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Filter Applied: subdural hematoma,acute (Click to remove)

A Clinical Comparison of Non-Traumatic Acute Subdural Haematomas Either Related to Coagulopathy or of Arterial Origin Without Coagulopathy
Acta Neurochir 145:541-546, Depreitere, B.,et al, 2003

Decompressive Craniectomy versus Carniotomy for Acute Subdural Hematoma
NEJM 388:2219-2229, Hutchinson,P.J.,et al, 2023

Acute Aneurismal Bilateral Subdural Haematoma without Subarachnoid Haemorrhage
Case Reports Neurol Med 2014:ID260853, Mansour, O.,et al, 2014

Intraparenchymal Hemorrhages
In Neurosurgery, Wilkins RH and Regachary SS, McGraw Hill Book Co, New York 155285., McCormick,W.F., 1985

Neurological & CT Evaluation of Knocked-out Boxers
JNNP 45:170-174, Casson,I.R.,et al, 1982

Contrast Extravasation on CT Angiography Predicts Hematoma Expansion and Mortality in Acute Traumatic Subdural Hemorrhage
AJNR 34:1528-1534, Romero, J.M.,et al, 2013

Acute Subdural Hematomas with Lupus Anticoagulant (Procoagulant inhibitor)
Neurol 34:519-521, Feit,H.,et al, 1984

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