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Cerebral & Retinal Vascular Complications of Inflammatory Bowel Disease
Ann Neurol 5:331-337, Schneiderman,J.H.,et al, 1979

Optimal Timing of Anticoagulation after Acute Ischaemic Stroke with Atrial Fibrillation (OPTIMAS): A Multicentre, Blinded-Endpoint, Phase 4, Randomised Controlled Trial
Lancet 404:1731-1741, Werring,D.J.,et al, 2024

Caudal Epidural Steroid Injections in the Setting of Remaining on Antithrombotics: A Retrospective Study
Pain Physician 24:e821-e828, Simon,J.I.,et al, 2021

MT in Anticoagulated Patients
Neurol 94: e842-e850, LAllinec, V.,et al, 2020

Association of Ischemic Stroke, Major Bleeding, and Other Adverse Events with Warfarin Use vs Non-vitamin K Antagonist Oral Anticoagulant Use in Patients with Atrial Fibrillation with a History of Intracranial Hemorrhage
JAMA Network Open 3:e206424, Tsai, C.T.,et al, 2020

Thigh Pain After a Stroke
BMJ 371:m3697, Long, V. & Tham, S.-L., 2020

Rates of Ischemic Stroke During Warfarin Treatment for Atrial Fibrillation
Stroke 46:1120-1122, Tung, J.M.,et al, 2015

Oral Anticoagulants for Stroke Prevention in Atrial Fibrillation: Current Status, Special Situations, and Unmet Needs
Lancet 386:303-310, Verheugt, F.W.A. & Granger, C.B., 2015

Summary of Evidence-Based Guideline: Periprocedural Management of Antithrombic Medications in Patients with Ischemic Cerebrovascular Disease
Neurol 80:2065-2069, Armstrong, M.,et al, 2013

Sporadic Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathy Revisited: Recent Insights Into Pathophysiology and Clinical Spectrum
JNNP 83:124-137, Charidimou,A.,et al, 2012

New Alternative to Warfarin May Help Reduce Stroke Risk in Patients With AF
JAMA 305:25-26, Mitka,M., 2011

Apixaban versus Warfarin in Patients with Atrial Fibrillation
NEJM 365:981-992,1052, Granger, C.B.,et al, 2011

Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathy
UpToDate: May 2010, Greenberg,S.M.,et al, 2010

Effect of Clopidogrel Added to Aspirin in Patients with Atrial Fibrillation
NEJM 360:2066-2078,2127, The ACTIVE Investigators, 2009

Spontaneous Primary Intraventricular Hemorrhage in Adults: Clinical Data, Etiology and Outcome
Turkish Neurosurgery 19:338-344, Giray, S.,et al, 2009

Association Between Cerebral Microbleeds on T2*-Weighted MR Images and Recurrent Hemorrhagic Stroke in Patients Treated With Warfarin Following Ischemic Stroke
AJNR 29:1483-1486, Ueno,H.,et al., 2008

Efficacy and Safety of Anticoagulant Treatment in Acute Cardioembolic Stroke: A Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials
Stroke 38:423-430, Paciaroni,M.,et al, 2007

Location and Outcome of Anticoagulant-Associated Intracerebral Hemorrhage
Neurocrit Care 05:197-201, Flaherty, M.L.,et al, 2006

Comparison of Warfarin and Aspirin for Symptomatic Intracranial Arterial Stenosis
NEJM 352:1305-1316, 1368, Chimowitz,M.I.,et al, 2005

Stroke Prevention with the Oral Direct Thrombin Inhibitor Ximelagatran Compared with Warfarin in Patients with Non-Valvular Atrial Fibrillation (SPORTIF III): Randomised Controlled Trial
Lancet 362:1691-1698,1686, Executive Steering Committee on Behalf of the SPOR, 2003

Risks and Benefits of Anticoagulant and Antiplatelet Medication Use Before Cataract Surgery
Ophthalmology 110:1784-1788, Katz,J.,et al, 2003

Leukoaraiosis is Associated with Warfarin-Related Hemorrhage Following Ischemic Stroke
Neurol 59:193-197, Smith,E.E.,et al, 2002

Systematic Review of Long Term Anticoagulation or Antiplatelet Treatment in Patients with Non-rheumatic Atrial Fibrillation
BMJ 322:321-326, Taylor,F.C.,et al, 2001

Tinzaparin in Acute Ischaemic Stroke (TAIST):A Randomised Aspirin-Controlled Trial
Lancet 358:702-710,683, Bath,P.M.W.,et al, 2001

Safety of Anticoagulation for Cerebral Venous Thrombosis Associated with Intracerebral Hematoma
Neurol 57:1138-1139, Fink,J.N.&McAuley,D.L., 2001

Oral Anticoagulation for Cerebral Ischemic of Arterial Origin
Neurol 57:1993-1999, Torn,M.,et al, 2001

Low-Molecular-Weight heparins and Heparinoids in Acute ischemic Stroke
Stroke 31:1770-1778, Bath,P.M.W. et al, 2000

Intravenous Heparin for Acute Stroke, What Can We Learn from the Megatrials?
Neurol 52:1746-1750, Swanson,R.A., 1999

Is There Still a Role for Intravenous Heparin in Acute Stroke? No
Arch Neurol 56:1160-1162, Sandercock,P., 1999

Major Bleeding During Anticoagulation after Cerebral Ischemia, Patterns and Risk Factors
Neurol 53:1319-1327, Gorter,J.W., 1999

Low Molecular Wt Heparinoid
ORG 10172 (Danaparoid) , & Outcome After Acute Ischemic Stroke, 10172 Acute Stroke Trtm (TOAST) Inve, t, JAMA 1272,1304,1998., 1998

A Randomized Trial of Anticoagulants Vs Aspirin After Cerebral Ischemia of Presumed Arterial Origin
SPIRIT Study Group, Ann Neurol 42:857-8651997., , 1997

Hemorrhagic Transfor of Brain Infarct:Predictability in First 5 hrs. From Stroke Onset & Influ on Clin Outcome
Neurol 46:341-345, Toni,D.,et al, 1996

Spontaneous Spinal Epidural Hematoma:Findings at MR Imaging and Clinical Correlation
Radiology 199:409-413, Holtas,S.,et al, 1996

Risk of Stroke During Long-Term Anticoagulant Therapy in Patients After Myocardial Infarction
Ann Neurol 39:301-307, 2811996., Azar,A.J.,et al, 1996

Clinicopath Conf
Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathy, Case 22-1996, NEJM 335:189-196996., , 1996

Early Anticoagulation After Large Cerebral Embolic Infarction:A Safety Study
Neurol 45:861-865, Chamorro,A.,et al, 1995

Low-Molecular-Weight Heparin for the Treatment of Acute Ischemic Stroke
NEJM 333:1588-1593, Kay,R.,et al, 1995

Cost-Effectiveness of Warfarin and Aspirin for Prophylaxis of Stroke in Patients with Nonvalvular Atrial Fibrillation
JAMA 274:1839-1845, Gage,B.F.,et al, 1995

Immediate Anticoagulation with Heparin for First-Ever Ischemic Stroke in Carotid Artery Territ within 5 Hr
Arch Neurol 51:462-467, Camerlingo,M.,et al, 1994

Hirudin in Acute Myocardial Infarction
Circulation 90:1624-1630, 1631, 2147994., Antman,E.M., 1994

Cost Effectiveness of Primary Stroke Prevention in Atrial Fibrillation
BMJ 305:1457-1460, 14451992., Gustafsson,C.,et al, 1992

Antithrombotic Therapy in Cerebrovascular Disease
Ann Int Med 115:885-895, Rothrock,J.F.&Hart,R.G., 1991

The Effect of Warfarin on Mortality and Reinfarction after Myocardial Infarction
NEJM 323:148-152, Smith,P.,et al, 1990

Anticoagulation:Is There Still a Role in Atherothrombotic Stroke
Stroke 21:820-824, Estol,C.J.&Pessin,M.S., 1990

Natural History of Progressive Ischemic Stroke in a Population Treated with Heparin
Stroke 21:1657-1662, Slivka,A.&Levy,D., 1990

An Alternative View of Heparin Anticoagulation in Acute Focal Brain Ischemia
Stroke 20:295-298, Phillips,S.J., 1989

Placebo-Controlled, Randomised Trial of Warfarin & ASA for Prevention of Thromboembolic Complic in Chronic A Fib
Lancet 1:175-179, Petersen,P.,et al, 1989

Acute Anticoagulation Following Cardioembolic Stroke
Stroke 20:730-734, Rothrock,J.F.,et al, 1989

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