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Clinicopathologic Conference, Susacs Syndrome (retinocochleocerebral vasculopathy)
NEJM 365:549-559, Case 24-2011, 2011

Retinocochleocerebral Vasculopathy
Medicine 77:12-40, Petty,G.W.,et al, 1998

Diagnostic MRI Score to Differentiate Susac Syndrome from Primary Angiitis of the Central Nervous System and Multiple Sclerosis
Ann Neurol 96:846-854, Marrodan,M.,et al, 2024

Migraine, hearing loss, and blurred vision in a young woman
Neurol 95:e2945-e2950, Sasikumar, S.,et al, 2020

"Ears of the Lynx" MRI Sign is Associated with SPG11 and SPG15 Hereditary Spastic Paraplegia
AJNR 40:199-203, Pascual, B.,et al, 2019

A Woman in her 40s with Transient Neurological Symptoms, Migraine Headaches, and Hearing Loss
JAMA Neurol 76:504-505, Roshal, D.A.,et al, 2019

Clinicopathologic Conference, Susacs Syndrome
NEJM 379:2152-2159, Case 37-2018, 2018

Rotavirus-Associated Mild Encephalopathy with a Reversible Splenial Lesion (MERS)
BMC Infect Dis 15:446, Karampatsas, K.,et al, 2015

Diagnosis and Management of Marchiafava-Bignami Disease: A Review of CT/MRI Confirmed Cases
JNNP 85:168-173, Hillborn, M.,et al, 2014

Snowball-like Lesions with Sudden Hearing Loss
Neurol 82:e100, Oliveira, P. & Mayeux, J., 2014

Brain Abnormalities as an Initial Manifestation of Neuromyelitis Optica Spectrum Disorder
MSJ 17:1107-1112, Kim, W.,et al, 2013

Neurologic Manifestations of E Coli infection - induced Hemolytic-Uremic Syndrome in Adults
Neurol 79:1466-1473, Weissenborn, K.,et al, 2012

Teaching NeuroImages: Reversible Splenial Cytotoxic Edema in Acute Mountain Sickness
Neurol e94, Bin, C.H. and Lee, S-J., 2011

Delayed Leukoencephalopathy with Stroke-Like Presentation in Chemotherapy Recipients
JNNP 79:535-539, Baehring,J.M. &Fulbright,R.K., 2008

Splenium Infarct Due to Cerebral Venous Thrombosis
Arch Neurol 64:1540, Lai,W. &Katirji,B., 2007

Clinicopath Conf., Primary Diffuse Large-B-Cell Lymphoma of the Brain
NEJM 352:185-194, Case 1-2005, 2005

The Ependymal "Dot-Dash" Sign: An MR Imaging Finding of Early Multiple Sclerosis
AJNR 26:2033-2036, Lisanti, C.J.,et al, 2005

Reversible Corpus Callosum Lesion in Legionnaires Disease
JNNP 75:651-654, Morgan, J.C.,et al, 2004

Marchiafava-Bignami Disease: Longitudinal MR Imaging and MR Spectroscopy Study
AJNR 24:249-253, Gambini,A.,et al, 2003

Gliomatosis Cerebri
Radiology 198:831-835, delCarpio-O'Donovan,R.,et al, 1996

Cerebral Vasculitis:MR Imaging and Angiographic Correlation
Radiology 182:65-72, Greenan,T.J.,et al, 1992

Primary Central Nervous System Lymphoma Versus Toxoplasmosis in AIDS
Radiology 179:823-828, Dina,T.S., 1991

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