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Neurological Complications of Sclerotherapy for Varicose Veins
J Vasc Surg 55:243-251, Sarvananthan, T.,et al, 2012

Vertebrobasilar Disease
NEJM 352:2618-2626, Savitz,S.I.&Caplan,L.R., 2005

Clinical and Imaging Findings in Cryptogenic Stroke Patients With and Without Patent Foramen Ovale
Stroke 33:706-711, Lamy,C.,et al, 2002

Hereditary Hemorrhagic Telangiectasia
NEJM 333:918-924, Guttmacher,A.E.,et al, 1995

Clinicopath Conf
Cerebral Abscesses Complicating Embolic Cerebral Infarcts, Case 31-1991, NEJM 325:341-350991., , 1991

Cerebral Infarction in Young People, A Study of 148 Patients with Early Cerebral Angiography
JNNP 54:576-579, Lisovoski,F.&Rousseaux,P., 1991

Central Nervous System Complications of Infective Endocarditis
Stroke 22:1461-1463, Salgado,A.V., 1991

Ischemic Stroke in Adults Younger than 30 Years of Age, Cause & Prognosis
Arch Neurol 44:479-482, Bogousslavsky,J.&Regli,F., 1987

Mendelian Etiologies of Stroke
Ann Neurol 22:175-192, Natowicz,M.&Kelley,R.I., 1987

Clinical Spectrum of Hereditary Hemorrhagic Telangiectasia (Osler-Wever-Rendu Disease)
Am J Med 82:989-997, Perry,W.H., 1987

Fibromuscular Dysplasia:Multiple"Spontaneous"Dissecting Aneurysms of the Major Cervical Arteries
Ann Neurol 1:301, Ringel,S.P.,et al, 1977

Case Records of MGH-NEJM 287:1291
1972, 289:1039, 1973 Arterio-Venous Malformation of Cerebellum., , 1973

Clinicopathologic Conference, Infective Endocarditis Due to Haemophilus Parainfluenza
NEJM 391:2148-2157, Case 38-2024, 2024

A 7-Year-Old Boy with Acute-Onset Altered Mental Status
Neurol 96:e2774-e2778, Wong, G.J.,et al, 2021

Acute Ischemic Stroke in Adolescents
Neurol 94:e158-e169, Rambaud, R.,et al, 2020

Atrial-Esophageal Fistula Post-Maze Radiofrequency Ablation
ACS Case Reviews in Surg 2:1-4, Montminy,E.M.,et al, 2018

Clinical Manifestations and Evaluation of Adults with Suspected Native Valve Endocarditis
UpToDate Feb, Sexton, D.J. & Fowler,Jr., V.G., 2016

Stroke in Commercial Flights
Stroke 47:1117-1119, Alvarez-Velasco, R.,et al, 2016

The Value of Transesophageal Echocardiography for Embolic Strokes of Undetermined Source
Neuol 87:988-995, Katsanos, A.H.,et al, 2016

Clinicopathologic Conference, the Hypereosinophilic Syndrome due to Parasitic Infection (Most Likely Toxocariasis) Acquired Through Pica, with Lofflers Syndrome and Cardioembolic Strokes
NEJM 373:1154-1164, Case 29-2015, 2015

Foreign Body Emboli Following Cerebrovascular Interventions: Clinical, Radiographic, and Histopathologic Features
AJNR 36:2121-2126, Shapiro, M.,et al, 2015

A 50-year-old Man with "Elephantiasis" and Headache
Neurol 85:e52-e55, Yaghi, S.,et al, 2015

Symptomatic Peripheral Mycotic Aneurysms Due to Infective Endocarditis
Medicine 93:42-52, Gonzalez, I.,et al, 2014

Acute Carotid T Occlusion in a Young Patient
Stroke 45:e125-e127, Heldner, M.R.,et al, 2014

A 32-year-old Woman with Right-Sided Numbness and Word-Finding Difficulties
Neurol 83:e98-e102, Busza, A.,et al, 2014

Enhancing Brain Lesions after Endovascular Treatment of Aneurysms
AJNR 35:1954-1958, Cruz, J.P.,et al, 2014

Clinicopathologic Conference, Acute Ischemic Stroke due to Basilar Artery Embolism. Patent Foramen Ovale
NEJM 367:1450-1460, Case 31-2012, 2012

Migraine with Aura Triggered by Cardiac Myxoma: Case Report and Literature Review
Cephalalgia 30:1396-1399, Ceuster, L.,et al, 2010

Analysis of 1008 Consecutive Patients Aged 15 to 49 with First-Ever Ischemic Stroke: The Helsinki Young Stroke Registry
Stroke 40:1195-1203, Putaala,J.,et al, 2009

Patent Foramen Ovale in Cryptogenic Stroke: Incidental or Pathogenic?
Stroke 40:2349-2355, Alsheikh-Ali,A.A.,et al, 2009

Antithrombotic and Interventional Treatment Options in Cardioembolic Transient Ischaemic Attack and Ischaemic Stroke
JNNP 78:14-24, McCabe,D.J.H. &Rakhit,R.D., 2007

Central nervous System Manifestations of Cardiac Myxoma
Arch Neurol 64:1115-1120, Lee,V.H.,et al, 2007

Shotgun Pellet Embolization to the Posterior Cerebral Circulation
AJNR 27:261-263, deCosta,L.B.,et al, 2006

Diffusion-Weighted Imaging in Stroke Attributable to Patent Foramen Ovale: Significance of Concomitant Atrial Septum Aneurysm
Stroke 37:2030-2034, Bonati,L.H.,et al, 2006

Safety and Efficacy of Mechanical Embolectomy in Acute Ischemic Stroke, Results of the MERCI Trial
Stroke 36:1432-1440, Smikth,W.D.,et al, 2005

Diffusion-Weighted Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Symptomatic Vertebrobasilar Atherosclerosis and Dissection
Arch Neurol 62:1228-1231, Koch,S.,et al, 2005

A Patient with Left Ventricular Thrombus and Recurrent Stereotypic TIAs
Neurol 65:492-493, Bower,C.M.,et al, 2005

Use of Mechanical Extraction Devices in Basilar Artery Occlusion
JNNP 76:1462-1464, Favrole,P.,et al, 2005

Cerebral Embolism from Left Atrial Myxoma Leading to Cerebral and Retinal Aneurysms
AJNR 26:666-669, Herbst, M.,et al, 2005

Left Atrial Myxoma Presenting as Migraine with Aura: A VIP-induced Syndrome
Headache 45:251-254, Kern, R. & Asa, S., 2005

Mechanism of Ischemic Infarct in Spontaneous Carotid Dissection
Stroke 35:482-485, Benninger,D.H.,et al, 2004

Ischemic Stroke During Sexual Intercourse
Arch Neurol 61:1114-1116, Becker,K.,et al, 2004

Expanding the Range of Therapies for Acute Ischemic Stroke: The Early Experience of the Regional Stroke Center at Hartford Hospital
Connecticut Medicine 68:419-429, Silvernman,I.E.,et al, 2004

Neurovascular Complications of Marfan Syndrome
Stroke 33:680-684, Wityk,R.J.,et al, 2002

Delayed Thromboembolic Events 9 Weeks After Endovascular Treatment of an Anterior Communicating Artery Aneurysm: Case Report
AJNR 23:975-977, Studley,M.T.,et al, 2002

Risks of Tumor Embolization in the Presence of an Unrecognized Patent Foramen Ovale: Case Report
AJNR 23:982-984, Horowitz,M.B.,et al, 2002

Clinicopath Conf., Adenocarcinoma with Metastasis to Liver, with Hypercoagulable State Resulting in Thrombophlebitis & Nonbacterial Thrombotic Endocarditis, with Multiple Embolic Infarcts (Trousseau's
NEJM 347:1187-1194, Case 31-2002, 2002

Neurologic Manifestations of Infective Endocarditis
Arch Int Med 160:2781-2787, Heiro,M.,et al, 2000

Balloon Angioplasty for Embolic Total Occlusion of the Middle Cerebral Artery and Ipsilateral Carotid Stenting in an Acute Stroke Stage
AJNR 20:1462-1464,1389, Mori,T.,et al, 1999

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