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Phase 2 Trial of Difelikefalin in Notalgia Paresthetica
NEJM 388:511-517, Kin,B.S.,et al, 2023

Meralgia Paresthetica
Hospital Medicine l6:64, Rovit,R.L., 1980

A Comprehensive Review of Cluneal Neuralgia as a Cause of Lower Back Pain
Orthopedic Reviews doi:10.52965/001c-35505, Anderson,D.,et al, 2022

Saphenous Mononeuropathy After Popliteal Vein Aneurysm Repair
Neurologist 16:47-49, Shenoy,A. &Wiesman,J., 2010

Saphenous Nerve Entrapment in Adolescence
Pediatrics 103:161-163, Nir-Paz,R., 1999

Axillary Neuropathy, In Entrapment Neuropathies, Chp 13 p 346 Lippincott-Raven (Third Ed), Phila
, , 1999

Femoral Neuropathy Following Cardiac Catheterization for Balloon Mitral Valvotomy
Int J Cardiol 71:197-198, Kuruvilla,A.,et al, 1999

Cutaneous Nerve Lesions of the Shoulder and Arm After Arthroscopic Shoulder Surgery
J Shoulder Elbow Surg 4:254-258, Segmuller,H.E.,et al, 1995

Anterior Femoral Cutaneous Nerve Injury Following Femoral Artery Reconstructive Surgery
Arch Neurol 48:230-232, Belsh,J.M., 1991

Diabetic Truncal Neuropathy:Topography of the Sensory Deficit
Ann Neurol 25:233-238, Stewart,J.D., 1989

Femoral Compression Neuropathy from a Mechanical Pressure Clamp
Neurol 39:1263, Massey,E.W.&Tim,R.W., 1989

Radial Sensory Nerve Entrapment
Arch Neurol 43:833-835, Dellon,A.L.&Mackinnon,S.E., 1986

Mental Neuropathy from Systemic Cancer
Neurol 31:1277-1281, Massey,E.W.,et al, 1981

Flutist's Neuropathy
NEJM 305, 9611981., Cynamon,K.B., 1981

Bilateral Involvement of the Lateral Cutaneous Nerve of Calf in a Diabetic
Ann Neurol 4:480-481, Finelli,P.F.,et al, 1978

Notalgia Paresthetica
Neurol 28:1310-1312, Pleet,A.B.,et al, 1978

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