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Febrile Infection-Related Epilepsy Syndrome: A Study of 12 Patients
Seizure 22:553-559, Caraballo, R.H.,et al, 2013

Post-Transplant Acute Limbic Encephalitis: Clinical Features and Relationship to HHV6
Neurol 69:156-165, Seeley,W.W.,et al, 2007

Serial EEG During Human Status Epilepticus
Neurol 57:1175-1183, Garzon,E.,et al, 2001

Neonatal Seizures:Current Concepts and Revised Classification
Pediatrics 84:422-428, Volpe,J.J., 1989

The Diagnosis & Treatment of Seizures
Pediatr Clin North Am 9:353, Scholl,M.L., 1962

Neonatal Seizures
NEJM 388:1692-1700, Ropper.A.H., 2023

Drug Resistant Epilepsy in a 61-Year-Old Man with Abnormal MRI Brain Findings and Management with Vagal Nerve Stimulator
Neurol 100:1111-1116, Mankad,J.P. & Lavingia,J.R., 2023

Successful Management of Super-Refractory Status Epilepticus with Thalamic Deep Brain Stimulation
Ann Neurol 81:142-146, Lehtimaki, K.,et al, 2017

A 62-Year-Old Woman with Bizarre Behavior and Recurrent Episodes of Behavioral Arrest
Neurol 86:e62-e65, Briglia, H.,et al, 2016

Clinicopathologic Conference, Chronic Meningoencephalitis Consistent with Rasmussens Encephalitis
NEJM 371:1737-1746, Case 34-2014, 2014

Autoimmune Epilepsy
Arch Neurol 69:582-593,565, Quek, A.M.L.,et al, 2012

Generalised Periodic Discharges in the Critically Ill
Neurol 79:1951-1960,1940, Foreman, B.,et al, 2012

Drug-Resistant Epilepsy
NEJM 365:919-26, Kwan, P.,et al, 2011

New-Onset Aferbrile Seizures in Infants: Role of Neuroimaging
Neurol 74:150-158, Hsieh,D.,et al, 2010

Hot Water Epilepsy: Seizure Type, Water Temperature, EEG Findings and Treatment
The Neurologist 16:109-112, Gokcil,Z.,et al, 2010

Antibodies to Glutamic Acid Decarboxylase Define a Form of Limbic Encephalitis
Ann Neurol 67:470-478, Malter,M.P., et al, 2010

A 24-Year-Old Woman with Intractable Seizures: Review of Surgery for Epilepsy
JAMA 300:2527-2538,2568, Schomer,D.I. &Black,P.M., 2008

Febrile Seizures
BMJ 334:307-11, Sadleir,L.G. &Scheffer,I.E., 2007

Practice Parameter: Diagnostic Assessment of the Child with Status Epilepticus (An Evidence-Based Review): Report of the Quality Standards Subcommittee of the American Academy of Neurology and the practice Committee of the Child Neurology Society
Neurol 67:1542-1550, Riviello,J.J. Jr.,et al, 2006

Epilepsy Syndromes in Infancy
Pediatr Neurol 34:253-263, Korff,C.M. &Nordii,D.R.,Jr., 2006

Recent Advnaces in the Treatment of Epilepsy
Arch Neurol 60:929-935, Nguyen,D.K. &Spencer,S.S., 2003

Anticipation of Epileptic Seizures from Standard EEG Recordings
Lancet 357:183-188,160, Le Van Quyen,M.,et al, 2001

Seizures in Multiple Sclerosis
Epilepsia 42:72-79, Sokic,D.V.,et al, 2001

Continuous EEG Monitoring and Midazolam Infusion for Refractory Nonconvulsive Status Epilepticus
Neurol 57:1036-1042, Claasen,J.,et al, 2001

Do Nonconvulsive Seizures Damage the Brain? Yes
Arch Neurol 55:117-120, Young,G.C.&Jordan,K.G., 1998

Do Nonconvulsive Seizures Damage the Brain? No
Arch Neurol 55:119-120, Aminoff,M.J., 1998

Seizures and Epilepsy in the Elderly
Arch Int Med 157:605-617, Thomas,R.J., 1997

Seizures in Medically Complex Patients
Epilepsia 38:S55-S59, Boggs,J.G., 1997

Surgery for Seizures
NEJM 334:647-652, Engel,J.Jr., 1996

Clinicopath Conf
Focal Cortical Dysplasia, Case 7-1996, NEJM 334:586-592996., , 1996

Non-Convulsive Status Epilepticus:Causes, Treatment, and Outcome in 65 Patients
JNNP 61:93-95, Scholtes,F.B.,et al, 1996

Early Treatment of a Single Generalized Tonic-Clonic Seizure to Prevent Recurrence
Arch Neurol 53:1149-1152, Gilad,R.,et al, 1996

Comparison of Ictal SPECT and Interictal PET in the Presurgical Evaluation of Temporal Lobe Epielspy
Ann Neurol 37:738-745, Ho,S.S.,et al, 1995

Video Game-Related Seizures:A Report on 10 Patients and a Review of the Literature
Pediatrics 93:551-556, Graf,W.D.,et al, 1994

The Role of Epilepsy Centers in Delivering Care to Patients with Intractable Epilepsy
Neurol 44:1347-1352, Lesser,R.P., 1994

Video Game Induced Seizures
JNNP 57:925-931, Ferrie,C.D.,et al, 1994

Juvenile Myoclonic Epilepsy
Arch Neurol 50:594-598, Grunewald,R.A.&Panayiotopoulos,C.P., 1993

Charact of Medial Temporal Lobe Epilepsy:Interictal & Ictal EEG, Neuropsych Test, Imaging, Surg Results & Path
Ann Neurol 34:781-787, Williamson,P.D.,et al, 1993

Clinical and EEG Features of Status Epilepticus in Comatose Patients
Neurol 42:100-104, Lowenstein,D.H.&Aminoff,M.J., 1992

'De Novo'Absence Status of Late Onset:Report of 11 Cases
Neurol 42:104-110, Thomas,P.,et al, 1992

Presurgical Electroencephalographic Patterns and Outcome from Anterior Temporal Lobectomy
Arch Neurol 49:21-27, Barry,E.,et al, 1992

Value of the Electroencephalogram in Adult Patients with Untreated Idiopathic First Seizures
Arch Neurol 49:231-237, vonDonselaar,C.A.,et al, 1992

Occipital Lobe epilepsy:Clinical Characteristics, Seizure Spread Patterns, and Results of Surgery
Ann Neurol 31:3-13, Williamson,P.D.,et al, 1992

Juvenile Myoclonic Epilepsy, Underdiagnosed and Treatment May Have to be Life Long
BMJ 305:4-5, Timmings,P.L.&Richens,A., 1992

Delayed Diagnosis of Juvenile Myoclonic Epilepsy
JNNP 55:497-499, Grunewald,R.A.,et al, 1992

Cortical Resection for Children with Epilepsy
Am J Dis Child 145:314-320, Wyllie,E., 1991

Idiopathic First Seizure in Adult Life:Who Should be Treated?
BMJ 302:620-623, vanDonselaar,C.A.,et al, 1991

Anterior Temporal Lobectomy for Complex Partial Seizures:Evaluation, Results, and Long-Term Follow-Up in 100 Cases
Neurol 40:413-418, Walczak,T.S.,et al, 1990

Infantile Spasms:I. PET Identified Focal Cortical Dysgenesis in Cryptogenic Cases for Surgical Treatment
Ann Neurol 27:406-413, Shields,W.D.,et al, 1990

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