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Filter Applied: basal ganglia,calcification of (Click to remove)

Oculodentodigital Dysplasia: A Hypomyelinating Leukodystrophy with a Characteristic MRI Pattern of Brain Stem Involvement
AJNR 40:903-907, Hartin, I.,et al, 2019

Basa Ganglia Calcifications (Fahrs Syndrome): Related Conditions and Clinical Features
Neurol Sci 40:2251-2263, Donzuso,G.,et al, 2019

Adult-Onset Leukoencephalopathy with Intracranial Calcifications and Cysts (Labrune Syndrome)
Neurol 88:e113-e114, Villar-Quiles, al, 2017

Neuroradiologic Patterns and Novel Imaging Findings in Aicardi-Goutieres Syndrome
Neurol 86:28-35, La Piana, R.,et al, 2016

Neuroimaging in Cockayne Syndrome
AJNR 31:1623-1630, Koob,M.,et al, 2010

Aicardi-Gouti�res Syndrome: Neuroradiologic Findings and Follow-up
AJNR 30:1971-1976, Uggetti,C.,et al, 2009

Aicardi-Gouti�res Syndrome
Br Med Bull 89:183-201, Orcesi, S.,et al, 2009

Leukoencephalopathy, Cerebral Calcifications, and Cysts
AJNR 27:200-203, Sener,U.,et al, 2006

The Genetic Causes of Basal Ganglia Calcification, Dementia, and Bone Cysts
Neurol 64:1502-1507, Klunemann,H.H.,et al, 2005

T1 Hyperintensity in the Pulvinar: Key Imaging Feature for Diagnosis of Fabry Disease
AJNR 24:916-921, Takanashi,J.,et al, 2003

Cockayne Syndrome: Review of 140 Cases
Am J Med Genet 42:68-84, Nance,M.A. &Berry,S.A., 1992

MRI in Cockayne Syndrome Type 1
Neuroradiology 31:276-277, Boltshauser,E.,et al, 1989

Computed Cranial Tomography in Congenital Rubella Syndrome
Arch Neurol 39:420-421, Ishikawa,A.,et al, 1982

A 57-year-old Man with Subacute Gait Difficulty and Hand Tremor
Neurol 87:e110-e113, Paliwal, V.K.,et al, 2016

Hyperintense Basal Ganglia on T1-Weighted MR Imaging
AJR 172:1109-1115, Lai,P.H.,et al, 1999

Thalamic Lesions in Infancy
Editorial, Lancet 339:1143-11451992., , 1992

Rapid Postanoxic Calcification of the Basal Ganglia
Neurol 42:2144-2146, Midroni,G.&Willinsky,R., 1992

Familial Idiopathic Striopallidodentate Calcifications
Neurol 39:381-385, Ellie,E.,et al, 1989

Carbonic Anhydrase II Deficiency in 12 Families with Osteopetrosis with Renal Tubular Acidosis & Cerebral Calcification
NEJM 313:139-181, Sly,W.S.,et al, 1985

Intracranial Calcification in Hyperparathyroidism Associated with Gait Apraxia & Parkinsonism
Neurol 30:1005-1007, Margolin,D.,et al, 1980

Calcification of the Basal Ganglia:Computerized Tomography & Clinical Correlation
Neurol 29:328-333, Koller,W.C.,et al, 1979

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