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Management of Stroke in Infants and Children: A Scientific Statement From a Special Writing Group of the American Heart Association Stroke Council and the Council on Cardiovascular Disease in the Young
Stroke 39:2644-2691, Roach,E.S.,et al., 2008

Interventional Neuroradiology
BMJ 311:789-792, Taylor,W.&Rodesch,G., 1995

Rebleeding from Intracranial Dissecting Aneurysm in the Vertebral Artery
Aoki. N. & Sakai, T. , Stroke 21:1628-1631, , 1990

Spontaneous Subarachnoid Haemorrhage
Lancet 400:846-862, Claassen, J. & Park, S., 2022

Delayed Leukoencephalopathy: A Rare Complication after Coiling of Cerebral Aneurysms
AJNR 41:286-292, Ikemura, A.,et al, 2020

Delayed Nonischemic Cerebral Enhancing Lesions Post Endovascular Coil Embolization
Neurol 94:e2402-e2403, Bettin, M.V. & Southerland, A.M., 2020

Subarachnoid Hemorrhage
NEJM 377:257-266, Lawton, M.T. & Vates, G.E., 2017

The Durability of Endovascular Coiling Versus Neurosurgical Clipping of Ruptured Cerebral Aneurysms: 18 Year Follow-Up of the UK Cohort of the International Subarachnoid Aneurysm Trial (ISAT)
Lancet 385:691-697,666, Molyneux, A.J.,et al, 2015

Symptomatic Peripheral Mycotic Aneurysms Due to Infective Endocarditis
Medicine 93:42-52, Gonzalez, I.,et al, 2014

Aneurysmal Subarachnoid Hemorrhage
NEJM 354:387-396, Suarez,J.I.,et al, 2006

Endovascular Coiling Versus Neurosurgical Clipping for Patients With Aneurysmal Subarachnoid Hemorrhage
Stroke 37:572-573, van der Schaaf,I.,et al, 2006

Cerebral Aneurysms
NEJM 355:928-939, Brisman,J.L.,et al, 2006

Ruptured Cavernous Sinus Aneurysms Causing Carotid Cavernous Fistula: Incidence, Clinical Presentation, Treatment, and Outcome
AJNR 27:185-189, van Rooij, W.J.,et al, 2006

Unruptured Intracranial Aneurysms: Natural History, Clinical Outcome, and Risks of Surgical and Endovascular Treatment
Lancet 362:103-110,90, International Study of Unruptured Intracranial Ane, 2003

Neurosurgical Clipping Versus Endovascular Coiling of Patients with Ruptured Intracranial Aneurysms
Stroke 34:2540-2542, Ogilvy,C.S., 2003

Recommendations for the Endovascular Treatment of Intracranial Aneurysms
Stroke 33:2536-2544, Johnston,S.C.,et al, 2002

International Subarachnoid Aneurysm Trial (ISAT) of Neurosurgical Clipping Versus Endovascular Coiling in 2143 Patients with Ruptured Intracranial Aneurysms: A Randomised Trial
Lancet 360:1267-1274,1262, International Subarachnoid Aneurysm Trial (ISAT) C, 2002

Treatment of Unruptured Cerebral Aneurysms in California
Stroke 32:597-605, Claibrone Johnston,S.,et al, 2001

Guglielmi Detachable Coiling for Intracranial Aneurysms
Arch Neurol 58:559-564, Dovey,Z.,et al, 2001

Endovascular Treatment of Unruptured Aneurysms
Stroke 32:1998-2004, Roy,D.,et al, 2001

Effect of Endovascular Services and Hospital Volume on Cerebral Aneurysm Treatment Outcomes
Stroke 31:111-117, Johnston,S.C., 2000

Endovascular Treatment of Ruptured Posterior Circulation Cerebral Aneurysms, Clinical and Angiographic Outcomes
Stroke 31:100-110, Lempert,T.E.,et al, 2000

Endovascular Treatment of Cerebral Artery Aneurysms during Pregnancy: Report of Three Cases
AJNR 21:1306-1311, Meyers,P.M. et al, 2000

Small, Unruptured Intracranial Aneurysms and Management of Symptomatic Carotid Artery Stenosis
Neurol 55:307-409, Kappelle,L.J,. et al, 2000

Endovascular and Surgical Treatment of Unruptured Cerebral Aneurysms: Comparison of Risks
Ann Neurol 48:11-19, 5, Johnston,S.C. et al, 2000

Recommendations for the Management of Patients with Unruptured Intracranial Aneurysms
Stroke 31:2742-2750, Bederson,J.B.,et al, 2000

Treatment of Intracranial Aneurysms by Embolization with Coils,A Systematic Review
Stroke 30:470-476, Brilstra,E.H.,et al, 1999

Which Unruptured Cerebral Aneurysms Should be Treated? A Cost-Utility Analysis
Neurol 52:1806-1815, Johnston,S.C.,et al, 1999

Surgical and Endovascular Treatment of Unruptured Cerebral Aneurysms at University Hospitals
Neurol 52:1799-1805, Johnston,S.C.,et al, 1999

MR Angiography with Three-Dimensional Time-of-Flight and Targeted Maximum-Intensity-Projection Reconstructions in the Follow-up of Intracranial Aneurysms Embolized with Guglielmi Detachable Coils
AJNR 20:1470-1475,1391, Kahara,V.J.,et al, 1999

Calcium Antagonists in Patients with Aneurysmal Subarachnoid Hemorrhage
Neurol 50:876-883, Feigin,V.L.,et al, 1998

Subarachnoid Hemorrhage:Aneurysm Detection ahnd Preoperative Evaluation with CT Angiography
Radiology 208:423-430, Velthuis,B.K.,et al, 1998

Guidelines for the Management of Aneurysmal Subarachnoid Hemorrhage
Stroke 25:2315-2328, Mayberg,M.R.,et al, 1994

Effect of Calcitonin-Gene-Related Peptide in Pts with Delayed Postop Cerebral Ischaemia after Aneurysmal SAH
Europ CGRP Study Group, Lancet 339:831-8341992., , 1992

The Diagnosis and Treatment of Cerebral Myocotic Aneurysms
Ann Neurol 27:238-246, Brust,J.C.M.,et al, 1990

Effect of Nimodipine on Cerebral Infarction & Outcome after Subarachnoid Haemorrhage:British Aneurysm Nimodipine Trial
BMJ 298:636-642, Pickard,J.D.,et al, 1989

Combination of Aminocaproic Acid & Nicardipine in Treatment of Aneurysmal Subarachnoid Hemorrhage
Stroke 19:63-67, Beck,D.W.,et al, 1988

Prophylactic Vol Expansion Therapy for Prevention of Delayed Cerebral Ischemia After Aneurysm Surgery
Arch Neurol 45:325-332, Solomon,R.A.,et al, 1988

Management of Aneurysmal Subarachnoid Hemorrhage
Stroke 19:1300-1305, Biller,J.,et al, 1988

Cerebral Arterial Spasm-A Controlled Trial of Nimodipine in Patients with Subarachnoid Hemorrhage
NEJM 308:619-624, Allen,G.S.,et al, 1983

Spontaneous Subarachnoid Haemorrhage
Lancet 389:655-666, Macdonald, R.L. & Schweizer, T.A., 2017

Coiling-Associated Delayed Cerebral Hypersensitivity: Is Nickel the Link?
Neurol 84:97-99, Lobotesis, K.,et al, 2015

Enhancing Brain Lesions after Endovascular Treatment of Aneurysms
AJNR 35:1954-1958, Cruz, J.P.,et al, 2014

MR Imaging of Subcallosal Artery Infarct Causing Amnesia after Surgery for Anterior Communicating Artery Aneurysm
AJNR 35:2293-2301, Mugikura, S.,et al, 2014

Retrospective Review of Cerebral Mycotic Aneurysms in 26 Patients: Focus on Treatment in Strongly Immunocompromised Patients with a Brief Literature Review
AJNR 34:823-827, Allen, L.M.,et al, 2013

Endovascular Therapy for Asymptomatic Unruptured Intracranial Aneurysms
Stroke 44:2735-2742, Shigematsu, T.,et al, 2013

Guideline for the Management of Aneurysmal Subarachnoid Hemorrhage
Stroke 43:1711-1737, Connolly, E.S.,et al, 2012

Hydrogel-coated coils versus bare platinum coils for the endovascular treatment of intracranial aneurysms (HELPS): a randomised controlled trial
lancet 377:1665-62, White, P.M., et al, 2011

Guidelines for the Management of Aneurysmal Subarachnoid Hemorrhage: A Statement for Healthcare Professionals from a Special Writing Group of the Stroke Council, American Heart Association
Stroke 40:994-1025, Bederson,J.B.,et al, 2009

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