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Neurocysticercosis in Houston, Texas: An Update
Medicine 90:81-86, Serpa,J.A.,et al, 2011

Congenital Lymphocytic Choriomeningitis Virus Infection: Spectrum of Disease
Ann Neurol 62:347-355, Bonthius,D.J.,et al, 2007

An Unusual Cause of Psychosis
Lancet 363:1522, Singh,S.,et al, 2004

Cysticercosis, Clinical Classification Based on Imaging Studies
Arch Int Med 157:1991-1997, Salgado,P.,et al, 1997

Non-Neoplastic Pineal Cysts
Neurol 41:1034-1040, Fetell,M.R.,et al, 1991

MR Imaging of Neurocysticercosis
AJR 153:857-866, Teitelbaum,G.P.,et al, 1989

Neurocysticercosis:A New Classification Based on Active & Inactive Forms, A Study of 753 Cases
Arch Int Med 145:442-445, Sotelo,J.,et al, 1985

Cysticercosis-Review of 230 Patients
Bull Clin Neurosci 50:76-101, McCormick.G.F., 1985

Cysticercosis Cerebri, Review of 127 Cases
Arch Neurol 39:534-539, McCormick,G.F.,et al, 1982

Colloid Cysts of the Third Ventricle
Arch Neurol 39:640-643, Michels,L.G.,et al, 1982

Cerebral Cysticercosis
Neurol 28:838-842, Latovitzki,N.,et al, 1978

Herpes Simplex & the Human Nervous System
Milit Med 140:765, Finelli,P.F., 1975

Cysticercosis Cerebri
NEJM 256:479-486, White,J.C.,et al, 1957

Salt and Pepper Sign, PLNTY for Drug-Resistant Epilepsy
Neurol 100:791-795, Paredes-Aragon,E.M.,et al, 2023

Spectrum of Neuroradiologic Findings Associated with Monogenic Interferonopathies
AJNR 43:2-10, Benjamin, P.,et al, 2022

Sturge-Weber Syndrome,Dec, Patterson,M.C., 2022

Clinicopathologic Conference, Seizure from Neurocysticercosis
NEJM 385:1894-1902, Case 34-2021, 2021

A 25-year-old Woman with Recurrent Episodes of Collapse and Loss of Consciousness
Neurol 94:994-999, Wildman, J.,et al, 2020

Clinical and Neuroimaging Features in Gorlin-Goltz Syndrome
Neurol 88:e52-e54, da paz Oliveira, G.,et al, 2017

Adult-Onset Leukoencephalopathy with Intracranial Calcifications and Cysts (Labrune Syndrome)
Neurol 88:e113-e114, Villar-Quiles, al, 2017

Neuroradiologic Patterns and Novel Imaging Findings in Aicardi-Goutieres Syndrome
Neurol 86:28-35, La Piana, R.,et al, 2016

Zika Virus Associated with Microcephaly
NEJM 374: DOI:10.1056/NEJMoa1600651, Mlakar, J.,et al, 2016

Computed Tomographic Findings in Microcephaly Associated with Zika Virus
NEJM 374:2193-2195, Hazin, A.,et al, 2016

A Case of Early-Onset Rapidly Progressive Dementia
JAMA Neurol 71:1445-1449, Cachia, D.,et al, 2014

Intracranial Lesions with High Signal Intensity on T1-weighted MR images - Review of Pathologies
Pol J Radiol 78:36-46, Zimmy, Anna.,et al, 2013

Aicardi-Gouti�res Syndrome: Neuroradiologic Findings and Follow-up
AJNR 30:1971-1976, Uggetti,C.,et al, 2009

Taenia solium Neurocysticercosis
NEJM 357:1666-1667, Mamkin,I,et al, 2007

Leukoencephalopathy, Cerebral Calcifications, and Cysts
AJNR 27:200-203, Sener,U.,et al, 2006

Cerebroretinal Microangiopathy with Calcifications and Cysts
Neurol 67:1437-1443, Linnankivi,T.,et al, 2006

The Genetic Causes of Basal Ganglia Calcification, Dementia, and Bone Cysts
Neurol 64:1502-1507, Klunemann,H.H.,et al, 2005

Calcific Neurocysticercosis and Epileptogenesis
Neurol 62:1934-1938, Nash,T.E.,et al, 2004

Clinicopath Conf, Neurocysticercosis, Left Temporal Lobe, End-Stage with Calicification, Epilepsy
NEJM 343:420-427, Case 24-2000, 2000

Cryptococcus Meningoencephalitis in AIDS:Parenchymal and Meningeal Forms
Neuroradiology 41:129-133, Berkefeld,J.,et al, 1999

Edema Associated with Calcified Lesions in Neurocysticercosis
Neurol 53:777-781, Nash,T.E.&Patronas,N.J., 1999

Persistent MR Contrast Enhancement of Calcified Neurocysticercosis Lesions
AJNR 19:79-82, Sheth,T.N.,et al, 1998

Pineal Parenchymal Tumors:CT and MR Features
J Comput Assist Tomogr 19:509-517, Chiechi,M.V.,et al, 1995

Ependymomas of the Posterior Cranial Fossa:CT and MRI Findings
Neuroradiology 37:238-243, Tortori-Donati,P.,et al, 1995

Giant Craniopharyngioma Extending to the Anerior Cranial Fossa and Nasopharynx
AJR 162:441-442, Sener,R.N., 1994

The Prevalence of CT Abnor of the Cerebrum in 100 Consecutive Children Symptomatic with the HIV
Ann Neurol 34:198-205, DeCarli,C.,et al, 1993

TORCH Infections in the Newborn
Semin Neurol 13:106-115, Donley,D.K., 1993

Epilepsy Due to Neurocysticercosis:Analysis of 203 Patients
Neurol 42:389-392, DelBrutto,O.H.,et al, 1992

Intraventricular Neurocytoma:Radiologic Features and Review of the Literature
Radiology 182:787-792, Goergen,S.K.,et al, 1992

Computed Tomography of Intracranial Tuberculosis
Neuroradiology 33:126-135, Jinkins,J.R., 1991

Intraventricular Primary Neuronal Neoplasms:CT, MR, and Angiographic Findings
J Comput Assist Tomogr 15:365-368, Porter-Grenn,L.M.,et al, 1991

Central Nervous System Germinomas, A Review
Arch Neurol 48:652-657, Horowitz,M.B.&Hall,W.A., 1991

Neuroradiology of Central Neurocytoma
Neuroradiology 33:143-148, Wichmann,W.,et al, 1991

Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Brain in Congenital Rubella Virus and Cytomegalovirus Infections
Neuroradiology 33:239-242, Sugita,K.,et al, 1991

Clinicopath Conf
Cerebral Cysticercosis, Case 20-1990, NEJM 322:1446-1458990., , 1990

Congenital Brain Tumors:A Review of 45 Cases
AJR 155:587-593, Buetow,P.C.,et al, 1990

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