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Aggressive Behavior Induced by Intraoperative Stimulation in the Triangle of Sano
Neurol 59:1425-1427, Bejjani,B.P.,et al, 2002

Stereotactic pallidotomy for Trtm of Parkinson's Disease, Efficacy & Adverse Effects at 6 Mo in 26 Pts
Neurol 50:434-438, Shannon,K.M.,et al, 1998

Neuropsychological Consequences of Posteroventral Pallidotomy for the Treatment of Parkinson's Disease
Neurol 51:207-215, Trepanier,L.L.,et al, 1998

Development of Wernicke-Korsakoff Syndrome After Long Intervals Following Gastrectomy
Arch Neurol 55:1242-1245, Shimomura,T.,et al, 1998

Iatrogenic Cerebral Amyloid Angiopaty Post Neurosurgery:Frequency, Clinical Profile, Radiological Features, and Outcome
Stroke 54:1214-1223, 1224, Kaushik,K.,et al, 2023

Perioperative Management of Anticoagulant and Antiplatelet Therapy
NEJM Evid doi:10.1056/EVIDna2200322, Douketis,J.D. & Spyropoulos,A.C., 2023

Perioperative Acute Ischemic Stroke in Patients with Atrial Fibrillation
Ann Neurol 94:321-329, Shu, al, 2023

Facial Nerve Marginal Mandibular Branch Lesion
Neurol 94:e2069-e2071, Fleuren, K. & Staals, J., 2020

Optic Nerve Enhancement and Restricted Diffusion in Postoperative Visual Loss
Neuro-Ophthalmol 43:337-339, Finelli, P.F., 2019

Postoperative Visual Loss After Anesthesia for Nonocular Surgery
UptoDate May, Lee, L.A. & Newman, N.J., 2018

A 45-year-old man with Weakness and Myalgia after Orthopedic Surgery
Neurol 88:e185-e189, Vazquez do Campo, R.,et al, 2017

Posterior Ischemic Optic Neuropathy
UptoDate Aug, Tamhankar, M. & Volpe, N., 2017

Infective Endocarditis
Lancet 387:882-893, Cahill, T.J. & Prendergast, B.D., 2016

Short Time Interval Between Neurologic Event and Carotid Surgery is Not Associated with an Increased Procedural Risk
Stroke 47:2783-2790, Tsantilas, P.,et al, 2016

Candida Infections of the Central Nervous System
UptoDate Jan, Kauffman, C.A., 2016

Cystic Lesions as a Rare Complication of Deep Brain Stimulation
Mov Disord Clin Pract 3:87-90, Sharma, V.D.,et al, 2016

Peri-Procedural Management of Patients Taking Oral Anticoagulants
BMJ 351:h2391, Daniels, P.R., 2015

Ischemic Optic Neuropathies
NEJM 372:2428-2436, Biousse, V. & Newman, N.J., 2015

Oral Anticoagulants for Stroke Prevention in Atrial Fibrillation: Current Status, Special Situations, and Unmet Needs
Lancet 386:303-310, Verheugt, F.W.A. & Granger, C.B., 2015

Practice Guideline: Idiopathic Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus: Response to Shunting and Predictors of Response
Neurol 85:2063-2071, Halperin, J.J.,et al, 2015

Disturbances of Cerebrospinal Fluid, Including Hydrocephalus, Pseudotumor Cerebri, and Low-Pressure Syndromes, Intracranial Hypotension
Adams & Victors Principles of Neurology, Chp 30, pg 632, Ropper, A.H.,et al, 2014

Infections of the Nervous System, (Bacterial, Fungal, Spirochetal, Parasitic) and Sarcoidosis, Subdural Empyema
Adams & Victors Principles of Neurology, Chp 32, pg 711, Ropper, A.H.,et al, 2014

Summary of Evidence-Based Guideline: Periprocedural Management of Antithrombic Medications in Patients with Ischemic Cerebrovascular Disease
Neurol 80:2065-2069, Armstrong, M.,et al, 2013

Management of Antithrombotic Therapy in Patients Undergoing Invasive Procedures
NEJM 368:2113-2124, Baron, T.,et al, 2013

Combined Retinal and Cerebral Hyperperfusion Syndrome after Carotid Thromboendarterectomy
Neurol 81:e166-e167, Ketteler, S.,et al, 2013

MRI findings in Post-operative Bilateral Posterior Ischemic Optic Neuropathy
J Ophthalmol 3:51-53, Bhatt, N.P.,et al, 2013

Management of Anticoagulation Before and After Elective Surgery Dec. 2012, Lip, G. & Douketis, J., 2012

Syndrome of the Trephined
J Neurosurg 111:650-652, Joseph, V. & Reilly, P., 2009

Perioperative Stroke
NEJM 356:706-713, Selim,M., 2007

Wernicke Encephalopathy After Obesity Surgery: A Systematic Review
Neurol 68:807-811, Singh,S. &Kumar,A., 2007

Pathological Gambling after Bilateral Subthalamic Nucleus Stimulation in Parkinson Disease
JNNP 78:517-519, Smeding,H.M.M.,et al, 2007

Neurologic Complications of Gastric Bypass Surgery for Morbid Obesity
Neurol 68:1843-1850, Juhasz-Pocsine,K.,et al, 2007

Deep Brain Stimulation
Neurologist 13:237-252, Kem,DS. &Kumar,R., 2007

Panic and Fear Induced by Deep Brain Stimulation
JNNP 77:410-412, Shapira,HN.A.,et al, 2006

A Discriminative Prediction Model of Neurological Outcome for Patients Undergoing Surgery of Brain Arteriovenous Malformations
Stroke 37:1457-1464, Spears,J.,et al, 2006

Ischemic Orbital Compartment Syndrome as a Complication of Spinal Surgery in the Prone Position
Ophthalmol 113:105-108, Leibovitch, I.,et al, 2006

The Neurological Complications of Bariatric Surgery
Arch Neurol 61:1185-1189, Berger,J.R., 2004

Surgical and Hardware Complications of Subthalamic Stimulation
Neurol 63:612-616, Lyons,K.E.,et al, 2004

Incidence and Clinical Course of Thrombus Formation on Atrial Septal Defect and Patent Foramen Ovale Closure Devices in 1,000 Consecutive Patients
J Am Coll Cardiol 43:302-309, Krumsdorf,U.,et al, 2004

Incidence of Thrombus Formation on the CardioSEAL and the Amplatzer Interatrial Closure Devices
Am J Cardiol 93:426-431, Anzai,H.,et al, 2004

Continuation of Medically Necessary Aspirin and Warfarin During Cutaneous Surgery
Mayo Clin Proc 78:1392-1396, Otley,C.C., 2003

Perioperative Management of Patients Receiving Oral Anticoagulants: A Systematic Review
Arch Int Med 163:901-908, Dunn,A.S. &Turpie,A.G.G., 2003

Mania Following Deep Brain Stimulation for Parkinson's Disease
Neurol 59:1421-1424, Kulisevsky,J.,et al, 2002

Warfarin Therapy for an Octogenarian who has Atrial Fibrillation
Ann Int Med 134:465-474, Gage,B.F.,et al, 2001

DBS and Diathermy Interaction Induces Severe CNS Damage
Neurol 56:1384-1386, Nutt,J.G.,et al, 2001

Safety of Intra-Arterial Thrombolysis in the Postoperative Period
Stroke 32:1365-1369, Chalela,J.A.,et al, 2001

High-grade Carotid Stenosis Detected Before General Surgery: Is Endarterectomy Indicated?
Neurol 57:1328-1330, Evans,B.A. &Wijdicks,E.F.M., 2001

Carotid Stent Thrombosis
Stroke 32:2700-2702, Chaturvedi,S.,et al, 2001

MR Characteristics of Muslin-Induced Optic Neuropathy: Report of Two Cases and Review of the Literature
AJNR 21:346-352, Bhatti,M.T.,et al, 2000

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