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Neurological Manifestations Among US Government Personnel Reporting Directional Audible and Sensory Phenomena in Havana, Cuba
JAMA 319:1125-1133, 1098, 1079, Swanson, R.L.,et al, 2018

Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
NEJM 377:162-172, Brown, R.H.,et al, 2017

Clinical Presentation of Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy
Neurol 81:1122-1129, Stern, R.A.,et al, 2013

The Older Driver, Clinical Assessment and Injury Prevention
Arch Int Med 152:735-740, Underwood,M., 1992

Clinical Characteristics of Patients in the Persistent Vegetative State
Arch Int Med 151:930-932, 855-8561991., Tresch,D.D.,et al, 1991

Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathy Without and With Cerebral Hemorrhages:A Comparative Histological Study
Ann Neurol 30:637-649, Vonsattel,J.P.G.,et al, 1991

Traumatic Basal Ganglia Hemorrhage:Clinicopathologic Features and Outcome
Neurol 39:897-904, Katz,D.I.,et al, 1989

Fibrodysplasia Ossificans Progressiva, The Clinical Features & Natural Hx of 34 Pts
J Bone Joint Surg 64B:76-83, Connor,J.M.&Evans,D.A.P., 1982

Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease:Patterns of Worldwide Occurrence & the Significance of Familial & Sporadic Clustering
Ann Neurol 5:177-188, Masters,C.L.,et al, 1979

Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus
In Wells C. E. Dementia 2nd Ed, F. A. Davis Co, Phila, P. 69-92, Katzman,R., 1977

Catecholamines & Neurologic Diseases
NEJM 293:274, Moskowitz,M.A.,et al, 1975

Acute Spinal Cord Compression
NEJM 376:1358-1369, Ropper, A.E. & Ropper, A.H., 2017

Cervical Arterial Dissections and Association with Cervical Manipulative Therapy
Stroke 45:3156-3174, Biller, J.,et al, 2014

Clinicopathologic Conference, Villaret Syndrome (Ipsilateral Cranial Nerves and Cervical Sympathetic Fibers) due to a Carotid-Artery Dissection and an Associated Aneurysm
NEJM 366:2306-2313, Case 18-2012, 2012

Intracranial Aneurysms in Childhood: 27-Year Single-Institution Experience
AJNR 30:1315-1324, Hetts,S.W.,et al, 2009

Triplopia, Thirteen Patients From a Neurology Inpatient Service
Arch Neurol 63:388-389, Keane,J.R., 2006

Posttraumatic Syringomyelia:Pathogenesis, Imaging, and Treatment
AJR 173:487-492, Schwartz,E.D.,et al, 1999

Pediatric Third, Fourth, and Sixth Nerve Palsies:A Population-Based Study
Am J Ophthalmol 127:388-392, Holmes,J.M.,et al, 1999

A Population-Based Study of Seizures after Traumatic Brain Injuries
NEJM 338:20-24, Annegers,J.F.,et al, 1998

Transdural Spinal Cord Herniation:Imaging and Clinical Spectra
AJNR 19:1337-1344, 11851998., Watters,M.R.,et al, 1998

Lancet 352:1841-1846, Baloh,R.W., 1998

Olfactory Dysfunction in Patients with Head Trauma
Arch Neurol 54:1131-1140, Doty,R.L.,et al, 1997

Posttraumatic Olfactory Dysfunction:MR and Clinical Evaluation
AJNR 17:1171-1179, Yousem,D.M.,et al, 1996

Twelfth-Nerve Palsy:Analysis of 100 Cases
Arch Neurol 53:561-566, Keane,J.R., 1996

Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy
BMJ 310:1645-1648, Paice,E., 1995

Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy in Children
BMJ 310:1648-1649, Lloyd-Thomas,A.R.&Lauder,G., 1995

Disorders of Ocular Motility Following Head Trauma
Arch Neurol 52:924-926, Lepore,F.E., 1995

Neurologic Manifestations of Cocaine Exposure in Childhood
Pediatrics 93:557-560, Mott,S.H.,et al, 1994

JNNP 57:264-277, Chadwick,D., 1994

Idiopathic Hemiparetic Parkinsonism, A Syndrome Distinct from Idiopathic Parkinsonism
Lancet 339:149-150, DeKeyser,J.,et al, 1992

Neuro-Ophthalmic Features of Carotid Cavernous Fistulas and Their Treatment by Endoarterial Balloon Embolisation
JNNP 55:553-556, Brosnahan,D.,et al, 1992

Fracture of the Occipital Condyle:Case Report
Spine 17:1119-1121, Bozboga,M.,et al, 1992

The Clinical Features and Prognosis of Pseudoseizures Diagnosed Using Video-EEG Telemetry
Neurol 41:1643-1646, Meierkord,H.,et al, 1991

Trauma of the Spine and Spinal Cord-I
BMJ 301:34-38, Swain,A.,et al, 1990

Causalgia and Other Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophies
In the Management of Pain, Lea & Febiger, Phila, p. 220, Bonica,J.J., 1990

Computed Tomographic Features of Nonthyroid Extraocular Muscle Enlargement
Ophthalmol 96:1038-1047, Patrinely,J.R.,et al, 1989

The Neurologic Manifestations of Fat Embolism
Neurol 36:847-851, Jacobson,D.M.,et al, 1986

Tethered Cord Syndrome in Adults
J Neurosurg 57:32-47, Pang,D.&Wilberger,J.E.Jr., 1982

Posttraumatic Dysautonomic Cephalgia
Arch Neurol 32:649, Vijayan,N.,et al, 1975

Concussion Amnesia
Neurol 16:826, Fisher,C.M., 1966

Tumors Involving the Brain-Stem
Quart J Med 21:265, Barnett,H.J.,et al, 1952

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