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Epstein-Barr Virus Infections of the Nervous System, Nov, Amlie-Lefond,C., 2011

Chorea-Ballismus with Nonketotic Hyperglycemia in Primary Diabetes Mellitus
AJNR 17:1057-1064, Lai,P.,et al, 1996

MR Imaging of the Brain in Neurologic Wilson Disease
AJNR 40:178-183, Yu, X.-E.,et al, 2019

Paraneoplastic and Autoimmune Encephalitis
UptoDate July, Dalmau, J.,et al, 2017

Clinical Associations and Causes of Convexity Subarachnoid Hemorrhage
Stroke 45:1151-1153, Khurram, A.,et al, 2014

Diffusion-Weighted Magnetic Resonance Imaging May Underestimate Acute Ischemic Lesions
Stroke 44:1056-1061, Kawana, H.,et al, 2013

Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathy
eMedicine, Jan, Menon, R.S., 2012

Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathy as Cause of Convexity SAH in the Elderly
Neurologist 16:37-40, Finelli,P., 2010

Oral Fingolimod or Intramuscular Interferon for Relapsing Multiple Sclerosis
NEJM 362:402-415, 456, Cohen,J.A.,et al, 2010

MRI in Methylmalonic Acidemia
Neurol 74:e14, Bindu, P.S.,et al, 2010

Clincopath Conf, Pheochromocytoma
NEJM 362:1815-1823, Case 14-2010, 2010

Response to Immunotherapy in a 20-Month-Old Boy With Anti-NMDA Receptor Encephalitis
Neurol 74:1550-1551, Wong-Kisiel,L.C., et al, 2010

Status Epilepticus Migrainosus: Clinical, Electrophysiologic, and Imaging Characteristics
Neurol 75:373-374, Perucca,P., et al, 2010

Posterior Reversible Encephalopathy Syndrome: Long-Term Follow-Up
JNNP 81:773-777, Roth,C. &Ferbert,A., 2010

A Guide to Imaging for Common Neurological Problems
BMJ 341:388-393, Cohen,A.B., et al, 2010

Hemichorea-Hemiballism after Diabetic Ketoacidosis
NEJM 363:e27, Duker,A.P. &Epsay,A.J., 2010

Clinicopath Conf, Neurosarcoidosis
NEJM 360:802-809, Case 6-2009, 2009

Case 38-2009: A 16-Year-Old Boy with Paroxysmal Headaches and Visual Changes
NEJM 361:2367-2378, Brass,S.,et al, 2009

A Woman With Acute Myelopathy in Pregnancy: Case Outcome
BMJ 339:1372-1376, Reu�,R.,et al, 2009

Voltage-gated Potassium Channel-associated Limbic Encepahlitis in the West of Scotland:Case Reports and Literature Review
Scott Med J 54:27-31, Reid,J.M.,et al, 2009

Diffusion-Weighted MR Imaging: Diagnosing Atypical or Malignant Meningiomas and Detecting Tumor Dedifferentiation
AJNR 29:1147-1152, Nagar,V.A., et al, 2008

Wilson Disease: Description of 282 Patients Evaluated Over 3 Decades
Medicine 86:112-121, Taly,A.B., et al, 2007

Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathy With Symptomatic or Occult Subarachnoid Haemorrhage
Eur Neurol 57:103-105, Karabatsou,K.,et al, 2007

Episodic Neurologic Dysfunction with Migraine and Reversible Imaging Findings After RadiationRRH
Neurol 67:676-678, Pruitt,A.,et al, 2006

Reversible Reduction of Apparent Diffusion Coefficient Values in Bilateral Internal Capsules in Transient Hypoglycemia-Induced Hemiparesis
AJNR 27:1760-1762, Albayram,S.,et al, 2006

Hyperglycemic Hemianopia: A Reversible Complication of Non-Ketotic Hyperglycemia
Neurol 65:616-619, Lavin,P.J.M., 2005

Riversible Diffusion MRI Abnormalities and Transient Mutism after Liver Trnasplantation
Neurol 62:981-983, Bianco,F.,et al, 2004

Neurologic Manifestations in Primary Sjogren Syndrome: A Study of 82 Patients
Medicine 83:280-291, Delalande,S.,et al, 2004

A Case of Reversible Postpartum Cytotoxic Edema in Preeclampsia
JNeuroSci 221:83-87, Na,S.-J.,et al, 2004

Amnesia, Cerebral Atrophy, and Autoimmunity
Lancet 361:1266, Schott,J.M., et al, 2003

Encephalitis lethargica syndrome:20 new cases and evidence of basal ganglia autoimmunity
Brain 127, 21-33, Dale, R.C., et al, 2003

Paraneoplastic Chorea Associated with CRMP-5 Neuronal Antibody and Lung Carcinoma
Ann Neurol 51:625-630, Vernino,S.,et al, 2002

Hemichorea-Hemiballism in Primary Diabetic Patients: MR Correlation
J Comput Assist Tomogr 26:905-911, Lee,E.J.,et al, 2002

Late Onset Postpartum Eclampsia: A Rare and Difficult Diagnosis
J Neurol 249:1287-1291, Dziewas,R.,et al, 2002

Headache and CNS White Matter Abnormalities Associated with Gluten Sensitivity
Neurol 56:385-388, Hadjivassiliou,M.,et al, 2001

Acute Obstructive Hydrocephalus Heralding Neurocysticercosis
Conn Med 65:451-454, Finelli,P.F., 2001

Response to Cancer Therapy in a Patient with a Paraneoplastic Choreiform Disorder
Neurol 57:719-722, Croteau,D.,et al, 2001

Hemidystonia and Hemichoreoathetosis as an Initial Manifestation of Moyamoya Disease
Arch Neurol 57:1510-1512, Lyoo,C.H.,et al, 2000

Chorea Resulting From Paraneoplastic Striatal Encephalitis
JNNP 69:512-515, Tani,T.,et al, 2000

Pontine Lesions Mimicking Acute Peripheral Vestibulopathy
JNNP 66:340-349, Thomke,F.&Hopf,H.C., 1999

Pregnant, Vomiting, and Coma
Lancet 353:1584, Hillbom,M.,et al, 1999

Diffusion-Weighted MRI in Trans Global Amnesia:Elev Signal Intensity in Mesial Temporal Lobe
Ann Neurol 43:164-170, 1511998., Strupp,M.,et al, 1998

Role of Anticardiolipin Antibodies in Young Persons with Migraine & Trans Focal Neuro Events, Prospect Study
Neurol 50:1433-1440, Tietjen,G.E.,et al, 1998

Acute Vestibular Syndrome
NEJM 339:680-685, Hotson,J.R.&Baloh,R.W., 1998

Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathy:Propsects for Clinical Diagnosis and Treatment
Neurol 52:690-694, Greenberg,S.M., 1998

Ophthalmoplegic Migraine:Reversible Enhancement and Thickening of the Cisternal Segment of the Oculomotor Nerve on Contrast-Enhanced MR Images
AJNR 19:1887-1891, Mark,A.S.,et al, 1998

Sydenham Chorea:Magnetic Resonance Imaging Reveals Permanent Basal Ganglia Injury
Neurol 48:531-533, Emery,E.S.&Vieco,P., 1997

CT and MR Findings of Neuroacanthocytosis
J Comput Assist Tomogr 21:221-222, Okamoto,K.,et al, 1997

Clinicopath Conf
Hodgkin's Disease, Paraneoplastic Cerebellar Degeneration, Case 21-1997, NEJM 337:115-12297., , 1997

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