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Neurologic Aspects of Inflammatory Bowel Disease
Neurol 45:416-421, Lossos,A.,et al, 1995

Dysphagia and a rash
BMJ 361:k1590, McFarlane, M. & Disney, B., 2018

Monoclonal Antibody Therapies and Neurologic Disorders
Arch Neurol 65:1162-1165, Novack,J.C.,et al., 2008

Inflammatory Myopathies
Ann Neurol 17:215-227, 317-3231985., Mastaglia,F.L.,et al, 1985

Eosinophilic Polymyositis
Ann Neurol 1:65, Layzer,R.B.,et al, 1977

Adult Toxoplasmosis Presenting as Polymyositis & Cerebellar Ataxia
Ann Int Med 82:367, Greenlee,J.,et al, 1975

Neurologic Complications of Rheumatoid Arthritis
Orth Clin North Am 6:861-881, Nakano,K.K., 1975

Neurologic Manifestations of Progressive Systemic Sclerosis, 1972
Nebraska Med J 58:106, Aita,J.A., 1973

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