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Clinicopath Conf
Spinal Dural Arteriovenous Fistula, Case 12-1992, NEJM 326:816-824992., , 1992

Cervical Disc Herniation Presenting as a Mass Lesion Posterior to the Odontoid Process
J Neurosurg 75:954-959, Rosenberg,W.S.,et al, 1991

Clinical Features and Diagnosis of Intramedullary Spinal Cord Abscess in Adults, A Systematic Review
Neurol 101:e836-e844, Harrold,G.K.,et al, 2023

Longitudinally Extensive Spinal Cord Lesions in a Middle-Aged Man
Neurol 98:419-424, Xi, N. & Zhou, Y., 2022

Severe High Cervical Cord Compression Due to Large Bilateral Neurofibromas in a Patient with Neurofibromatosis Type 1: A Case Report and Review of Literature
CUREUS doi:10.7759/CUREUS.27211, Sadeh,M. & Farhat, H., 2022

Leg Weakness and Stiffness at the Emergency Room
Neurol 92:e622-e625, af Edholm, K.,et al, 2019

Cervical Synovial Cyst Leading to Spinal Cord Compression
Neurol 93:e318-e319, Urits, I.,et al, 2019

A 58-year-old Woman with Systemic Scleroderma and Progressive Cervical Cord Compression
Neurol 91:e1262-e1264, Karschnia, P.,et al, 2018

Risk Factors for Spinal Cord Lesions in Dystonic Cerebral Palsy and Generalised Dystonia
JNNP 83:159-163, Guettard,E.,et al, 2012

Solitary Sclerosis
Neurol 78:540-544, Schmalstieg,W.F.,et al, 2012

Neurologic Manifestations in Primary Sjogren Syndrome: A Study of 82 Patients
Medicine 83:280-291, Delalande,S.,et al, 2004

Progressive Necrotic Myelopathy
ArchNeurol 57:355-361, Katz,J.D. & Ropper,A.H., 2000

Neurologic Manifestations of Spinal Epidural Arteriovenous Malformations
Neurol 50:517-519, Hemphill III,J.C.,et al, 1998

Spontaneous Thoracic Spinal Cord Herniation Through an Anterior Dural Defect
AJNR 19:1345-1348, 11851998., Dix,J.E.,et al, 1998

Transdural Spinal Cord Herniation:Imaging and Clinical Spectra
AJNR 19:1337-1344, 11851998., Watters,M.R.,et al, 1998

Neurologic Aspects of Inflammatory Bowel Disease
Neurol 45:416-421, Lossos,A.,et al, 1995

Diagnosis and Treatment of Ossification of the Posterior Longitudinal Ligament of the Spine:8 Cases and Lit Review
Am J Med 92:296-306, Trojan,D.A.,et al, 1992

Chronic Myelopathy Associated with Human T-Lymphotropic Virus Type I (HTLV-I)
Ann Int Med 117:933-946, Gessain,A.&Gout,O., 1992

Venous Infarction of the Spinal Cord Resulting from Dural Arteriovenous Fistula:MR Imaging Findings
Larsson, E-M, AJNR 12:739-743991., , 1991

Chronic Injuries of the Spinal Cord:Assessment with MR Imaging
Radiology 175:849-854, Yamashita,Y.,et al, 1990

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