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Noncontrast Computed Tomography vs Computed Tomography Perfusion or Magnetic Resonance Imaging Selection in Late Presentation of Stroke with Large-Vessel Occlusion
JAMA Neurol 79:22-31, Nguyen, T.N.,et al, 2022

Endovascular Therapy for Acute Stroke with a Large Ischemic Region
NEJM 386:doi.10.1056/NEJMoa2118191, Yoshimura, S.,et al, 2022

Artificial Intelligence Applications in Stroke
Stroke 51:2573-2579, Mouridsen, K.,et al, 2020

How Do You Manage Patients with a "Hot Carotid"?
Neurol:Clin Pract 8:527-536, Ganesh,A.,et al, 2018

Small Strokes Causing Severe Vertigo
Neurol 83:169-173, Tehrani, A.S.S.,et al, 2014

Diagnostic Yield of Pelvic Magnetic Resonance Venography in Patients with Cryptogenic Stroke and Patent Foramen Ovale
Stroke 45:2324-2329, Liberman, A.L.,et al, 2014

High-Resolution Magnetic Resonance Imaging An Emerging Tool for Evaluating Intracranial Arterial Disease
Stroke 44:287-292, Bodle, J.,et al, 2013

Diagnosis and Management of Cerebral Venous Thrombosis: A Statement for Healthcare Professionals From the American Heart Association/American Stroke Association
Stroke 42:1158-1192, Saposnik,G.,et al, 2011

Is It Possible to Recognize Cervical Artery Dissection on Stroke Brain MR Imaging? A Matched Case-Control Study
AJNR 32:869-73, Naggara, O., et al, 2011

Clinical and MRI characteristics of acute migrainous infarction
Neurol 76:1911-1917, Wolf, M.E.,et al, 2011

Topographic Patterns of Thalamic Infarcts in Association with Stroke Symdromes and Aetiologies
JNNP 82:1083-1086, Song, Y.M., 2011

Characterization of Carotid Plaque Hemorrhage: A CT Angiography and MR Intraplaque Hemorrhage Study
Stroke 41:1623-1629, U-King-Im,J.M., et al, 2010

Moyamoya Disease and Moyamoya Syndrome
NEJM 360:1226-1237, Scott,R.M. &Smith,E.R., 2009

Distal Hyperintense Vessels on FLAIR: An MRI Marker for Collateral Circulation in Acute Stroke?
Neurol 72:1134-1139, Lee,K.Y.,et al, 2009

Analysis of 1008 Consecutive Patients Aged 15 to 49 with First-Ever Ischemic Stroke: The Helsinki Young Stroke Registry
Stroke 40:1195-1203, Putaala,J.,et al, 2009

Association of HTRA1 Mutations and Familial Ischemic Cerebral Small-Vessel Disease
NEJM 360:1729-1739, Hara,K.,et al, 2009

Hippocampal Lesion Patterns in Acute Posterior Cerebral Artery Stroke: Clinical and MRI Findings
Stroke 40:2042-2045, Szabo,K.,et al, 2009

Medial Medullary Infarction: Clinical, Imaging, and Outcome Study in 86 Consecutive Patients
Stroke 40:3221-3225, Kim,J. &Han,Y., 2009

Imaging of the Intracranial Venous System
The Neurologist 14:12-22, Agid,R.,et al, 2008

Neuroimaging in Acute Posterior Cerebral Artery Infarction
The Neurologist 14:170-180, Finelli,P.F., 2008

Anteroir Cerebral Artery Infarction: Stroke Mechanism and Clinical-Imaging Study in 100 Patients
Neurol 70:2386-2393, Kang,S.Y. &Kim,J.S., 2008

Identifying Vulnerable Carotid Plaques by Noninvasive Imaging
Neurol 70:2401-2409, Kwee,R.M.,et al, 2008

Golfers Stroke From Internal Carotid Artery Dissection
Arch Neurol 65:1122-1123, Choi,K.-D.,et al., 2008

Management of Stroke in Infants and Children: A Scientific Statement From a Special Writing Group of the American Heart Association Stroke Council and the Council on Cardiovascular Disease in the Young
Stroke 39:2644-2691, Roach,E.S.,et al., 2008

Patterns of Sensory Abnormality in Cortical Stroke: Evidence for a Dichotomized Sensory System
Neurol 68:174-180, Kim,J.S., 2007

Detection of Intracranial Atherosclerotic Steno-Occlusive Disease With 3D Time-Of-Flight Magnetic Resonance Angiography With Sensitivity Encoding at 3T
AJNR 28:439-446, Choi,C.G.,et al, 2007

Investigating Suspected Cerebral Venous Thrombosis
BMJ 334:794-795, Smit,R. &Hourihan,M.D., 2007

Cavernous Sinus Syndrome: A Series of 126 Patients
Medicine 86:278-281, Fern�ndez,S.,et al, 2007

Splenium Infarct Due to Cerebral Venous Thrombosis
Arch Neurol 64:1540, Lai,W. &Katirji,B., 2007

Stroke as the First Manifestation of Concealed Cancer
J Neurol Sci 258:80-83, Kwon, H.M.,et al, 2007

Vertebral Artery Dissection, Presenting Findings and Predictors of Outcome
Stroke 37:2499-2503, Arnold,M.,et al, 2006

High-Resolution MRI Identifies Basilar Artery Plaques in Paramedian Pontine Infarct
Neurol 64:551-552, Klein, I.F., et al, 2005

Identification of Embolic Stroke Patterns by Diffusion-Weighted MRI in Clinically Defined Lacunar Stroke Syndromes
Stroke 36:757-761, Wessels,T.,et al, 2005

Management of Acute Cerebellar Stroke
Arch Neurol 62:537-544, Jensen,M.B. &St. Louis,E.K., 2005

Mechanisms of Bihemispheric Brain Infarctions in the Anterior Circulation on Diffusion-Weighted Images
AJNR 26:809-814, Saito,K.,et al, 2005

Thrombosis of the Cerebral VEins and Sinuses
NEJM 352:1791-1798, Stam,J., 2005

Triaging Transient Ischemic Attack and Minor Stroke Patients Using Acute Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Ann Neurol 57:848-854, Coutts,S.B.,et al, 2005

Isolated Monoparesis Following Stroke
JNNP 76:805-807, Paciaroni,M.,et al, 2005

Dissection of the Posterior Cerebral Arteries
Arch Neurol 62:1138-1143, Caplan,L.R.,et al, 2005

Headache as the Only Neurological Sign of Cerebral Venous Thrombosis:A Series of 17 Cases
JNNP 76:1084-1087,1043, Cumurciuc,R.,et al, 2005

Cerebral Venous Thrombosis: Influence of Risk Factors and Imaging Findings on Prognosis
Clin Neurol Neurosurg 107:371-378, Appenzeller,S.,et al, 2005

Internuclear Ophthalmoplegia as an Isolated or Predominant Symptom of Brainstem Infarction
Neurol 62:1491-1496, Kim,J.S., 2004

Hemorrhage in the Atherosclerotic Carotid Plaque: A High-Resolution MRI Study
Stroke 35:1079-1084, Chu,B.,et al, 2004

Diffusion-Weighted Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Internal Carotid Artery Dissection
Arch Neurol 61:510-512, Koch,S.,et al, 2004

MR Venography in Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertenions: Unappreciated and Misunderstood
JNNP 75:621-625, Higgins,J.N.P.,et al, 2004

Hyperacute Ischemic Stroke: Middle Cerebral artery Susceptibility Sign at Echo-Planar Gradient-Echo MR Imaging
Radiology 232:466-473, Rovira,A.,et al, 2004

Isolated Cortical Venous Thrombosis Presenting as Subarachnoid Hemorrhage: A Report of Three Cases
AJNR 25:1676-1679, Chang,R. &Fridman,D.P., 2004

Strokes in the Subinsular Territory
Neurol 63:2429-2432, Kumral,E.,et al, 2004

Brain Stem Venous Congestion Due to Dural Arteriovenous Fistulas of the Cavernous Sinus
Acta Neurochir (Wien) 146:1107-1112, Kai,Y.,et al, 2004

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