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Upper Arm Radial Nerve Palsy after Muscular Effort:Report of Three Cases
Neurol 42:1632-1634, Streib,E.,et al, 1992

Distal Ulnar Neuropathy as a Cause of Finger Tremor:A Case Report
Neurol 40:153-154, Streib,E.W., 1990

Obturator Neuropathy: Causes and Outcome
Muscle Nerve 25:605-607, Sorenson,E.,et al, 2002

Focal Myopathy Mimicking Posterior Interosseous Nerve Syndrome
Muscle Nerve 24:969-972, Erdem,S.,et al, 2001

What is Carpal Tunnell Syndrome?
JAMA 282:186-187,153, Franzblau,A.&Werner,R.A., 1999

Rare Mononeuropathies of the Upper Limb in Bodybuilders
Muscle & Nerve 21:809-812998., Mondelli,M.,et al, 1998

Acute Focal Neuropathy in Male Weight Lifters
Muscle & Nerve 19:897-899996., Bird,S.J.&Brown,M.J., 1996

Axillary Neuropathy in Volleyball Players:Report of Two Cases and Literature Review
JNNP 60:345-347, Paladini,D.,et al, 1996

Pediatric Ulnar Mononeuropathy:Report of 21 Electromyography-Documented Cases & Review of Literature
J Child Neurol 11:116-120, Felice,K.J.&Jones,H.R., 1996

Pediatric Median Mononeuropathies:A Clinical and Electromyographic Study
Muscle & Nerve 17:755-762994., Deymeer,F.&Jones,H.R., 1994

Practice Parameter for Electrodiagnostic Studies in Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (Summary Statement)
AAN, et al, Neurol 43:2404-2405993., , 1993

Pediatric Peroneal Mononeuropathy:A Clinical and Electromyographic Study
Muscle & Nerve 16:1167-1173993., Jones,H.R.,et al, 1993

Suprascapular Nerve Entrapment:Evaluation with MR Imaging
Radiology 182:437-444, Fritz,R.C.,et al, 1992

Neuromuscular Involvement in Mild, Asymptomatic Primary Hyperparathyroidism
Am J Med 87:553-557, Turken,S.A., 1989

Perioperative Nerve Lesions
Arch Neurol 46:1355-1360, Dawson,D.M.&Krarup,C., 1989

Entrapment of the Suprascapular Nerve at the Spinoglenoid Notch
Ann Neurol 12:314-316, Aiello,I.,et al, 1982

Electrophysiological Study of Hemiplegia
Arch Neurol 35:360, Chokroverty,S.,et al, 1978

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is Still Misdiagnosed
Consultant, p 70, Feb971., Flatt,A., 1971

Anterior Interosseous Nerve Palsy
BMJ 2:555, Mills,R.H.B.,et al, 1969

Palmaris brevis Spasm
Neurol 60:1705-1707, Liguori,R.,et al, 2003

Ten Steps in Characterizing and Diagnosing Patients with Peripheral Neuropathy
Neurol 47:10-17, Dyck,P.J.,et al, 1996

Investigation of Peripheral Neuropathy
JNNP 58:274-283, McLeod,J.G., 1995

Motor Neuron Disease
JNNP 57:886-896, Leigh,P.N.&Ray-Chaudhuri,K., 1994

Normocalcemic Tetany
Neurol 26:825, Isgreen,W.P., 1976

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