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Filter Applied: cervical spondylosis (Click to remove)

Cervical Osteophyte Causing Cerebellar Infarction
Lancet 383:1748, Ozkul-Wermester, O.,et al, 2014

Introduction to Symposium on Cervical Spine Injuries
Arch Surg 111:637, Babcock,J.L., 1976

Intermittent Downbeat Nystagmus Due to Vertebral Artery Compression
Neurol 43:216-218, Rosengart,A.,et al, 1993

Recurrent Stroke Caused by Spondylotic Compression of the Vertebral Artery
Ann Neurol 33:558-559, Chin,J.H., 1993

Internuclear Ophthalmoplegia following Cervical Manipulation
Ann Neurol 1:308, Zauel,D., 1977

Basilar-Vertebral Artery Insufficiency as a Case of Vertigo
Otolary Clin North Am 6:287, Burns,R., 1973

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