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Mystery Case: Hypoglossal Nerve Palsy in Occipito-Temporal Pneumatization
Neurol 79:e109-e110, Renard, D.,et al, 2012

Fracture of the Occipital Condyle:Case Report
Spine 17:1119-1121, Bozboga,M.,et al, 1992

Oculomotor Nerve Enhancement after Mild Head Trauma
AJNR 33:E78, Anagnostou, E.,et al, 2012

Isolated Oculomotor Palsy Following Minor Head Trauma
Neurol 65:169, Levy,R.L.,et al, 2005

Injuries Due to Seizures in Persons with Epilepsy
Neurol 63:1565-1570, Lawn,N.D.,et al, 2004

Recurrent Bacterial Meningitis:The Need for Sensitive Imaging
BMJ 323:501-503, Carrol,E.D.,et al, 2001

Acute Posttraumatic Paraplegia Caused by Epidural Hematoma at the Vertex
AJNR 22:1748-1749, Messori,A.,et al, 2001

Childhood Head Injuries, Accidental or Inflicted?
Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med 154:11-15, Reece,R.M.&Sege,R., 2000

Pediatric Third, Fourth, and Sixth Nerve Palsies:A Population-Based Study
Am J Ophthalmol 127:388-392, Holmes,J.M.,et al, 1999

Clinical Indicators of Intracranial Injury in Head-Injured Infants
Pediatrics 104:861-867, Greenes,D.S.&Schutzman,S.A., 1999

Hemifacial Spasm:Clinical Findings and Treatment
Muscle & Nerve 21:1740-1747, Wang,A & Jankovic,J, 1998

Mild Traumatic Brain Injury,Toward Understanding Manifestations and Treatment
Arch Int Med 158:90-97, Kushner,D., 1998

Subdural Haemorrhages in Infants:Population Based Study
BMJ 317:1558-1561,1538, Jayawant,S.,et al, 1998

Head Injuries Due to Falls Caused by Seizures:A Group at High Risk for Traumatic Intracranial Hematomas
J Neurosurg 86:433-437, Zwinpfer,T.J.,et al, 1997

Disorders of Ocular Motility Following Head Trauma
Arch Neurol 52:924-926, Lepore,F.E., 1995

Patients Who Reattend After Head Injury:A High Risk Group
BMJ 311:1395-1398, Voss,M.,et al, 1995

Oculomotor Palsy From Minor Head Trauma:Initial Sign of Intracranial Aneurysm
Neurol 44:148-150, Walter,K.A.,et al, 1994

Acute Bacterial Meningitis in Adults, A Review of 493 Episodes
NEJM 328:21-28, Durand,M.L.,et al, 1993

Extradural Haematoma in a Child After an Apparently Mild Head Injury
BMJ 306:1665-1666, Nee,P.A.,et al, 1993

Trauma and Multiple Sclerosis:A Population-Based Cohort Study from Olmsted County, Minnesota
Neurol 43:1878-1882, 18711993., Siva,A.,et al, 1993

Fourth Nerve Palsy:Historical Review and Study of 215 Inpatients
Neurol 43:2439-2443, Keane,J.R., 1993

Neuro-Ophthalmic Features of Carotid Cavernous Fistulas and Their Treatment by Endoarterial Balloon Embolisation
JNNP 55:553-556, Brosnahan,D.,et al, 1992

Epilepsy Related to Traumatic Extradural Haematomas
BMJ 302:448, Jamjoom,A.B.,et al, 1991

Optic Nerve Sheath Hemorrhage
In Walsh & Hoyt's Clinical Neuro-ophthalmology, Williams & Wilkins, Baltimore, Vol4, p. 2082-2085, 2, 52-2454, 19Miller, N. R., 1991

Avoidable Factors Contributing to Death of Children with Head Injury
BMJ 300:87-91, Sharples,P.M.,et al, 1990

Clinical Indicators of Intracranial Lesion on Computed Tomographic Scan in Children with Parietal Skull Fracture
Am J Dis Child 143:194-196, Bonadio,W.A.,et al, 1989

Blunt Traumatic Carotid Dissection with Delayed Symptoms
Stroke 20:412-416, Pozzati,E.,et al, 1989

Neurologic Eye Signs Following Motorcycle Accidents
Arch Neurol 46:761-762, Keane,J.R., 1989

Intracranial Injury after Moderate Head Trauma in Children
J Pediatr 115:346-350, Rosenthal,B.W.&Bergman,I., 1989

Surgical Treatment of Progressive Visual Loss in Traumatic Optic Neuropathy, Report of Two Cases
J Neurosurg 70:799-801, Guy,J.,et al, 1989

Computed Tomographic Features of Nonthyroid Extraocular Muscle Enlargement
Ophthalmol 96:1038-1047, Patrinely,J.R.,et al, 1989

Late Hypoglossal Nerve Palsy Following Fracture of Occipital Condyle
Surg Neurol 31:402-404, Orbay,T.,et al, 1989

Delayed Abducens Nerve Palsies Associated with Cervical Spine Fractures
Neurol 37:1565, Nabors,M.W.,et al, 1987

Clinicopath. Conference
Pituitary Adenoma, With Partial Necrosis, (Pituitary Apoplexy) , Case Record 3-1986, NEJM 314:229-23, , 1986, 1986

Oculomotor Nerve
Savino, P. J. , Trobe, J. D. , In Clinical Decisions in Neuro-Ophthalmology, The C. V. Mosby Co, St., Louis, 1985, ChBurde, R. M., 1985

Delayed Onset of Traumatic Extradural Hematoma
J Neurosurg 63:30-34, Borovich,B.,et al, 1985

Traumatic Fourth Nerve Palsy
Arch Neurol 41:679-680, Lavin,P.J.M., 1984

Taste & Smell in Disease (First of Two Parts)
NEJM 308:1275-1279, Schiffman,S.S., 1983

Paralysis of Cranial Nerves III, IV & VI
Arch Ophthalmol 99:76-79, Rush,J.A.,et al, 1981

Skull X-rays
Lancet 2:1350, Galbraith,S.,et al, 1981

Meningitis, In Clinical Neurology
Harper & Row Publishers, 1981, p. 1-55., Sahs,A.L.,et al, 1981

Total Blindness after Trivial Frontal Head Trauma:Bilateral Indirect Optic Nerve Injury
Neurol 28:1066-1068, Venable,H.P.,et al, 1978

Diagnostic & Prognostic Implications of Computed Tomography of Head Trauma
J Comput Assist Tomogr 2:323-331, Tsai,F.Y.,et al, 1978

Diagnosis of Extracerebral Fluid Collections by Computed Tomography
Am J Roentgenol 131:107-110, Cornell,S.H.,et al, 1978

Evaluation of Head Trauma by Computed Tomography
Radiology 123:345-350, Koo,A.H.,et al, 1977

Bilateral Sixth Nerve Palsy
Arch Neurol 33:681, Keane,J.R., 1976

Facial, Auditory, & Vestib Nerve Injuries Assoc with Basilar Skull Fractures, in Neurological Surgery
(Ed) , W. B. Saunders, Co, Phila, 1973, p, Youmans,J.R., 1973

Bilateral Traumatic Abducens Palsy
J Neurosurg 34:33, 1971, Schneider,R.,et al, 1971

Acquired Lesions of the Fourth Cranial Nerve
Brain 93:567, Berger,J.,et al, 1970

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