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Risks and Benefits of Shunting in Carotid Endarterectomy
Stroke 23:1583-1587, Halsey,J.H., 1992

Limitations of EEG Monitoring in the Detection of Cerebral Ischemia Accompanying Carotid Endarterectomy
J Vasc Surg 13:439-443, Kresowik,T.F.,et al, 1991

The Value of Cerebral Angiography in Predicting Cerebral Ischemia During Carotid Endarterectomy
AJR 159:1057-1061, Schwartz,R.D., 1992

The Ischemic Tolerance of Neural Tissue & the Need for Monitoring & Selective Shunting During Carotid Endarterectomy
Jr. , Stroke 14:93-117983., Sundt,T.M., 1983

Intra-Operative Monitoring & Internal Shunts:Are They Necessary in Carotid Endarterectomy
Stroke 13:287-289, Ferguson,G.G., 1982

Carotid Endarterectomy:To Shunt or Not to Shunt
Stroke 19:1485-1490, Gumerlock,M.K.&Neuwelt,E.A., 1988

Carotid Endarterectomy, To Shunt or Not to Shunt
Arch Neurol 43:615-617, Ferguson,G.G., 1986

Carotid Endarterectomy, To Shunt or Not to Shunt
Arch Neurol 43:617-618, Ojemann,R.G.&Heros,R.C., 1986

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