31-2002, 2002

MR Three-Territory Sign in Cancer-Associated Hypercoagulation Stroke (Trousseau Syndrome)
Neurologist 27:37-40, Finelli, P.F., 2022

Primary Diffuse Larbe B-cell Lymphoma of the Cranial Vault with Trousseau Syndrome
J Med Case Reports 15:431, Uchida, T.,et al, 2021

Diffusion-Weighted Imaging-Documented Bilateral Small Embolic Stroke Involving Multiple Vascular Territories May Indicate Occult Cancer: A Retrospective Case Series and a Brief Review of the Literature
Aging Med 3:56-62, Chi, X.,et al, 2020

Fibrin and Platelet-Rich Composition in Retrieved Thrombi Hallmarks Stroke With Active Cancer
Stroke 51:3723-3727, Fu, C.H.,et al, 2020

D-dimer >2.785 �g/ml and multiple infarcts =3 vascular territories are two characteristics of identifying cancer-associated ischemic stroke patients
Neurol Res 40:948-954, Wang, J.,et al, 2018

Three Territory DWI Acute Infarcts: Diagnostic Value in Cancer-Associated Hypercoagulation Stroke (Trousseau Syndrome)
AJNR 37: Nov, Finelli, P.F. & Nouh, A., 2016

Trousseaus Syndrome: Cancer-Associated Thrombosis
Jpn J Clin Oncol 46:204-207, Ikushima, S.,et al, 2016

Stroke and Cancer - A Complicated Relationship
J Neurol Transl Neurosci 2:1039-1051, Dearborn, J.L.,et al, 2014

Co-Occurrence of Multiple Cerebral Infarctions Due to Hypercoagulability Associated with Malignancy and Meningeal Carcinomatosis as the Initial Manifestation of Gastric Cancer
BMC Neurol 14:160, Kawasaki,A.,et al, 2014

Trousseaus Syndrome Due to Asymptomatic Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma
GE J Port Gastroenterol 20:172-176, Murinello, A.,et al, 2013

Cerebral Achromatopsia as a Presentation of Trousseaus Syndrome
Postgrad Med J 71:44-46, Orrell, R.W.,et al, 1995

Case Record MGH
Necrotizing Myelopathy with Carcinoma, NEJM 294:14471976., , 1976

Clinical Features of Trousseau Syndrome with Cerebral Infarction as the Initial Manifestation
Neurologist 25:117-121, Ren, R.,et al, 2020

Clinical Features, Diagnosis, and Treatment of Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation in Adults
UptoDate, Leung, L.L.K., 2015

Ischemic Stroke as the Presenting Manifestation of Localized Systemic Cancer
Schweiz Arch Neurol Psychiatr 139:5-11, 1988, Cornuz, J. & Bogousslavsky,C.J.,et al, 1988

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