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Medical Decision-Making Capacity in Mild Cognitive Impairment: A 3-Year Longitudinal Study
Neurol 71:1474-1480, Okonkwo,O.C.,et al, 2008

Research Involv Subj with Dementia & Other Cognitive Impairments:NIH, & Ethical Considerations
Neurol 45:1777-1778, Wichman,A.&Sandler,A.L., 1995

Assessment of Competency:The Role of Neurobehavioral Deficits
Ann Int Med 115:203-208, Freedman,M.,et al, 1991

Stroke and the Law
Stroke 45:3141-3146, Fisher, M. & Schneider, P., 2014

Intraspinal Steroids: History, Efficacy, Accidentality, and Controversy with Review of United States Food and Drug Administration Reports
JNNP 70:433-443, Nelson,D.A. & Landau,W.M., 2001

Practice Parameter:Genetic Testing Alert
Pract Comm Genet Testing Task Force AAN, Neurol 47:1343-13441996., , 1996

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