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TORCH Infections in the Newborn
Semin Neurol 13:106-115, Donley,D.K., 1993

Congenital AIDS:Review of Neurological Problems
Child's Nerv Syst 5:9-11, Curles,R.G., 1989

Pediatric Acquired Immunodefieiency Syndrome
Am J Dis Child 142:29-35, Belman,A.L.,et al, 1988

Neurological Complications in Infants & Children with Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome
Ann Neurol 18:560-566, Belman,A.L.,et al, 1985

Human Cytomegalovirus Infection & Disorders of the Nervous System
Jr. , Arch Neurol 41:310-320984., Bale,J.F., 1984

Congenital Cytomegalovirus Infection
BMJ 373:m1212, Pesch, M.H.,et al, 2021

Nonmicrocephalic Infarcts with Congenital Zika Syndrome Suspected Only after Neuroimaging Evaluation Compared with Those with Microcephaly at Birth and Postnatally: How Large is the Zika Virus "Iceberg"?
AJNR 38:1427-1434, Aragao, M.F.V.V.,et al, 2017

Zika Virus Associated with Microcephaly
NEJM 374: DOI:10.1056/NEJMoa1600651, Mlakar, J.,et al, 2016

Zika Virus as a Cause of Neurologic Disorders
NEJM 374:1506-1509, Broutet, N.,et al, 2016

Association between Zika Virus and Microcephaly in French Polynesia, 2013-15: a Retrospective Study
Lancet 387:DOI:10.1016/S0140-6736, Cauchemez, S.,et al, 2016

Computed Tomographic Findings in Microcephaly Associated with Zika Virus
NEJM 374:2193-2195, Hazin, A.,et al, 2016

Zika Virus as a Cause of Neurologic Disorders
NEJM 374:1506-1509, Broutet, N.,et al, 2016

Zika Virus
NEJM 374:1552-1563, Petersen, L.R.,et al, 2016

Zika Virus as an Emerging Global Pathogen
JAMA Neurol 73:875-879, Beckham, J.D.,et al, 2016

Congenital Zika Virus Syndrome in Brazil: A Case Series of the first 1501 livebirths with complete investigation
Lancet 388:891-897, Franca, G.V.A.,et al, 2016

Zika Virus: An Emergent Neuropathological Agent
Ann Neurol 80:479-489, White, M.K.,et al, 2016

The Acquired Metabolic Disorders of the Nervous System, Cretinism and Neonatal Myxedema
Adams & Victors Principles of Neurology Chp 40, pg 1156, Ropper, A.H.,et al, 2014

Practice Parameter: Evaluation of the Child with Microcephaly (An Evidence-Based Review): Report of the Quality Standards Subcommittee of the American Academy of Neurology and the Practice Committee of the Child Neurology Society
Neurol 73:887-897, Ashwal,S.,et al, 2009

Congenital Lymphocytic Choriomeningitis Virus Infection: Spectrum of Disease
Ann Neurol 62:347-355, Bonthius,D.J.,et al, 2007

Major Congential Malformations After First-Trimester Exposure to ACE Inhibitors
NEJM 354:2443-2451,2498, Cooper,W.O.,et al, 2006

Pyridostigmine-Induced Microcephaly
Neurol 54:1873-1874, Niesen,C.E.&Shah,N.S., 2000

White Matter MR Hyperintensities in Adult Patients with Congenital Rubella
AJNR 17:99-103, Barton Lane,E.,et al, 1996

Miller-Dieker Syndrome:Detection of a Cryptic Chromosome Translocation Using in Situ Hybridization in a Family
Am J Dis Child 147:1291-1294, Alvarado,M.,et al, 1993

Lethal Cytomegalovirus Infection in Preterm Infants:Clinical, Radiological, and Neuropathological Findings
Ann Neurol 31:64-68, Perlman,J.M.&Argyle,C., 1992

Effect of Cocaine Use On the Fetus
NEJM 327:399-407, Volpe,J.J., 1992

Causal Heterogeneity in Isolated Lissencephaly
Neurol 42:1375-1388, Dobyns,W.B.,et al, 1992

Brain and Ocular Abnormalities in Infants with In Utero Exposure to Cocaine and other Street Drugs
Am J Dis Child 145:688-695, Dominguez,R.,et al, 1991

Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Brain in Congenital Rubella Virus and Cytomegalovirus Infections
Neuroradiology 33:239-242, Sugita,K.,et al, 1991

Perinatal Loss and Neurological Abnormalities Among Children of the Atomic Bomb
JAMA 264:605-609, 6221990., Yamazaki,J.N.&Schull,W.J., 1990

Congenital Inflammatory Myopathy
Neurol 40:1111-1114, Shevell,M.,et al, 1990

Congenital Brain Anomalies Associated with the Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome
Pediatrics 85:984-990, Glauser,T.A.,et al, 1990

Difference Between Herpes Simplex Virus Type I & Type 2 Neonatal Encephalitis in Neurological Outcome
Lancet 1:1-4, Corey,L.,et al, 1988

Natural History of the Fetal Alcohol Syndrome:A 10-Year Follow-Up of Eleven Patients
Lancet 2:85-91, Streissguth,A.P.,et al, 1985

Schizencephaly:A Clinical & CT Study
Neurol 34:997-1001, Miller,G.M.,et al, 1984

Septo-optic Dysplasia in an Infant of a Diabetic Mother
Arch Neurol 38:590-591, Donat,J.F.G., 1981

Maternal & Fetal Sequelae of Anticoagulation During Pregnancy
Am J Med 68:122-140, Hall,J.G.,et al, 1980

The Lissencephaly, (Agyria) Syndrome in Siblings
Arch Neurol 35:608-611, Garcia,C.A.,et al, 1978

Adverse Effects on Offspring of Maternal Alcohol Abuse During Pregnancy
NEJM 297:528, Ouellette,E.M.,et al, 1977

EEG Recognition of Aicardi's Syndrome
Arch Neurol 34:563, Fariello,R.G.,et al, 1977

School Failure & Deafness After"Silent"Congenital Cytomegalovirus Infection
NEJM 295:468, Hanshaw,J.B.,et al, 1976

Herpes Simplex & the Human Nervous System
Milit Med 140:765, Finelli,P.F., 1975

Maternal Epilepsy & Abnormalities of the Fetus & Newborn
Lancet 839, Oct1972., Speidel,B.,et al, 1972

Effects of Viral Infection on the Developing Nervous System
Seminars in Medicine of the Beth Israel Hosp, Boston NEJM 287:5991972., Johnson,R., 1972

Fetal & Newborn Virus Infections
J Pediatr 77:315, Overall,J.,et al, 1970

Diagnostic Significance of Median Facial Anomalies for Holoprosencephaly
Pediatr 256, 1964 Aug., DeMeyer,W.,et al, 1964

Neuro CPC of MGH
Congenital Toxoplasmosis Involving CNS, NEJM 269:369-3741963., , 1963

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