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Filter Applied: electroencephalogram,telemetric (Click to remove)

Neonatal Seizures
Editorial, Lancet 2:135-1371989., , 1989

Cardiac Arrest Due to Partial Epileptic Seizues
Neurol 42:824-829, Liedholdm,L.J.&Gudjonsson,O., 1992

Bradycardia and Asystole Induced by Partial Seizures:A Case Report and Literature Review
Neurol 48:1712-1714, Devinsky,O.,et al, 1997

The Clinical Features and Prognosis of Pseudoseizures Diagnosed Using Video-EEG Telemetry
Neurol 41:1643-1646, Meierkord,H.,et al, 1991

Direct Comparison of 3- & 8-Channel Ambulatory Cassett EEG with Intensive Inpatient Monitoring
Neurol 35:846-854, Ebersole,J.S.,et al, 1985

An Evaluation of Ambulatory, Cassette EEG Monitoring:I. Montage Design
Neurol 33:1-7, Leroy,R.F.,et al, 1983

Epilepsy in Adults
Ann Neurol 9:3-16, So,E.L.,et al, 1981

Telemetric EEG & Video Monitoring in Epilepsy
Neurol 31:298-303, Binnie,C.D.,et al, 1981

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