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Inherited Multiple Meningiomas:A Clinical, Pathological & Cytogenetic Study of an Affected Family
JNNP 49:362-368, Battersby,R.D.E.,et al, 1986

A 65-Year-Old Woman with Isolated Macroglossia as the Initial Presentation of a Rare Disease
Neurol 103:e210070, Lara,C.,et al, 2024

Spectrum of Neuroradiologic Findings Associated with Monogenic Interferonopathies
AJNR 43:2-10, Benjamin, P.,et al, 2022

Sturge-Weber Syndrome,Dec, Patterson,M.C., 2022

An Unexpected Response to Therapy in a Patient with HIV and Focal Seizures
Neurol 97:1084-1089, Chishimba, L.,et al, 2021

A 14-Year-Old Girl with Headache, Seizures, and Confusion
Neurol 92:e161-e167, Xiao, L.,et al, 2019

Oculodentodigital Dysplasia: A Hypomyelinating Leukodystrophy with a Characteristic MRI Pattern of Brain Stem Involvement
AJNR 40:903-907, Hartin, I.,et al, 2019

Basa Ganglia Calcifications (Fahrs Syndrome): Related Conditions and Clinical Features
Neurol Sci 40:2251-2263, Donzuso,G.,et al, 2019

A 52-year-old woman with a 3 weeks of progressive gait ataxia and dysarthria
Neurol 90:e985-e989, Ly, C.,et al, 2018

Adult-Onset Leukoencephalopathy with Axonal Spheroids and Pigmented Glia: An MRI Study of 16 French Cases
AJNR 39:1657-1661, Codjia, P.,et al, 2018

Clinicopathologic Conference, Advanced AIDS Complicated by HSV-1 Encephalopathy. Basal-Cell Carcinoma. Kaposis Sarcoma.
NEJM 376:2580-2589, Case 20-2017, 2017

Neuroradiologic Patterns and Novel Imaging Findings in Aicardi-Goutieres Syndrome
Neurol 86:28-35, La Piana, R.,et al, 2016

A Young Man with Progressive Vision and Hearing Loss
JAMA Neurol 73:880-883, Kung, N.H.,et al, 2016

The Syndrome of Cutaneous Photosensitivity, Growth Failure, and Basal Ganglia Calcification
Neurol 87:e56-e57, Saini, A.G.,et al, 2016

Red Papules on the Tongue of a Patient with Hemiparesis
JAMA 312:741-742, Chiu, H.Y. & Lin, S.J., 2014

Target Sign on Enhanced MR Imaging in Toxoplasmosis
Conn Med 77:343-344, Finelli, P.F. & Al Zahmi, F., 2013

A 21-year old Woman with Multiple Cancers and a New Brain Lesion
Neurol 78:743-749, Schiff,D.,et al, 2012

Differential Diagnosis of Bilateral Abnormalities of the Basal Ganglia and Thalamus
RadioGraphics 31:5-30, Hegde,A.N.,et al, 2011

Eccentric Target Sign in Cerebral Toxoplasmosis - Neuropathological Correlate to the Imaging Feature
J Magn Reson Imaging 31:1469-1472, Kumar, G.S.,et al, 2010

Cerebral Toxoplasmosis in Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) Patients also Provides Unifying Pathophysiologic Hypotheses for Holmes Tremor
BMC Neurol 10:37, Lekoubou, A.,et al, 2010

PML-IRIS in Patients with HIV Infection: Clinical Manifestations and Treatment with Steroids
Neurol 72:1458-1464,1454, Tan,K.,et al, 2009

Clinicopath Conf, Cerebral Autosomal Dominant Arteriopathy with Subcortical Infarcts and Leukoencephalopathy (CADASIL)
NEJM 360:1656-1665, Case 12-2009, 2009

Aicardi-Gouti�res Syndrome: Neuroradiologic Findings and Follow-up
AJNR 30:1971-1976, Uggetti,C.,et al, 2009

Frequent Hemorrhagic Lesions in Cerebral Toxoplasmosis in AIDS Patients
J Neuroimaging 19:169-173, Bhagavati, S. & Choe, J., 2009

Aicardi-Gouti�res Syndrome
Br Med Bull 89:183-201, Orcesi, S.,et al, 2009

Primary Central Nervous System Plasmablastic Lymphoma in AIDS
Neuropath Appl Neurobiol 34:245-247, Shuangshoti, S.,et al, 2008

The Genetic Causes of Basal Ganglia Calcification, Dementia, and Bone Cysts
Neurol 64:1502-1507, Klunemann,H.H.,et al, 2005

CT and MRI Findings of Intracranial Lymphoma
AJR 184:1679-1685, Slone,H.W.,et al, 2005

Clinical Features and Diagnosis of Primary Central Nervous System Lymphoma
Hematol Oncol Clin North Am 19:689-703, Fitzsimmons,A.,et al, 2005

Practice Parameter:Diagnostic Assessment of the Child with Cerebral Palsy
Neurol 62:851-863, Ashwal,S.,et al, 2004

Diagnostic Approach in Patients with Symmetric Imaging Lesions of the Deep Gray Nuclei
The Neurologist 9:250-261, Finelli,P.F.&DiMario,Jr,F.J., 2003

A Practical Approach to the Diagnosis and Management of MELAS: Case Report and Review
The Neurologist 8:302-312, Thambisetty,M.,et al, 2002

Holmes Tremor Following Midbrain Toxoplasma Abscess: Clinical Features and Treatment of a Case
Park Rel Dis 8:177-180, Pezzini, A.,et al, 2002

Primary Lymphoma of the Central Nervous System: Typical and Atypical CT and MR Imaging Appearances
AJR 176:1319-1326, Erdag,N.,et al, 2001

Screening CT of the Brain Determined by CD4 Count in HIV-Positive Patients Presenting with Headache
AJNR 21:451-454,441, Graham III,C.B.,et al, 2000

Toxoplasmosis Manifesting as Hydroephalus on Computed Tomography
Infect Dis Clin Practice 9:390-392, Finelli,P.F. &Uphoff,D.F., 2000

Cryptococcus Meningoencephalitis in AIDS:Parenchymal and Meningeal Forms
Neuroradiology 41:129-133, Berkefeld,J.,et al, 1999

Hyperintense Basal Ganglia on T1-Weighted MR Imaging
AJR 172:1109-1115, Lai,P.H.,et al, 1999

Evaluation and Management of Intracranial Mass Lesions in AIDS
Rpt of Quality Stnds Subcomm of the AAN, Neurol 50:21-261998., , 1998

Neuroradiologic Findings in Marinesco-Sjogren Syndrome
AJNR 19:281-283, Georgy,B.A.,et al, 1998

Cerebral Aneurysmal Arteriopathy in Childhood AIDS
Neurol 51:560-565, Dubrovsky,T.,et al, 1998

Mass Effect in Progressive Multifocal Leukoencephalopathy
Arch Neurol 55:1148-1149, Finelli,P.F., 1998

Hereditary Frontotemporal Dementia is Linked to Chromosome 17q21-q22:Genetic & Clinicopath Study of 3 Dutch Families
Ann Neurol 41:150-159, Heutnik,P.,et al, 1997

Cerebral Microsporidiosis Due to Encephalitozoon Cuniculi in a Patient With Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infection
NEJM 336:474-478, Weber,R.,et al, 1997

Diagnosis of AIDS-Related Focal Brain Lesions
Neurol 48:687-694, Antinori,A.,et al, 1997

Dentate Nuclei Invol in AIDS Pts with CNS Cryptococcosis:Imaging Findings with Path Correl
J Comput Assist Tomogr 21:175-182, Ruiz,A.,et al, 1997

Fulminating Encephal with Perivenular Demyel & Vacuolar Myelopathy as Initial Present of HIV Infection
Arch Neurol 54:647-650, Silver,B.,et al, 1997

Cerebral Tuberculosis in Pts with AIDS, Report of 6 Cases & Review
Medicine 76:423-431, Lesprit,P.,et al, 1997

Progressive Multifocal Leukoencephalopathy in AIDS:Initial and Follow-up CT and MRI
Neuroradiology 39:611-618, Thurnher,M.M.,et al, 1997

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