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Fibromuscular Dysplasia and Its Neurologic Manifestations
JAMA Neurol 76:217-226, Touze, E.,et al, 2019

The Effect of Radiation of Carotid Arteries, A Review Article
Arch Neurol 46:449-455, Murros,K.E.&Toole,J.F., 1989

Cerebrovascular Ischemic Events in Patients with Takayasu Arteritis
Stroke 53:1550-1557, Mirouse, A.,et al, 2022

Intracerebral Hemorrhage in Patients with Neuromyelitis Optica:Case Report with Literature Review for Possible Pathological Association
Case Rep Neurol 13:157-165, Elshony,H.S.,et al, 2021

Intracranial MRI Vessel-Wall Imaging
Pract Neurol March-April:61-65, Barnes,M.,& Moftakhar,P., 2021

Central Nervous System Involvement in Erdheim-Chester Disease
Neurol 95:e2746-e2754, Aubart,F.C.,et al, 2020

The Contrast Enhancement of Intracranial Arterial Wall on High-Resolution MRI and Its Clinical Relevance in Patients with Moyamoya Vasculopathy
Sci Rep 7:44264 doi:10.1038/srep44264, Wang, M.,et al, 2017

Vascular Syndromes of the Thalamus
Stroke 34:2264-2278, Schumahmann,J.D., 2003

Evaluation of Hyperintense Vessels on FLAIR MRI for the Diagnosis of Multiple Intracerebral Arterial Stenoses
Stroke 34: 1886-1891, Iancu-Gontard,D.,et al, 2003

Does Arterial Recanalization Improve Outcome in Carotid Territory Stroke?
Stroke 26:581-587, vonKummer,R.,et al, 1995

Clinical Relevance and Frequency of Transient Stenoses of the Middle and Anterior Cerebral Arteries in Bacterial Meningitis
Stroke 26:1399-1403, Muller,M.,et al, 1995

Intracranial Arteries:Prospective Blinded Comparative Study of MR Angiography and DSA in 50 patients
Radiology 195:451-456, Klaus,W.S.,et al, 1995

Abnormalities of the Posterior Inferior Cerebellar Artery:MR Imaging Findings
AJR 160:1257-1263, Friedman,D., 1993

Magnetic Resonance Angiography, Cerebrovascular Applications
Stroke 23:774-780, Ruggieri,P.M.,et al, 1992

Vascular Dysplasia in Down Syndrome:A Possible Relationship to Moyamoya Disease
Brain Dev 14:248-251, Mito,T.&Becker,L.E., 1992

Intracranial Vascular Abnormalities:Value of MR Phase Imaging to Distinguish Thrombus from Flowing Blood
AJR 156:373-380, Nadel,L.,et al, 1991

Systemic Vascular Changes in Spontaneous Occlusion of the Circle of Willis
Stroke 22:1358-1362, Ikeda,E., 1991

Arterial Pathology in Cerebellar Infarction
Stroke 21:1299-1305, Amarenco,P.,et al, 1990

Magnetic Resonance Angiography of the Extracranial Carotid Arteries and Intracranial Vessels:A Review
Neurol 39:1369-1376, Ross,J.S.,et al, 1989

Dense Middle Cerebral Artery Sign:An Indicator of Poor Outcome in Middle Cerebral Artery Area Infarction
JNNP 50:1550-1552, Launes,J.&Ketonen,L., 1987

Moyamoya and Other Causes of Stroke in Patients with Down Syndrome
pediatr Neurol 1:174-179, Pearson,E.,et al, 1985

Progressive Vertebrobasilar Vasculopathy and Stroke Secondary to Giant Cell Arteritis
Stroke 53:e435-e438, Mahjoub, Y.,et al, 2022

Clinicopathologic Conference, Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Meningitis
NEJM 384:166-176, Case 1-2021, 2021

A Vertebral Artery Halo Sign Indicates Giant Cell Arteritis Affecting the Posterior Circulation of the Brain
Lancet 397:e6, Lambrechts, R.A.,et al, 2021

Mapping the Supratentorial Cerebral Arterial Territories Using 1160 Large Artery Infarcts
JAMA Neurol 76:72-80, Kim, D-E.,et al, 2019

Intracranial Arterial Dolichoectasia and Stenosis
Stroke 49:1135-1140, Zhai, F.,et al, 2018

A 77-year-old man presenting with episodic expressive aphasia
Neurol 90:e1822-e1826, Shanklin, A.,et al, 2018

Vascular Wall Imaging in Reversible Cerebral Vasoconstriction Syndrome - a 3-T Contrast-Enhanced MRI Study
J Headache Pain 19:74-81, Chen, C.Y.,et al, 2018

Reversible Cerebral Vasoconstriction Syndrome, Part 2: Diagnostic Work-Up, Imaging Evaluation, and Differential Diagnosis
AJNR 36:1580-1588, Miller, T.R.,et al, 2015

High-Resolution MRI Vessel Wall Imaging: Spatial and Temporal Patterns of Reversible Cerebral Vasoconstriction Syndrome and Central Nervous System Vasculitis
AJNR 35:1527-1532, Obusez, E.C.,et al, 2014

Central Nervous System Vasculitis Associated with Hepatitis C Virus Infection: A Brain MRI-Supported Diagnosis
J Neurol Sci 336:152-154, Castro Caldas, A.,et al, 2014

TI Gadolinium Enhancement of Intracranial Atherosclerotic Plaques Associated with Symptomatic Ischemic Presentations
AJNR 34:2252-2258, Vakil, P.,et al, 2013

Varicella zoster virus vasculopathy Analysis of virus-infected arteries
Neurol 77:364-370, Nagel, M.A.,et al, 2011

Ischemic Stroke and Transient Ischemic Attack After Head and Neck Radiotherapy
Stroke 42:2410-2418, Plummer, C.,et al, 2011

Anteroir Cerebral Artery Infarction: Stroke Mechanism and Clinical-Imaging Study in 100 Patients
Neurol 70:2386-2393, Kang,S.Y. &Kim,J.S., 2008

Hypoplastic Vertebral Artery: Frequency and Associations With Ischaemic Stroke Territory
JNNP 78:954-958, Park-J.-H.,et al, 2007

Calcified Cerebral Emboli
AJNR 27:1996-1999, Kavanagh,E.C.,et al, 2006

Small Vessels, Big Problems
NEJM 354:1451-1453, Greenberg,S.M., 2006

Triaging Transient Ischemic Attack and Minor Stroke Patients Using Acute Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Ann Neurol 57:848-854, Coutts,S.B.,et al, 2005

Cerebrovascular manifestations of Takayasu arteritis in Europe
Rheumatol 44:1012-1015, Ringleb, P.A.,et al, 2005

Takayasu's Arteritis with Arteriographic Evidence of Intracranial Vessel Involvement
Neurol 60:1550-1551, Klos,K.,et al, 2003

Hemodynamic Studies in Early Ischemic Stroke
Stroke 33:1274-1279, Akopov,S. &Whitman,G.T., 2002

Evolution of MR Contrast Enhancement Patterns During the First Week after Acute Ischemic Stroke
AJNR 22:103-111, Karonen,J.O.,et al, 2001

Imaging Appearance of the Symptomatic Perforating Artery in Patients with Lacunar Infarction: Occlusion or Other Vascular Pathology
Ann Neurol 50:208-215, Wardlaw,J.M.,et al, 2001

Significance of Hyperintense Vessels on FLAIR MRI in Acute Stroke
Neurol 55:265-269, Kamran,S. et al, 2000

Intracranial Stenoocclusive Disease:Double-Detector Helical CT Angiography versus Digital Subtraction Angiography
AJNR 20:791-799,731, Skutta,B.,et al, 1999

CT Angiography in the Evaluation of Acute Stroke
AJNR 18:1011-1020, 10211997., Shrier,D.A.,et al, 1997

Prethrombolysis Brain Imaging:Trends and Controversies
AJNR 18:1830-1834, Castillo,M., 1997

MRI During Migraine with Aura
J Comput Assist Tomogr 20:228-229, McNeal,A.C., 1996

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