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Filter Applied: pneumocephalus (Click to remove)

Pneumocephalus and Pneumorrhachis in a 67-year-old Man
Neurol 86:e218-e221, Schomig, B.,et al, 2016

Differential Diagnosis of Postpartum Headaches
Rev Mex Anest 32:Suppl1 S16-S23, MacArthur,A., 2009

Teaching NeuroImages: Pneumocephalus Due to Bacterial Meningitis
Neurol 73:e53, Hama-Amin,A.,et al, 2009

Clinicopath Conf., Acute Bacterial Meningoencephalitis, Otitis Media, Mastoiditis, and Aberrant Arachnoid Granulations
NEJM 357:1957-1965, Case34-2007, 2007

Lumbar Puncture Associated with Pneumocephalus: Report of a Case
Anesth Analg 98:524-526, Kozikowski,G.P. &Cohen,S.P., 2004

Tension Pneumocephalus: Acute Neurological Deterioration Associated with Pleocytosis of the CSF
CID 16:703-705, Thomas,D. &Kendig,N., 1993

Spontaneous Pneumocephalus with Meningitis:CT Demonstration
J Comput Assist Tomogr 15:525-539, Finelli,P.F.&Bergen,R., 1991

Diffuse Pneumocephalus from Clostridium Perfringens Meningitis:CT Findings
AJNR 10:447, Klein,M.A.,et al, 1989

Pneumococcal Infection and Gurgling in the Head
Ann Int Med 106:912-913, Winton,M.D.,et al, 1987

"Spontaneous"Pneumocephalus Associated with Mixed Aerobic-Anaerobic Bacterial Meningitis
J Infect Dis 152:847-848, Maliwan,J., 1985

Subdural Tension Pneumocephalus Following Surgery
J Comput Assist Tomogr 6:903-906, Monajati,A.,et al, 1982

Hypoliquorreic Headache & Pneumocephalus Vaused by Thoraco-subarachnoid Fistula
Neurol 27:993, Labadie,E.L.,et al, 1977

In:Vinken P. J. & Bruyn, G. W. Ed, Handbook of Clinical Neurology, Vol 24, North-Holland Publ Co, Am, terdam, 197Markham, J. W., 1976

Surgical Treatment of Atrioesophageal Fistula:A Systematic Review
Ann Thorac Surg 116:421-428, Amirkhosravi,F.,et al, 2023

Clinical Presentation, Diagnosis, and Treatment of Atrioesophageal Fistula Resulting From Atrial Fibrillation Ablation
J Cardiovasc Electrophysiol 32:2441-2450, Della Rocca,D.G.,et al, 2021

Pneumocephalus Due to a Bronchoatrial Fistula
NEJM 382:1942, Zakko, A. & Bakhtiar, H., 2020

A 62-year-old man with history of catheter ablation presenting with recurrent strokes
Neurol 95:e3065-e3069, Jeanneret, V.,et al, 2020

Neurologic Abnormalities After Atrial Fibrillation Ablative Procedure
JAMA Neurol 75:1144-1145, Stanton, R.J.,et al, 2018

Atrial-Esophageal Fistula Post-Maze Radiofrequency Ablation
ACS Case Reviews in Surg 2:1-4, Montminy,E.M.,et al, 2018

Atrio-Esophageal Fistula:A Case Series and Literature Review
Am J Case Rep 18:847-854, Schuring,C.A.,et al, 2017

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