Clinicopatholigic Conference, Rheumatoid Arthritis with Vasculitis Causing A Confluent Mononeuritis Multiplex
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A 67-Year-Old Woman with Progressive Tingling Sensations and Imlalance
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Clinicopathologic Conference, Functional Vitamin B12 Deficiency from Use of Nitrous Oxide
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Pernicious Anaemia
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A 53-year-old Woman with Lower Extremity Paresthesias
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Pes Cavus and Neuropathy
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Clinicopathologic Conference, Vitamin C Deficiency (Scurvey), Vitamin B6 & Folate Deficiencies
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Hearing and Vision Loss in an Older Man
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A 74-year-old Woman with Bilateral Foot Pain and a Palmar Rash
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Diabetic Sensory and Motor Neuropathy
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Burning Hands and Feet
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Chronic and Slowly Progressive Weakness of the Legs and Hands
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Copper Deficiency
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Erythromelalgia? A Clinical Study of People Who Experience Red, Hot, Painful Feet in the Community
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A 63-Year-Old Woman with Urinary Incontinence and Progressive Gait Disorder
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A 52-Year-Old Woman With Disabling Peripheral Neuropathy: Review of Diabetic Polyneuropathy
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Small Fiber Neuropathy: A Burning Problem
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Charcot Neuroarthropathy in the Era of HAART
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Value of the Oral Glucose Tolerance Test in the Evaluation of Chronic Idiopathic Axonal Polyneuropathy
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Clinicopath Conf., Leprosy
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Clinicopath Conf., Small-Fiber Neuropathy
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Painful Sensory Neuropathy
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Chronic Ischemic Monomelic Neuropathy from Critical Limb Ischemia
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Neurological manifestations in Chronic Mountain Sickness: The Burning Feet-Burning Hands Syndrome
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Painful Sensory Neuropathy, Prospective Evaluation Using Skin Biopsy
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Clinical and Genetic Abnormalities in Patients with Friedreich's Ataxia
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Charcot-Marie-Tooth Disease and Related Inherited Neuropathies
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