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Filter Applied: football neurologic injuries (Click to remove)

Sports-Related Internal Carotid Artery Dissection: Pathogenesis and Therapeutic Point of View
The Neurologist 14:307-311, Dharmasaroja,P. &Dharmasaroja,P., 2008

Standardized Assessment of Concussion in Football Players
Neurol 48:586-588, McCrea,M.,et al, 1997

Concussion in Sports, Guidelines for the Prevention of Catastrophic Outcome
JAMA 266:2867-2869, Kelly,J.P.,et al, 1991

Traumatic Brain Injury - Football, Warfare, and Long-Term Effects
NEJM 363:1293-1296, DeKosky,S.T.,et al, 2010

Acute Effects and Recovery Time Following Concussion in Collegiate Football Players
JAMA 290:2556-2563,2604, McCrea,M.,et al, 2003

Traumatic Brain Injury in High School Athletes
JAMA 282:958-963,989, Powell,J.W.&Barber-Foss,K.D., 1999

Inappropriate Discharge Instructions for Youth Athletes Hospitalized for Concussion
Pediatrics 95:216-218, Genuardi,F.J.,et al, 1995

Head Injury in Sport
BMJ 308:1620-1624, McLatchie,G.&Jennett,B., 1994

Transient Traumatic Quadriplegia
Editorial, Lancet 1:8441987., , 1987

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