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Filter Applied: polymyositis (Click to remove)

Polymyositis Masquerading as Motor Neuron Disease
Arch Neurol 60:1001-1003, Ryan,A.,et al, 2003

Neurologic Aspects of Inflammatory Bowel Disease
Neurol 45:416-421, Lossos,A.,et al, 1995

Facioscapulohumeral Dystrophy, In Skeletal Muscle Pathology
Churchhill Livingstone, NY, p285, 30392., Mastaglia,F.L.&Walton,J., 1992

Neurologic Complications of Rheumatoid Arthritis
Orth Clin North Am 6:861-881, Nakano,K.K., 1975

Diseases of Muscles-Clinical Manifestations & Differential Diagnosis
The New Physic 263, 1967, Oct., Boshes,L., 1967

Mechanisms, Causes, and Effects of Hypercapnia
UptoDate Dec, Feller-Kopman, D.J. & Schwartzstein, R.M., 2016

Inflammatory Myopathies with Anti-Ku Antibodies
Medicine 91:95-102, Rigolet,A.,et al, 2012

A Case of Necrotizing Myopathy with Proximal Weakness and Cardiomayopathy
Neurol 78:1527-1532, Matthews,E.,et al, 2012

Sjogren Syndrome: Neurologic Complications,Jan, Roman,G.C., 2010

Monoclonal Antibody Therapies and Neurologic Disorders
Arch Neurol 65:1162-1165, Novack,J.C.,et al., 2008

Clinicopath Conf,Systemic Sclerosis with Scleroderma Renal Crisis
NEJM 345:596-605, Case 26-2001, 2001

Dilated Stomach and Weak Muscles
Lancet 356:1898, Rigby,S.P.,et al, 2000

Congenital Muscular Dystrophy with Primary Laminin a2 (Merosin) Deficiency Presenting as Inflammatory Myopathy
Ann Neurol 40:782-791, Pegoraro,E.,et al, 1996

Myositis:Immunologic Contributions to Understanding Cause, Pathogenesis, and Therapy
Ann Int Med 122:715-724, Plotz,P.H.,et al, 1995

Myositis-Specific Autoantibodies, Touchstones for Understanding the Inflammatory Myopathies
JAMA 270:1846-1849, Miller,F.W., 1993

Clinical Uses of Intravenous Immunoglobulins
Ann Int Med 112:278-292, Berkman,S.A.,et al, 1990

HTLV-1 Associated Myelopathy and Polymyositis in a US Native
Neurol 39:1572-1575, Evans,B.K.,et al, 1989

Facioscapulohumeral Muscular Dystrophy, in Neuromuscular Disease
Springer-Verlag, NY, p289988., Swash,M.&Schwartz,M.S., 1988

Inflammatory Myopathies
Ann Neurol 17:215-227, 317-3231985., Mastaglia,F.L.,et al, 1985

Inflammatory Facioscapulohumeral Muscular Dystrophy & Coats Syndrome
Ann Neurol 12:398-401, Wulff,J.D.,et al, 1982

Cranial Neuropathy, Myeloradiculopathy, & Myositis, Complications of Mycoplasma Pneumoniae Infection
Arch Neurol 36:476-477, Rothstein,T.L.,et al, 1979

Isolated Trigeminal Sensory Neuropathy:Early Manifestation of Mixed Connective Tissue Disease
Neurol 28:1286-1289, Searles,R.P.,et al, 1978

Polymyositis & Dermatomyositis
NEJM 292:344, 1975, 292:403975., Bohan,A.,et al, 1975

Quadriceps Myopathy-Entity or Syndrome
Arch Neurol 31:60, Boddie,H.,et al, 1974

Neurologic Manifestations of Progressive Systemic Sclerosis, 1972
Nebraska Med J 58:106, Aita,J.A., 1973

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