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Recent Developments in Neurology
BMJ 324:656-660, Wiebe,S.,&Nicolle,M.W., 2002

Clinicopathologic Conference, Systemic Immunoglobulin Light-Chain (AL) Amyloidosis
NEJM 389:166-175, Case 21-2023, 2023

Surgery Versus Non-Surgical Therapy for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: A Randomised Parallel-Group Trial
Lancet 374:1074-1081, 1042, Jarvik,J.,et al, 2009

MR Nerve Imaging in a Prospective Cohort of Patients With Suspected Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Neurol 58:1597-1602,1583, Jarvik,J.G.,et al, 2002

The Neurologic Complications of Scleromyxedema
Medicine 80:313-319, Berger,J.R.,et al, 2001

The Pathology of Median Neuropathy in Acromegaly
Ann Int Med 133:197-201, Jenkins,P.J. et al, 2000

Acromegaly:Clinical and Biochemical Features in 500 Patients
Medicine 73:233-240, Ezzat,S.,et al, 1994

Neurologic Manifestations of Progressive Systemic Sclerosis
Arch Neurol 49:1292-1295, Averbuch-Heller,L.,et al, 1992

Clinicopath Conf
Malignant Angioendotheliomatosis, Am J Med 88:522-5281990., , 1990

NEJM 322:966-977, Melmed,S., 1990

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome:Role of Carpal Canal Size
Neurol 35:1599-1604, Bleecker,M.L.,et al, 1985

Idiopathic Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Caused by Carpal Stenosis
BMJ 280:1297-1299, Dekel,S.,et al, 1980

Evaluation Of Acromegaly By Radioimmunoassay Of Somatomedin-C
NEJM 301:1138-1142, Clemmons,D.R.,et al, 1979

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