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Filter Applied: carbon monoxide poisoning (Click to remove)

Acute Leukoencephalopathies:Differential Diagnosis and Investigation
The Neurologist 4:148-166, Weinshenker,B.G.,et al, 1998

Carbon Monoxide Poisoning and Risk of Deep Vein Thrombosis and Pulmonary Embolism:A Nationwide Retrospectice Cohort Study
J Epidemiol Comm Health 69:557-562, Chung,W-S.,et al, 2015

The Acquired Metabolic Disorders of the Nervous System, Ischemic-Hypoxic Encephalopathy
Adams & Victors Principles of Neurology Chp 40, pg 1133, Ropper, A.H.,et al, 2014

The Acquired Metabolic Disorders of the Nervous System, Carbon Monoxide Poisoning
Adams & Victors Principles of Neurology Chp 40, pg 1138, Ropper, A.H.,et al, 2014

Differential Diagnosis of Bilateral Abnormalities of the Basal Ganglia and Thalamus
RadioGraphics 31:5-30, Hegde,A.N.,et al, 2011

MR Imaging and Prognosis of Hypoxic-Ischemic Leukoencephalopathy
Neurocrit Care 4:119-126, Finelli,P. &DiMario,F.J. Jr., 2006

Hemorrhagic Infarction in White Matter Following Acute Carbon Monoxide Poisoning
Neurol 63:1102-1105, Finelli,P.F. & DiMario,J.F., 2004

Diagnostic Approach in Patients with Symmetric Imaging Lesions of the Deep Gray Nuclei
The Neurologist 9:250-261, Finelli,P.F.&DiMario,Jr,F.J., 2003

A Case Suspected of Acute Gas Poisoning by Carbon Monoxide (CO), Presenting with Progressive Diffuse Leukoencephalopathy Associated with Marked Brain Edema
No To Shinkei 54:493-497, Akaiwa,Y.,et al, 2002

Diffusion-Weighted MR Imaging Findings in Carbon Monoxide Poisoning
Neuroradiology 44:109-113, Teksam,M.,et al, 2002

The Magnetic Resonance Imaging Appearances of the Brain in Acute Carbon Monoxide Poisoning
Clin Radiol 55:273-280, O'Donnell,P.,et al, 2000

The Magnetic Resonance Imaging Appearances of the Brain in Acute Carbon Monoxide Poisoning
Clin Radiol 55:273-280, O'Donnell,P.,et al, 2000

Hyperbaric-Oxygen Therapy
NEJM 334:1642-1648, Tibbles,P.M.&Edelsberg,J.S., 1996

Hemorrhagic Necrosis and Vascular Injury in Carbon Monoxide Poisoning:MR Demonstration
AJNR 14:168-170, Silverman,C.S.,et al, 1993

Delayed Encephalopathy after Acute Carbon Monoxide Intoxication:MR Imaging Features & Cerebral White Matter Lesions
Radiology 184:117-122, Chang,K.H.,et al, 1992

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy
JAMA 263:2216-2220, Grim,P.S.,et al, 1990

Delayed Neurologic Sequelae in Carbon Monoxide Intoxication
Arch Neurol 40:433-435, Choi,I.I.S., 1983

Retinal Hemorrhages, Its Significance in 100 Patients With Acute Encephalopathy of Unknown Cause
Arch Neurol 36:691-694, Keane,J.R., 1979

The Central Nervous System and Carbon Monoxide Poisoning II. Anatomical Study of Brain Lesions Following Intoxication with Carbon Monoxide (22 cases)
Prog Brain Res 24:31-74, Lapresle,J.&Fardeau,M., 1967

Delayed Neurological Deterioration After Anoxia
Arch Int Med 110-18-25, Plum,F.,et al, 1962

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