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Lupus Erythematosus
Arch Derm 106:553, Tuffanelli,D., 1972

Acute Encephalitis in Immunocompetent Adults
Lancet 393:702-716, Venkatesan, A.,et al, 2019

Zika Virus as an Emerging Global Pathogen
JAMA Neurol 73:875-879, Beckham, J.D.,et al, 2016

Neurologic Complications in Dengue Virus Infection
Neurol 83:1601-1609,1590, Sahu, R.,et al, 2014

Opportunistic Infections and Other Risks with Newer Multiple Sclerosis Therapies
Ann Neurol 65:367-377, Berger,J.R. &Houff,S., 2009

Arenaviruses: A Neurological Problem at Any Age
Ann Neurol 62:309-311, Gilden,D.H., 2007

Congenital Lymphocytic Choriomeningitis Virus Infection: Spectrum of Disease
Ann Neurol 62:347-355, Bonthius,D.J.,et al, 2007

Neurotropic Viruses and Cerebral Palsy: Population Based Case-Control Study
BMJ 332:76-79,63, Gibson,C.S.,et al, 2006

West Nile Encephalitis
BMJ 326:865-869, Solomon,T.,et al, 2003

West Nile Virus: A Primer for the Clinician
Ann Int Med 137:173-179, Petersen,L.R. &Marfin,A.A., 2002

Epidemic West Nile Encephalitis, New York, 1999: Results of a Household-based Seroepidemiological Survey
Lancet 358:261-264,254, Mostashari,F.,et al, 2001

St Louis Encephalitis,A Review of 11 Cases in a 1995 Dallas, Tex, Epidemic
Arch Neurol 57:114-118, Wasay,M.,et al, 2000

HTLV-Associated Myelopathy in a Cohort of HTLV-I and HTLV-II Infected Blood Donors
neurol 48:315-320, Murphy,E.L.,et al, 1997

The Polymerase Chain Reaction:Application to Nervous System Disease
Ann Neurol 34:513-523, Darnell,R.B., 1993

Cytomegalovirus and Rasmussen's Encephalitis
Lancet 336:1282-1284, Power,C.,et al, 1990

Herpes Simplex & the Human Nervous System
Milit Med 140:765, Finelli,P.F., 1975

Congenital Anomalies & Herpesvirus Infection
Am J Dis Child 126:364, Montogomery,J.R.,et al, 1973

Effects of Viral Infection on the Developing Nervous System
Seminars in Medicine of the Beth Israel Hosp, Boston NEJM 287:5991972., Johnson,R., 1972

Fetal & Newborn Virus Infections
J Pediatr 77:315, Overall,J.,et al, 1970

Rubella, Clinical Manifestations & Management
Am J Dis Child 118:18-29, Cooper,L.Z.,et al, 1969

Ataxia In Childhood
Dev Med Child Neurol 10:388-389, Wilson,J., 1968

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