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Cervical Arterial Dissections and Association with Cervical Manipulative Therapy
Stroke 45:3156-3174, Biller, J.,et al, 2014

Differential Features of Carotid and Vertebral Artery Dissections
Neurol 77:1174-1181, Debette, S.,et al, 2011

Sports-Related Internal Carotid Artery Dissection: Pathogenesis and Therapeutic Point of View
The Neurologist 14:307-311, Dharmasaroja,P. &Dharmasaroja,P., 2008

Bilateral Carotid Dissection. A Not to Underestmiate Cause of Neurological Loss After Road Accident
Unfallchirurg 105:919-922, Stock,K.,et al, 2002

Clinically Unidentified Dissection of Vertebral Artery as a Cause of Cerebellar Infarction
Stroke 32:1422-1424, Iwase,H.,et al, 2001

Traumatic Bilateral Carotid Dissection with Concomitant Cerebral Infarction
J Emerg Med 20:33-38, Pittock,S.J.,et al, 2001

Carotid Dissection Causing Stroke in a Child with Migraine
BMJ 314:291-292, Ganesan,V.&Kirkham,F.J., 1997

Delayed Symptoms and Death After Minor Head Trauma with Occult Vertebral Artery Injury
JNNP 57:500-502, Auer,R.N.,et al, 1994

Internal Carotid Artery Dissection after Remote Surgery:Iatrogenic Complications of Anesthesia
Stroke 25:1276-1278, Gould,D.B.&Cunningham,K., 1994

Strokes in Children Due to Vertebral Artery Trauma
Neurol 43:2555-2558, Garg,B.P.,et al, 1993

Cerebellar Infarction in the Young
Stroke 23:763-766, Rosman,N.P.,et al, 1992

Platelet-Activating Factor in Stroke and Brain Injury
Ann Neurol 30:117-129, Lindsberg,P.J.,et al, 1991

Blunt Traumatic Carotid Dissection with Delayed Symptoms
Stroke 20:412-416, Pozzati,E.,et al, 1989

Childhood Stroke Following Intraoral Trauma
J Pediatr 110:574-575, Pearl,P.L., 1987

Vascular Lesions with Head Injury
In Neurosurgery, Wilkins & Rengachary (Ed) , McGraw-Hill Book Co, NY, Ch 208, p. 1679, Giannotta,S.L.&Ahmadi,J., 1985

Conjugal Disharmony:A Hitherto Unrecognised Cause of Strokes
BMJ 281:421-422, Milligan,N.,et al, 1980

Episodic Disorders of Vision
MCV Quart 12:99-109, Harbison,J.W., 1976

Catecholamines & Neurologic Diseases
NEJM 293:274, Moskowitz,M.A.,et al, 1975

Patient with Prior Spinal Cord Injury Who Developed Altered Mental Status After a Fall
Neurol 99:1122-1127, Dessy,A.,et al, 2022

The Dangers of Playing Squash
BMJ 362:K3062, Marrinan,E.,et al, 2018

Population-based Study of Ischemic Stroke Risk after Trauma in Children and Young Adults
Neurol 89:2310-2316, Fox, C.K.,et al, 2017

Clinicopathologic Conference, Villaret Syndrome (Ipsilateral Cranial Nerves and Cervical Sympathetic Fibers) due to a Carotid-Artery Dissection and an Associated Aneurysm
NEJM 366:2306-2313, Case 18-2012, 2012

Triplopia, Thirteen Patients From a Neurology Inpatient Service
Arch Neurol 63:388-389, Keane,J.R., 2006

Investigation of Risk Factors in Children with Arterial Ischemic Stroke
Ann Neurol 53:167-173,149, Ganesan,V.,et al, 2003

Traumatic Internal Carotid Artery Dissection Associated With Taekwondo
Neurol 60:1392-1393, Pary,L.F. &Rodnitzky,R.L., 2003

"Shiatsu Sympathectomy": ICA Dissection Associated with a Shiatsu Massager
Neurol 58:1302-1304, Elliott,M.A. &Taylor,L.P., 2002

MR Imaging of CNS Tractopathy:Wallerian & Transneuronal Degeneration
AJR 171:813-818, Yamada,K.,et al, 1998

Lancet 352:1841-1846, Baloh,R.W., 1998

Twelfth-Nerve Palsy:Analysis of 100 Cases
Arch Neurol 53:561-566, Keane,J.R., 1996

Basal Ganglia and Thalamic Infarction in Children
Arch Neurol 53:1252-1256, Brower,M.C.,et al, 1996

Vertebral Artery Injury after Acute Cervical Spine Trauma:MR Angiography & Assess of Clin Consequences
AJR 164:443-447, 4481995., Friedman,E.,et al, 1995

Delayed Onset of Fatal Basilar Thrombotic Embolus After Whiplash Injury
Stroke 26:2194-2196, Viktrup,L.,et al, 1995

Subcortical Infarction in Children
Stroke 25:117-121, Powell,F.C.,et al, 1994

Delayed Sequelae of Vertebral Artery Dissection and Occult Cervical Fractures
Neurol 44:1397-1399, Tulyapronchote,R.,et al, 1994

Central Retinal Artery Occlusion from Carotid Dissection Diagnosed by Cervical Computed Tomography
Stroke 25:1271-1272, Rao,T.H.,et al, 1994

The Shoulder-Hand Syndrome after Stroke:A Prospective Clinical Trial
Ann Neurol 36:728-733, Braus,D.F.,et al, 1994

Acute Ischemic Stroke from Fibrocartilaginous Embolism to the Middle Cerebral Artery
Stroke 24:738-740, Toro-Gonzalez,G.,et al, 1993

Clinical Characteristics of Patients in the Persistent Vegetative State
Arch Int Med 151:930-932, 855-8561991., Tresch,D.D.,et al, 1991

Delayed Visual Loss Due to Trauma of the Internal Carotid Artery
Arch Neurol 48:490-497, Weinstein,J.M.,et al, 1991

Dissection of the Extracranial Vertebral Artery:Report of Four Cases and Review of the Literature
JNNP 54:863-869, Hinse,P.,et al, 1991

Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathy Without and With Cerebral Hemorrhages:A Comparative Histological Study
Ann Neurol 30:637-649, Vonsattel,J.P.G.,et al, 1991

Trigeminal Neurotrophic Ulceration with Wallenberg's Syndrome
Neurol 40:1634-1635, Dick,M.T.&Gonyea,E., 1990

Traumatic Pseudoaneurysm of the Cervical Carotid Artery:The Value of Arteriography
Neurosurgery 26:312-315, Applegate,L.J.,et al, 1990

Traumatic Monocular Blindness and Associated Carotid Injuries
Pediatrics 84:128-134, King,M.A.,et al, 1989

Terrorist Bombings, Lessons Learned from Belfast to Beirut
Ann Surg 208:569-576, Frykberg,E.R.&Tepas,J.J., 1988

MR Imaging of the Corpus Callosum:Normal and Pathologic Findings and Correlation with CT
AJNR 9:649-656, Reinarz,S.J.,et al, 1988

Extracranial Vertebral Artery Dissections:A Review of 13 Cases
Stroke 18:1037-1047, Mas,J.,et al, 1987

Non-Penetrating Arterial Trauma & Cerebral Infarction in the Young
Lancet 1:1435-1438, Hilton-Jones,D.,et al, 1985

Clinicopathologic Conference, Pheochromocytoma
NEJM 384:1145-1155, Case 9-2021, 2021

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