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Ataxia In Childhood
Dev Med Child Neurol 10:388-389, Wilson,J., 1968

Clinicopathologic Conference, Delayed Postthypoxic Leukoencephalopathy
NEJM 384:2438-2445, Case 19-2021, 2021

A Case of Altered Mental Status, Not Otherwise Specified
Neurol 89:e154-e158, Swor, D.E.,et al, 2017

An unusual cause of stroke and hypoxia
BMJ 342:c7200, Bell, S.L. & Eveson, D.J., 2011

Random skin biopsy and bone marrow biopsy for diagnosis of intravascular large B cell lymphoma
Ann Hematol 90:417-421, Matsue, K.,et al, 2011

Hereditary Hemorrhagic Telangiectasia (Osler-Weber-Rendu Syndrome)
UpToDate, Feb, Shovlin, C., 2011

Pulmonary Arteriovenous Malformations in Hereditary Hemorrhagic Telangiectasia: A Series of 126 Patients
Medicine 86:1-7, Cottin,V.,et al, 2007

Dystonia and Chorea in Acquired Systemic Disorders
JNNP 65:436-445, Janavs,J.L.&Aminoff,M.J., 1998

Epidemiology, Pathophysiology, & Management of Hyponatremic Encephalopathy
Am J Med 102:67-77, Fraser,C.L.,et al, 1997

Head Injury in Sport
BMJ 308:1620-1624, McLatchie,G.&Jennett,B., 1994

Neurological Complications of Organ Transplantation
Ann Neurol 36:688-703, Patchell,R.A., 1994

Congenital Central Hypoventilation Syndrome:Diagnosis, Management, and Long-Term Outcome in Thirty-Two Children
J Pediatr 120:381-387, Weese-Mayer,D.E.,et al, 1992

Thalamic Lesions in Infancy
Editorial, Lancet 339:1143-11451992., , 1992

Withdrawal of Life-Support from Patients in a Persistent Vegetative State
Lancet 337:96-98, Boyd,K.M., 1991

Movement Disorder of Premature Infants with Severe Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia:A New Syndrome
Pediatrics 84:215-218, Perlman,J.M.&Volpe,J.J., 1989

Origins of Cerebral Palsy
Am J Dis Child 143:1154-1160, Naeye,R.L.,et al, 1989

Blepharospasm with Bilateral Basal Ganglia Infarction
Arch Neurol 42:1206-1208, Keane,J.R.&Young,J.A., 1985

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