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Dystonia and Chorea in Acquired Systemic Disorders
JNNP 65:436-445, Janavs,J.L.&Aminoff,M.J., 1998

Random skin biopsy and bone marrow biopsy for diagnosis of intravascular large B cell lymphoma
Ann Hematol 90:417-421, Matsue, K.,et al, 2011

An Unconscious Man with Asthma and a Fixed, Dilated Pupil
Lancet 349:98, Dimond,J.P.&Palazzo,M.G.A., 1997

Neuron-Specific Enolase & Myelin Basic Protein:Relation of CSF Concentr to Neuro Cond of Asphyx Full-Term Infants
Pediatrics 93:234-240, Garcia-Alix,A.,et al, 1994

Head Injury in Sport
BMJ 308:1620-1624, McLatchie,G.&Jennett,B., 1994

Brain Swelling in the Asphyxiated Term Newborn:Pathogenesis and Outcome
Pediatrics 82:139-146, Lupton,B.A.,et al, 1988

Neurologic Manifestations of Chronic Pulmonary Insufficiency
NEJM 257:579-590, Austen,F.K.,et al, 1957

Clinicopathologic Conference, Fat Embolism Syndrome
NEJM 385:2464-2474, Case 39-2021, 2021

Fat embolism syndrome and elective knee arthroplasty
Can J Anesth 49:19-23, Jenkins, K.,et al, 2002

Neurologic Complications of Pediatric Lung Transplantation
Neurol 53:1542-1549, Wong,M.,et al, 1999

Neurological Complications of Organ Transplantation
Ann Neurol 36:688-703, Patchell,R.A., 1994

Thalamic Lesions in Infancy
Editorial, Lancet 339:1143-11451992., , 1992

Respiratory Complications and Their Management in Motor Neuron Disease
Brain 112:1155-1170, Howard,R.S.,et al, 1989

Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Presenting with Sleep Hypopnea Syndrome
Chest 93:1309-1312, Carre,P.C.,et al, 1988

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