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Repetitive Strain Injury
Lancet 369:1815-1822, van Tulder,M.,et al, 2007

The Application of F-wave Measurements in the Differentiation of Proximal & Distal Upper Limb Entrapments
Neurol 27:662, Eisen,A.,et al, 1977

A Randomized Controlled Trial of Surgery vs Steroid Injection for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Neurol 64:2074-2078,2006, Hui,A.C.F.,et al, 2005

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
NEJM 346:1807-1812, Katz,J.N &Simmons,B.P., 2002

Local vs Systemic Corticosteroids in the Treatment of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Neurol 56:1565-1567,1431, Wong,S.M.,et al, 2001

Surgical Treatment of Common Entrapment Neuropathies in the Upper Limbs
Muscle Nerve 23:1160-1174, Arle,J.E. & Zager,E.L., 2000

Injection with Methylprednisolone Proximal to the Carpal Tunnel:Randomized Double Blind Trial
BMJ 319:884-885, Dammers,J.W.H.H.,et al, 1999

Oral Drug of Choice in Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Neurol 51:390-393, Chang,M.H.,et al, 1998

Low-Dose, Short-Term Oral Prednisone in the Treatment of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Neurol 45:1923-1925, Herskovitz,S.,et al, 1995

Entrapment Neuropathies of the Upper Extremities
NEJM 329:2013-2018, Dawson,D.M., 1993

Neurologic Manifestations of Progressive Systemic Sclerosis
Arch Neurol 49:1292-1295, Averbuch-Heller,L.,et al, 1992

NEJM 322:966-977, Melmed,S., 1990

Peripheral Nerve Disorders in Instrumentalists
Ann Neurol 26:640-646, Lederman,R.J., 1989

Reynaud's Phenomenon & Entrapment Neuropathies
Ann Neurol 18:519, Serra,G.,et al, 1985

The Entrapment Neuropathies of Rheumatoid Arthritis
Orth Clin of North Am 6:837-861, Nakano,K.K., 1975

Occupational Nerve Lesions
In Handbook of Clinical Neurology 7:326-343, 1970, Edited by Vinken & Bruyn Chp. 12., Spaans,F., 1970

Ischaemic Sensory Loss in Patients with Peripheral Nerve Lesions
JNNP 17:104, Gilliatt,R.W.,et al, 1954

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