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Six-Minute Magnetic Resonance Imaging Protocol for Evaluation of Acute Ischemic Stroke
Stroke 45:1985-1991, Nael, K.,et al, 2014

Differentiation of Transverse Sinus Thrombosis From Congenitally Atretic Cerebral Transverse Sinus with CT
Stroke 43:1968-1970, Chik, Y.,et al, 2012

Diagnosis and Management of Cerebral Venous Thrombosis: A Statement for Healthcare Professionals From the American Heart Association/American Stroke Association
Stroke 42:1158-1192, Saposnik,G.,et al, 2011

Neuroimaging in Acute Posterior Cerebral Artery Infarction
The Neurologist 14:170-180, Finelli,P.F., 2008

Investigating Suspected Cerebral Venous Thrombosis
BMJ 334:794-795, Smit,R. &Hourihan,M.D., 2007

Diagnosis of Cerebral Venous Thrombosis with Routine Magnetic Resonance: An Update
Eur Neurol 40:179-190, Bianchi,D.,et al, 1998

Practice Guidelines for the Use of Imaging in Transient Ischemic Attacks and Acute Stroke
Stroke 28:1480-1497, Culebras,A.,et al, 1997

CT Angiography in the Evaluation of Acute Stroke
AJNR 18:1011-1020, 10211997., Shrier,D.A.,et al, 1997

Prethrombolysis Brain Imaging:Trends and Controversies
AJNR 18:1830-1834, Castillo,M., 1997

Thrombosis of the Deep Venous Drainage of Brain in Adults:Analysis of Seven Cases with Review of Literature
Arch Neurol 52:1101-1108, Crawford,S.C.,et al, 1995

The Clinical Efficacy of Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Neuroimaging
Ann Int Med 120:856-871, 872-8751994., Kent,D.L.,et al, 1994

Magnetic Resonance Imaging
NEJM 328:708-716, 785-7911993., Edelman,R.R.&Warach,S., 1993

Dural Sinus Occlusion Due to Calvarial Metastases:A CT Blind Spot
J Comput Assist Tomogr 16:30-34, Chaudhuri,R.,et al, 1992

A Man with Headache, Fever, and Neck Stiffness
JAMA 321:1624-1625, Cooper, R.,et al, 2019

Multimodal Diagnostic Imaging for Hyperacute Stroke
AJNR 36:2206-2213, Vo, K.D.,et al, 2015

Diagnosis of Reversible Causes of Coma
Lancet 384:2064-2076, Edlow, J.A.,et al, 2014

Diffusion-Weighted Magnetic Resonance Imaging May Underestimate Acute Ischemic Lesions
Stroke 44:1056-1061, Kawana, H.,et al, 2013

A Trial of Imaging Selection and Endovascular Treatment for Ischemic Stroke
NEJM 368:914-923,952, Kidwell, C.S.,et al, 2013

Treatment of Patients with Suspected Ischemic Stroke of Undetermined Onset and Negative Head Computed Tomography Scan
Stroke 44:1494-1495, Adams, H., 2013

A Plain Computed Tomography Scan is Sufficient to Consider Thrombolysis in Patients with Unknown Time of Onset
Stroke 44:1492-1493, Alexandrov, A., 2013

Sensitivity of MRI of the Spine Compared with CT Myelography in Orthostatic Headache with CSF Leak
Neurol 81:1789-1792, Starling, A.,et al, 2013

Acute Stroke Imaging: CT with CT Angiography and CT Perfusion before Management Decisions
AJNR 33:792-794, Fox, A.J.,et al, 2012

Addition of Magnetic Resonance Imaging to Computed Tomography and Sensitivity to Blood in Pituitary Apoplexy
Arch Neurol 68:1334-1335, Flanagan, E.P.,et al, 2011

New-Onset Aferbrile Seizures in Infants: Role of Neuroimaging
Neurol 74:150-158, Hsieh,D.,et al, 2010

Prospective Study of New-Onset Seizures Presenting as Status Epilepticus in Childhood
Neurol 74:636-642, 624, Singh,R.K.,et al, 2010

MRI Versus CT for Detection of Acute Vascular Lesions in Patients Presenting with Stroke Symptoms
Stroke 41:e427-e428, Brazzelli,M., et al, 2010

Clinical and Neuroimaging Findings of Cree Leukodystrophy: A Retrospective Case Series
AJNR 31: 1418-1423, Harder,S.,et al, 2010

Atypical Dementia
Lancet 376:656, Cohen-Bittan,J. et al, 2010

Lumbar Spinal Stenosis
NEJM 358:818-825, Katz,J.N. &Harris,M.B., 2008

Clinicopath Conf., Allergic Fungal Sinusitis
NEJM 359:2825-2833, Case 40-2008, 2008

Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Computed Tomography in Emergency Assessment of Patients With Suspected Acute Stroke: A Prospective Comparison
Lancet, 369:293-298,252, Chalela,J.A.,et al, 2007

Established Treatments for Acute Ischaemic Stroke
Lancet 369:319-330, Khaja,A.M. &Grotta,J.C., 2007

Comparison of CT Perfusion and Angiography and MRI in Selecting Stroke Patients for Acute Treatment
Neurol 68:694-697, Wintermark,M.,et al, 2007

CT-NIHSS Mismatch Does Not Correlate With MRI Diffusion-Perfusion Mismatch
Stroke 38:2079-2084,2028, Mess,S.R.,et al, 2007

MRI-Based and CT-Based Thrombolytic Therapy in Acute Stroke Within and Beyond Established Time Windows
Stroke 38:2640-2645, Schellinger,P.D.,et al, 2007

Practice Parameter: Evaluating an Apparent Unprovoked First Seizure in Adults (An Evidence-Based Review): Report of the Quality Standards Subcommittee of the American Academy of Neurology and the American Epilepsy Society
Neurol 69:1996-2007, Krumholz,A.,et al, 2007

MR Angiography Versus CT Angiography in the Evaluation of Neurovascular Disease
Radiology 245:357-361, Bowen,B.C., 2007

CT and MR Characteristics of Cerebral Sparganosis
AJNR 28:1700-1705, Song,T.,et al, 2007

Epilepsy in Children
Lancet 367:499-524, Guerrini,R., 2006

CT and MR Imaging Findings in Methanol Intoxication
AJNR 27:452-454, Blanco,M.,et al, 2006

Imaging-Guided Acute Ischemic Stroke Therapy: From "Time is Brain" to "Physiology is Brain"
AJNR 27:728-735, Gonzalez,R.G., 2006

Amebic Meningoencepahlitis: Spectrum of Imaging Findings
AJNR 27:1217-1221, Singh,P.,et al, 2006

MR Imaging and Prognosis of Hypoxic-Ischemic Leukoencephalopathy
Neurocrit Care 4:119-126, Finelli,P. &DiMario,F.J. Jr., 2006

Guidelines for the Early Management of Patients with Ischemic Stroke
Stroke 36:916-921, Adams,H.,et al, 2005

MR Features of Cerebral Aspergillosis in an Immunocompetent Patient: Correlation with Histology and Elemental Analysis
AJNR 26:835-838, Phuttharak,W.,et al, 2005

The Genetic Causes of Basal Ganglia Calcification, Dementia, and Bone Cysts
Neurol 64:1502-1507, Klunemann,H.H.,et al, 2005

Intracerebral Hemorrhage
The Neurologist 11:311-324, Badjatia,N. &Rosand,J., 2005

Stroke Magnetic Resonance Imaging is Accurate in Hyperacute Intracerebral Hemorrhage, A Multicenter Study on the Validity of Stroke Imaging
Stroke 35:502-507, Fiebach,J.B.,et al, 2004

Comparison of MRI and CT for Detection of Acute Intracerebral Hemorrhage
JAMA 292:1823-1830, Kidwell,C.S.,et al, 2004

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