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Hypoxic/Ischaemic Brain Damages, Especially Pallidal Lesions, in Heroin Addicts
Forensic Sci Int 102:51-59, Andersen,S.N. &Skullerud,K., 1999

Bilateral Pallidal Hemorrhage in Toxoplasmosis Update of Acute Symmetric Lesions of Deep Nuclei
Neuroradiol J Doi:1971400915609345, Finelli, P.F. & Wrubel, G.L., 2016

Imaging Findings after Methanol Intoxication (Cohort of 46 Patients)
Neuro Endocrinol Lett 36:101-108, Vaneckova, M.,et al, 2015

Neurologic Manifestations in Welders with Pallidal MRI T1 Hyperintensity
Neurol 64:2033-2039,2001, Josephs,K.A.,et al, 2005

Symmetrical Necrosis of Globus Pallidus with Severe Gait Disturbance in a Patient with Myelodysplastic Syndrome Given Allogeneic Marrow Transplantation
Ann Hematol 75:235-237, Rabitsch,W.,et al, 1997

Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Brain Iron in Health and Disease
J Neurol Sci 134:19-26,1, Vymazal,J.,et al, 1995

Mineralization of the Basal Ganglia Detected by CT in Hallervorden-Spatz Syndrome
Neurol 38:154-155, Tennison,M.B.,et al, 1988

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