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Global Aphasia without Hemiparesis
Arch Neurol 44:304-308, Tranel,D.,et al, 1987

Recovery from Aphasia After Hemicraniectomy for Infarction of the Speech-Dominant Hemisphere
Stroke 36:825-829, Kastrau,F.,et al, 2005

Aphasia in Acute Stroke:Incidence, Determinants and Recovery
Ann Neurol 38:659-666, Pedersen,P.M.,et al, 1995

Pharmacotherapy of Aphasia:A Critical Review
Stroke 25:1282-1289, Small,S.L., 1994

Cerebral Glucose Metabolism as a Predictor of Recovery from Aphasia in Ischemic Stroke
Arch Neurol 50:958-964, Heiss,W.D.,et al, 1993

Aphasia After Stroke:Natural History & Associated Deficits
JNNP 49:11-16, Wade,D.T.,et al, 1986

Acquired Childhood Aphasia
Arch Neurol 47:1324-1328, Loonen,M.C.B.&vanDongen,H.R., 1990

Relationship Between Lesion Ext in'Wernicke's Area'on CT Scan & Predicting Rec of Comprehen in Wernicke's Aphasia
Arch Neurol 44:73-82, Naeser,M.A.,et al, 1987

Acquired Aphasia in Childhood:Clinical & CT Investigations
Neurol 37:1165-1172, Cranberg,L.D.,et al, 1987

A Longitudinal Study of Speech Fluency in Aphasia:CT Correlates of Recovery & Persistent Nonfluency
Neurol 33:1170-1178, Knopman,D.S.,et al, 1983

Localization in Transcortical Sensory Aphasia
Arch Neurol 39:475-478, Kertesz,A.,et al, 1982

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