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A 67-YEar-Old Man with Multiple Intracranial Lesions
Neurol 101:e845-e851, Ngo,A.,et al, 2023

Clinical Manifestation,Management,and Outcomes in Patients with COVID-19 Vaccine-Induced Acute Encephalitis:Two Case Reports and a Literature Review
Vaccines 10:1230, Shyu,S.,et al, 2022

Autoimmune Encephalitides: A Broadening Field of Treatable Conditions
Neurologist 22:1-13, Kalman, B., 2017

Autoimmune Glial Fibrillary Acidic Protein Astrocytopathy
JAMA Neurol 73:1297-1307, Fang, B.,et al, 2016

Emerging Cases of Powassan Virus Encephalitis in New England:Clinical Presentation, Imaging, and Review of the Literature
CID 62:707-713, Piantadosi,A.,et al, 2016

A 73-year-old Man with Diplopia and Ataxia
Neurol 85:e96-e100, Gupta, H.V.,et al, 2015

Hashimoto Encephalopathy
Neurol 78:e134, Afshari, M.,et al, 2012

Neuro-Sweets Disease
Pract Neurol 12:126-130, Maxwel,G.,et al, 2012

Diagnostic Value of N-methyl-D-aspartate Receptor Antibodies in Women with New-Onset Epilepsy
Arch Neurol 66:458-464, Niehusmann,P.,et al, 2009

Voltage-gated Potassium Channel-associated Limbic Encepahlitis in the West of Scotland:Case Reports and Literature Review
Scott Med J 54:27-31, Reid,J.M.,et al, 2009

Autoimmune Encephalopathies
The Neurologist 13:140-147, Vernino, S.,et al, 2007

Paraneoplastic Chorea Associated with CRMP-5 Neuronal Antibody and Lung Carcinoma
Ann Neurol 51:625-630, Vernino,S.,et al, 2002

Mycoplasma Pneumoniae Encephalitis in Childhood
J Microbiol Immunol Infect 35:173-178, Lin,W.-C., et al, 2002

Clinical and Neuroradiologic Features of Acute Disseminated Encephalomyelitis in Children
Neurol 56:1308-1312,1257, Hynson,J.L.,et al, 2001

A Woman with a Relapsing Psychosis Who Got Better with Prednisone
Lancet 347:1288, Cohen,L.,et al, 1996

Med Trtm of Rasmussen's Syndrome (Chronic Enceph & Epilepsy) :High-Dose Steroids or Immunoglobulins in 19 Pts
Neurol 44:1030-1036, Hart,Y.M.,et al, 1994

Improvement in Gilles de la Tourette Syndrome after Corticosteroid Therapy
Ann Neurol 4:387, Kondo,K.,et al, 1978

Herpes Simplex & the Human Nervous System
Milit Med 140:765, Finelli,P.F., 1975

Central Nervous System Infections in Patients with Cancer
Medicine 52:563, Chernik,N.L.,et al, 1973

Primary Central Nervous System Vasculitis
NEJM 391:1028-1037, Salvarani,C.,et al, 2024

Dexamethasone Versus Surgery for Chronic Subdural Hematoma
NEJM 388:2230-2240, 2289, Miah,I.P.,et al, 2023

MR Imaging Patterns and Prognosis in Powassan Virus Encephalitis
Neurologist doi.10.1097/NRI.0000000000000533, Finelli,P.F., 2023

Polymyalgia Rheumatica
Lancet 402:1459-1472, Espigol-Frigole,G.,et al, 2023

Neuromyelitis Optica Spectrum Disorder
NEJM 387:631-639, Wingerchuk, D.M. & Lucchinetti, C.F., 2022

Pembrolizumab-Induced Migrating Cortico-Subcortical Brain Lesions
Ann Neurol 89:1255-1256, Lambert, N.,et al, 2021

The Tolosa-Hunt Syndrome
NJJP 71:577-582, Kline,L.B. & Hoyt,W.F., 2021

A 22-Year-Old Man with Progressive Bilateral Visual Loss
Neurol 94:625-630, Yang, S.L.,et al, 2020

Severe Neurological Toxicity of Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors: Growing Spectrum
Ann Neurol 87:659-669, Dubey, D.,et al, 2020

Clinicopathologic Conference, LGI1 autoimmune encephalitis
NEJM 382:1943-1950, Case 15-2020, 2020

Severe Neurological Toxicity of Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors: Growing Spectrum
Ann Neurol 87:659-669, Dubey, D.,et al, 2020

Steroid-Responsive Encephalitis in Coronavirus Disease 2019
Ann Neurol 88:423-427, Pilotto, A.,et al, 2020

Trial of Dexamethasone for Chronic Subdural Hematoma
NEJM 383:2616-2627,2678, Hutchinson, P.J.,et al, 2020

A 23-Year-Old Man with Headaches, Confusion, and Lower Extremity Weakness
Neurol 92:863-867, Patel, N.M.,et al, 2019

A young woman with symmetric weakness and behavioral disturbance
Neurol 90:e1442-e1447, Rosenberg, J.,et al, 2018

Neuro-Sweet Disease Presenting as Ischemic Stroke and Aseptic Meningitis
Neurol 91:e2197-e2199, Das, A.S.,et al, 2018

Overview of IgG4-related Disease
UptoDate, July, Moutsopoulos,H.,et al, 2017

A Comparative Study of CIDP in a Cohort of HIV-Infected and HIV-Uninfected Patients
Neurol Neuroimmunol Neuroinflamm 4:e315, Moodley, K.,et al, 2017

Clippers with Diffuse White Matter and Longitudinally Extensive Spinal Cord Involvement
Neurol 86:103-105, Zhang, Y.X.,et al, 2016

Validation of Clinicoradiological Criteria for the Diagnosis of Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathy-Related Inflammation
JAMA Neurol 73:197-202, Auriel, E.,et al, 2016

Metastatic Spinal Cord Compression: Diagnosis and Management
BMJ 353:e2539, Al-Qurainy, R.,et al, 2016

Myasthenia Gravis
NEJM 375:2570-2581, Gilhus, N.E.,et al, 2016

Neurological, Respiratory, Musculoskeletal, Cardiac and Ocular Side-Effects of Anti-PD-1 Therapy
Eur J Cancer 60:210-225, Zimmer, L.,et al, 2016

Corticosteroid-Induced Paraplegia - A Diagnostic Clue for Spinal Dural Arterial Venous Fistula
JAMA Neurol 72:833-834, Hocker, S., 2015

Hashimotos Encephalopathy: A Report of Three Cases and Relevant Literature Reviews
Int J Clin Exp Med 8:16817-16826, Zhu, Y.,et al, 2015

Utility of an Immunotherapy Trial in Evaluating Patients with Presumed Autoimmune Epilepsy
Neurol 82:1578-1586, Toledano, M.,et al, 2014

Giant-Cell Arteritis and Polymyalgia Rheumatica
NEJM 371:50-57, Weyand, C.M. & Goronzy J.J., 2014

IgG4-Related Hypertrophic Pachymeningitis
JAMA Neurol 71:785-793, Lu, L.X.,et al, 2014

The Acquired Metabolic Disorders of the Nervous System, Hashimoto Encephalopathy (Steroid Responsive Encephalopathy Syndrome)
Adams & Victors Principles of Neurology Chp 40, pg 1155, Ropper, A.H.,et al, 2014

Infections of the Nervous System, (Bacterial, Fungal, Spirochetal, Parasitic) and Sarcoidosis, Sarcoidosis
Adams & Victors Principles of Neurology, Chp 32, pg 721, Ropper, A.H.,et al, 2014

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