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Clinicopath Conf, Acute Myelogenous Leukemia Presenting as Meningitis
NEJM 352:274-283, Case 2-2005, 2005

Herpes Zoster-Associated Encephalitis:Clinicopathologic Report of 12 Cases and Review of the Literature
Medicine 62:81-95, Jemsek,J.,et al, 1983

Basophilic Meningitis Secondary to Lymphoma
Neurol 26:899, Glasser,L.,et al, 1976

Methotrexate Dist. in CSF after IV, Ventricular & Lumbar Inject
NEJM 293:161, Shapiro,W.R.,et al, 1975

Herpes Simplex & the Human Nervous System
Milit Med 140:765, Finelli,P.F., 1975

Herpetic Meningitis (Type 1) in a Case of Acute Leukemia
Arch Neurol 28:415-416, Cappel,R.,et al, 1973

Case Records of MGH-NEJM 286:309
1972 Pseudomonas Meningitis with Cavernous Sinus, Carotid Artery & Sphenoid Sinus Involvement., , 1972

Lyme Disease: What the Neuroradiologist Needs to Know
AJNR 40:1998-2000, Valand, H.A.,et al, 2019

Lyme Neuroborreliosis: Manifestations of a Rapidly Emerging Zoonosis
AJNR 30:1079-1087, Hildenbrand,P.,et al, 2009

Polymerase Chain Reaction in the Diagnosis and Management of Central Nervous System Infections
Arch Neurol 56:1215-1219, DeBiasi,R.L.&Tyler,K.L., 1999

Diagnostic Value of CSF Exam in Children with Peripheral Facial Palsy & Suspected Lyme Borreliosis
Neurol 49:817-824, Albisetti,M.,et al, 1997

Neurologic Manifestations of AIDS
Medicine 66:407-437, McArthur,J.C., 1987

Unusual Manifestations of Nervous System Borrelia Burgdorferi Infection
Arch Neurol 44:781-783, Midgard,R.&Hofstad,H., 1987

Lyme Disease Presenting as Recurrent Acute Meningitis
BMJ 295:367, Pal,G.S.,et al, 1987

Neurologic Abnormalities of Lyme Disease
Medicine 58:281-294, Reik,L.,et al, 1979

Clinicopathologic Conference, Encephalitis due to Behcets Disease
NEJM 387:925-933, Case 27-2022, 2022

Clinical Manifestation,Management,and Outcomes in Patients with COVID-19 Vaccine-Induced Acute Encephalitis:Two Case Reports and a Literature Review
Vaccines 10:1230, Shyu,S.,et al, 2022

Chronic Meningitis
NEJM 385:930-936, Aksamit, A.J., 2021

A 22-Year-Old Man with Progressive Bilateral Visual Loss
Neurol 94:625-630, Yang, S.L.,et al, 2020

Clinicopathologic Conference, Lymphocytic Choriomeningitis Virus Infection
NEJM 381:2553-2560, Case Record 40-2019, 2019

Neuro-Sweet Disease Presenting as Ischemic Stroke and Aseptic Meningitis
Neurol 91:e2197-e2199, Das, A.S.,et al, 2018

A Woman in Her 60s with Chronic Meningitis from Aspergillus
JAMA Neurol 74:348-352, Pichler, M.R.,et al, 2017

Lymphocytic Choriomeningitis Virus (LCMV) Infection Sept, McDonald, P.J.,et al, 2017

Mouse Infestation Likely Source of Lymphocytic Choriomeningitis in Teen
MMWR 65:248-249, Rostad, C.A. & Pickering, L.K., 2016

A 35-Year-Old Man with 2 Episodes of Meningoencephalitis Associated with Flu-Like Illness
Neurol 84:e60-e64, Lewis, S.L., 2015

PCR Testing for the Diagnosis of Herpes Simplex Virus in Patients with Encephalitis or Meningitis
UpToDate, Dec, Caliendo, A.M., 2015

Viral Infections of the Nervous System, Chronic Meningitis, and Prior Diseases, Acute Aseptic Meningitis
Adams & Victors Principles of Neurology, Chp 33, pg 744, Ropper, A.H.,et al, 2014

Viral Infections of the Nervous System, Chronic Meningitis, and Prior Diseases, Chronic Persistent and Recurrent Meningitis
Adams & Victors Principles of Neurology, Chp 33, pg 746, Ropper, A.H.,et al, 2014

Infections of the Nervous System, (Bacterial, Fungal, Spirochetal, Parasitic) and Sarcoidosis, Lyme Disease (Erythema Chronicum Migrans; Borreliosis
Adams & Victors Principles of Neurology, Chp 32, pg 728, Ropper, A.H.,et al, 2014

Meningitis After Mice Bite
Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd 158:A7033, Verhaegh, E.M.L.,et al, 2014

West Nile Virus: Review of the Literature
JAMA 310:308-315,267, Petersen, L.R.,et al, 2013

Mycoplasma Pneumoniae Infection: Neurologic Complications, Oct, Greenlee, J.E., 2013

Neurological Disorders in Primary Sjogrens Syndrome
Autoimmune Dis: DOI: ID.1152012/645967, Tobon, G.J.,et al, 2012

Neuro-Sweets Disease
Pract Neurol 12:126-130, Maxwel,G.,et al, 2012

Epstein-Barr Virus Infections of the Nervous System, Nov, Amlie-Lefond,C., 2011

Neurosacrcoidosis: Presentations and Management
Neurologist 16:2-15, Terushkin,V.,et al, 2010

Viral Meningitis
BMJ 336:36-40, Logan,S.A. &MacMahon,E., 2008

Clinical Prediction Rule for Identifying Children With Cerebrospinal Fluid Pleocytosis at Very Low Risk of Bacterial Meningitis
JAMA 297:52-60, Nigrovic,L.E.,et al, 2007

Recurrent Ibuprofen-Induced Aseptic Meningitis: Evidence Against an Antigen-Specific Immune Response
Neurol 67:539-540, Periard,D.,et al, 2006

West Nile Virus Neuroinvasive Disease
Ann Neurol 60:286-300, Davis,L.E.,et al, 2006

Recurrent Meningitis of Unknown Aetiology
Lancet 363:1772, Ellerin,T.B.,et al, 2004

Recurrent Lymphocytic Meningitis
Arch Neurol 61:1553-1557, Kupila,L.,et al, 2004

Phrenic Nerve Palsy Secondary to Lyme Neuroborreliosis
Neurol 59:1810-1811, Ishaq,S.,et al, 2002

Acute Obstructive Hydrocephalus Heralding Neurocysticercosis
Conn Med 65:451-454, Finelli,P.F., 2001

Optic Neuropathy in Children With Lyme Disease
Pediatrics 108:477-481, Rothermel,H.,et al, 2001

Characterization of Lyme Meningitis and Comparison with Viral Meningitis in Children
Pediatrics 103:957-960, Eppes,S.C.,et al, 1999

A Rash, Circulating Anticoagulant, Then Meningitis
Lancet 351:1856, Schanen,A.,et al, 1998

Diagnosis of Viral Infections of the Central Nervous System:Clinical Interpretation of PCR Results
Lancet 349:313-317, Jeffery,K.J.M.,et al, 1997

Intravenous Immune Globulin Therapy for Neurologic Diseases
Ann Int Med 126:721-730, Dalakas,M.C., 1997

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